The document contains one sentence advising the reader to live each day as if it were their last but continue learning as if they had an endless lifetime ahead of them. It suggests balancing urgency in life with ongoing growth through education.
The document contains one sentence advising the reader to live each day as if it were their last but continue learning as if they had an endless lifetime ahead of them. It suggests balancing urgency in life with ongoing growth through education.
The document contains one sentence advising the reader to live each day as if it were their last but continue learning as if they had an endless lifetime ahead of them. It suggests balancing urgency in life with ongoing growth through education.
The document contains one sentence advising the reader to live each day as if it were their last but continue learning as if they had an endless lifetime ahead of them. It suggests balancing urgency in life with ongoing growth through education.
Behold, I Stand at The Door and Knock. If Anyone Hears My Voice and Opens The Door, I Will Come in To Him and Eat With Him, and He With Me. Jesus Christ
Give To Everyone Who Begs From You and of Him Who Takes Away Your Goods Do Not Ask Them Again. and As You Wish That Men Would Do To You, Do So To Them. Jesus Christ
A Common Mistake That People Make When Trying To Design Something Completely Foolproof Is To Underestimate The Ingenuity of Complete Fools. - Douglas Adams
A Good Scientist Is A Person With Original Ideas. A Good Engineer Is A Person Who Makes A Design That Works With As Few Original Ideas As Possible - Freeman Dyson