Fiqhforeconomist1 130806192108 Phpapp02
Fiqhforeconomist1 130806192108 Phpapp02
Fiqhforeconomist1 130806192108 Phpapp02
ECON 3510
Supplication of today
Supplication for one whose affairs have
become difficult
Lord of the angels and the ruh: Jibrail
Fiqh/Legal Maxims
The Definition:The jurists have defined a legal maxim
as a general legal rule which applies to all its
Most important and principal legal maxims are:
1- Matters are determined according to intention.
2- Certainty cannot be removed by doubt.
3-The principle about things is permissibility .
4- Freedom from liability is a fundamental
5- Hardship begets facility.
6- Harm should be removed.
Matters are determined according to
Acts have been linked to intention.
A tradition of the Prophet p.b.u.h. reads: Deeds
are judged by intentions and every person is
judged according to his intention.
The purpose of Intention (Niyyah):
1- It distinguishes between habitual actions and
actions of worship.
2- It distinguishes between action of worships
one from another.
3- it distinguishes the purpose of the action for
the sake of ALLAH only or not.
-In the event of a difference between the
intention and the wordings of the contract,
consideration should be given to the
meaning and not to the literal wording.
Certainty cannot be removed by Doubt
Importance of property:
Property is the subject matter of ownership and all
It is also ranked among the five essential values
which the Shariah protects.
The concept of property including all forms of wealth:
intellectual properties, patents, copyrights,
confidential information, and trade secrets.
Definition of Property
considered property.
Property in the view of Muslim jurists:
1- According to the Malikis ,Shafiis, and Hanbalis
who constitute the majority of the Fiqh Schools,
Private property or mal includes: all permissible
things which have financial value.
How financial value could be existed in property ?
By the destruction of which a person is held
responsible either it is much or little.
- The financial value of a certain thing determines
whether it is property or not
2 nd veiw: The Hanafis define property (mal)
a thing that can be possessed and which is
customarily used by the people.
The Hanafis confined the meaning of
property to valuable things that could be
possessed, and stored for later use.
This argument excludes intangible
assets such as usufruct (manfaah) and rights
from the definition of the property.
Classification of P roperty
1-Based on the value of property according to
Valuable and non-valuable properties
Valuable (Mutaqawim) property includes all
permissible things in Shariah, and things that can
be possessed and secured.
Non-valuable property, includes all those things,
which are prohibited by the Shariah: wine, prok...
and things which cannot be possessed: pork, wine,
birds in the sky, fish in the sea, and minerals inside
the earth.
1- weight : gold, silver.
2- measures : grain, oil
3- numbers : eggs, orange
4- measurement such as meters: Fabrics,
Dissimilar or non-homogenous (qimi)
property is a property the like of which could
not be found in markets or when it is found
dissimilarities would still exist.
-They include all those properties which
cannot be exchanged by weight or
measurement of capacity such as land,
houses, animals, trees, precious stones, used
cars or books, hand-written books and etc.
The Consequences of this classification
cloth, watches.
According to Malikis in partnership contract
I am fasting , I am fasting.
The Theory of Right ( Haq) and obligation (Dayn )
obligation is Shariah
The Pillars of Right
1- The owner of the right (sahib al-haq) which
could be Allah swt, humans, or institutions.
2- The subject (mahal al-haq) on which a right
is exercised . Ex: debt, property.
3- The person who is under the obligation
(man alayhi al-haq). Ex: the borrower is
under obligation to return his debt.
4- The source of Haq.
Classification of Rights
he has rented.
A lender in loan contract has the right to claim
his loan.
Non-financial rights are those, which are not
expressed .
Consent can be known through : an offer (ijab) and
acceptance (qabul) by the parties .
According to Hanafis, a contract stands on two
Sighah ijab
Pillars of
Majority contract
Contracting Parties
Subject Matter
I. Expression (Ijab and Qabul) (Sighah)
Mutual consent of parties is the basis for
formation of a contract.
However consent is an intangible mental fact.
Ahliyyah al-wujub
Complete Incomplete
complete or incomplete
A child in this age group is called sabi al-mumaiyz
considered as a sefih.
The opposite of sufha is rushd which refers to
1- A guardian should have a complete capacity to
2- A guardian must be a Muslim . A non-Muslim
cannot be the guardian for a Muslim ward and a
Muslim cannot become the guardian for a non-
Muslim ward.
3- A guardian must be just. A guardian must be
a pious and practising Muslim and has a good
2. It can be delivered
3. It should be precisely determined
4. It must be suitable for transactions
according to Shari'a
1.The subject matter must exist
Islamic law requires that subject matter must be
Deficiencies of Consent
When the consent is defective, the contract is
not valid.
The existence of the following factors makes
4- Deception (al-Ghubun)
Deception may happen due to the ignorance of the buyer
Valid Invalid
voidable or irregular.
Voidable contracts do not have legal effects.
Prophet p.b.u.h.
1- The hadith states: Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (Allah
be pleased with him) reported Allah's
Messenger(may peace be upon him) as saying:
Gold is to be paid for by gold, silver by
silver, wheat by wheat, barley by barley,
dates by dates, salt by salt, like by like,
payment being made hand to hand. He who
made an addition to it, or asked for an
addition, in fact dealt in usury. The receiver
and the giver are equally guilty (Muslim).
2- In another hadith it is narrated: Abo Sa'id
reported: Bilal (Allah be pleased with him) came
with fine quality of dates. Allah's Messenger
(may peace be upon him) said to him: From
where (you have brought them)? Bilal said: We
had inferior quality of dates and I exchanged
two sa's (of inferior quality) with one sa (of fine
quality) as food for Allah's Apostle (may peace
be upon him), whereupon Allah's Messenger
(may peace be upon him) said: Woe! it is in fact
usury; therefore, don't do that. But when you
intend to buy dates (of superior quality), sell (the
inferior quality) in a separate bargain and then
buy (the superior quality).
Gold, silver, wheat, barley, dates, and salt are
also called ribawi properties.
in Riba (The underlying cause)
- Fiqh Schools are of the opinion that the hadith is
of general application and is not necessarily
confined to these six items but could be
extended to other commodities through Qiyas.
- However, they differ among themselves as to the
reason (illah) for the prohibition:
Malikis the unequal exchange of gold against gold
and silver against silver is prohibited as they belong
to the class of moneys. They also say that the four
other commodities which are mentioned by the
hadith are types of foodstuffs, which can be stored
or preserved. They argue that the illah is the quality
of storability therefore all foodstuffs that can be
stored are covered by the hadith.
The Shafiis and Hanbalis while agree with the
Malikis on gold and silver contend that storability is
not necessary and the hadith could be extended to
all foodstuffs.
The Hanafis, however extended the hadith to all
commodities that are normally sold by weight or
The combined effect of these two hadith is that
when ribawi properties are exchanged against
each other they should be exchanged on equal
basis and any such exchange should be
Riba al-fadhl arises when:
1- one of these commodities is exchanged for
an unequal amount of the same commodity or
2- when the amounts are equal the delivery of
one of them is deferred
For example, usurious either to sell or exchange
one measure of wheat for two measures of
wheat or one kg of dates for two kg of dates or
one measure of wheat for two measures
deliverable at a future period.
If the parties are not willing to exchange their
commodities such as dates on equal basis
then one of them should sell his dates and
use the money to purchase the dates from
the other party.
Equality is not a condition where different
ribawi commodities are exchanged against
each other. However, such an exchange should
take place immediately and from hand to hand.
For instance, the sale of ten grams of gold for
fifty grams of silver, and the sale of two loads
of barley in exchange for one load of wheat are
not usury because these commodities are not
of the same type. However, the exchange
should be immediate. It is not lawful to sell ten
grams of gold for fifty grams of silver or one
measure of wheat for two measures of barley
payable at a future time..