GLG Institute: Private Equity: Understanding Leveraged Buyouts
GLG Institute: Private Equity: Understanding Leveraged Buyouts
GLG Institute: Private Equity: Understanding Leveraged Buyouts
GLG Institute
GLG Institute
October 19th
New York City
GLG Institute
Professional Education On Anything. Anywhere.
Presenter Biography
Professor Jake Cohen is an Affiliate Professor of Accounting and Control and
Business Law at INSEAD and the Director of the INSEAD-PricewaterhouseCoopers Research
Initiative. Professor Cohen teaches courses in Financial Accounting, Corporate Financial
Reporting & Analysis, Financial Statements Analysis, Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate
Restructurings, and Business Law in both INSEAD's Singapore and Fontainebleau, campuses.
Prior to teaching at INSEAD, he was a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Accounting & Management
group at the Harvard Business School and Professor at the Harvard Extension School in
Cambridge Massachusetts. At Harvard University, he taught courses in Business Analysis,
Valuation, and Creating Value through Corporate Restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions, and
was recognized for outstanding teaching. Prior to teaching at Harvard for four years, he taught at
Syracuse University as an accounting professor, where he was named 'Professor of the Year' and
was selected as the graduation keynote speaker at the school's commencement ceremony. He
currently sits on the Syracuse University Accounting Department's Advisory Board.
Professor Cohen worked as a tax accountant at KPMG LLP in Philadelphia and as a mergers and
acquisition tax attorney for PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in New York City. He currently consults
and trains investment bankers at such firms at The Blackstone Group, Credit Suisse, Bank of
America, Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin, and others. He has also tutored CEOs and Members
of Board of Directors of Fortune 500 companies, such as Aetna, Astra Zeneca, Jones Lang LaSalle,
and others.
GLG Institute
Professional Education On Anything. Anywhere.
Table of Contents
Financial buyers in mergers and acquisitions
Identifying attractive buyout targets
Understanding the drivers of private equity transactions
Capital markets regulation
Interest rates
Risks and concerns in current buyout market
Cases to discuss: Hertz, Toys R Us, Dunkin Donuts, Ducati, Coles,
Serena Software
What is Private Equity?
Private Equity Partnership Structure
The LPs of the partnership are the investors, i.e., the main providers
of capital. These are typically wealthy individuals, endowments,
pension funds, and other institutional investors.
General Partner Compensation
While the fee and carry vary across partnerships, the 2-and-20 is a
standard that many funds gravitate towards.
“Money Goes, Where Money is Treated Best”
Source: Blaydon and Weinwright, “The balance between debt and added value,” Financial Times, September 29, 2006 8
Financial Buyers in Mergers & Acquisitions
2003 8% 15%
2005 11% 5%
2006 25% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Industry players
Recent Funds Announced
Private equity firms are external change agents
Now with larger and larger funds as well as the growing trend of
club deals, buyout shops are able to go after the larger companies,
leading to those companies becoming more responsive – forced to
change given more shareholders activism.
Classes within Private Equity
Venture Capital
Mezzanine Financing
Leverage Buyouts
Distressed investing
Leveraged Buyouts (LBO)
LBOs use the assets or cash flows of the company to secure debt
financing, bonds or bank loans, to purchase the outstanding equity
of the company.
Successful LBO Strategies
Finding cheap assets – buying low and selling high (value arbitrage
or multiple expansion)
Value Creation
Value Creation
Wealth transfer
Wealth transfer from current employees to new investors – low
management turnover (but sometimes new mgmt. team), slower
growth in number of employees
Tax benefits in LBO constitute subsidy from public and loss of
revenue to government – LBO premiums positively related to
tax benefit
• Net effect of LBO on government tax revenues may be
positive due to gains to shareholders and increased
• Many of tax benefits could be realized without LBOs
Value Creation
Mortgage Analogy
Mortgage Analogy (cont.)
Leverage Amplifier – the double edge sword
Apax Partners
Bear Stearns Merchant Bank
Disadvantages of Public Equity Financing
Capital Markets Regulation
(a) RULES REQUIRED.—The Commission shall prescribe rules requiring each annual report
required by section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78o(d))
to contain an internal control report, which shall—
(1) state the responsibility of management for establishing and maintaining an adequate
internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting; and
(2) contain an assessment, as of the end of the most recent fiscal year of the issuer, of the
effectiveness of the internal control structure and procedures of the issuer for financial
Dunkin Donuts
Dunkin' brands has been sold to a group of private equity firms for
$2.43 billion, Bain capital, the Carlyle Group and Thomas H. Lee
Partners. What was the reason to buy?
Serena Software
“By taking the company private we can take a bit of a longer term
view on how to grow and run the company and invest a bit more
aggressively in areas we think will help us build a stronger, more
successful company and not have to focus on making earnings every
90 days.”
“I think that, both on the sell side and the buy side analysts tend to
focus just on earnings and earnings is how the measuring stick for the
success, health or failure of a company.
Investing in Technology
Coles Myer
“KKR, unable to engage the CML directors unless they are prepared to offer
more than $14.50. If KKR was prepared to offer that price (and that would
have depended on the outcome of its due diligence) it suggests that it
shares CML's view that there is potentially much more value in the group,
and believes that it is capable of unlocking it - where, to date, CML hasn't
But any increase in the bid price would reduce the bidder's IRR (internal
rate of return) and mean a transfer of some of that value away from the
Bryan Frith, “Hostility Looms as Coles and KKR bicker over the price,” The Australian, September 27, 2006
Risks and Concerns in the Buyout Market
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Christine Ruane
Senior Product Manager
Gerson Lehrman Group
850 Third Avenue, 9th Floor
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GLG Institute
Professional Education On Anything. Anywhere.
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