CH 06
CH 06
CH 06
What is a financial option?
An option is a contract which gives its
holder the right, but not the obligation,
to buy (or sell) an asset at some
predetermined price within a specified
period of time.
It does not obligate its owner to take
any action. It merely gives the owner
the right to buy or sell an asset.
Option Terminology
Call option: An option to buy a specified number of
shares of a security within some future period.
Put option: An option to sell a specified number of
shares of a security within some future period.
Option Terminology
In-the-money call: A call whose
exercise price is less than the current
price of the underlying stock.
Out-of-the-money call: A call option
whose exercise price exceeds the
current stock price.
Option Terminology
LEAPS: Long-term Equity AnticiPation
Securities that are similar to
conventional options except that they
are long-term options with maturities of
up to 2 1/2 years.
Consider the following data:
Option value
Market price
Exercise value
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Stock Price
An Example
t t* T
$47 $55
At t, stock price is $47, exercise price = $50,
cost of the call option = $3.75.
At t*, stock price is $55.
What actions will you take at time t*?
Three Alternatives
Alternative one: exercise the call option
and realize a gross profit of $5.00 and
net profit of $1.25.
Alternative two is to sell the call option
in the market.
Alternative three is to keep holding the
call option and do nothing.
Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model
V = P[N(d1)] - Xe -r t[N(d2)]
Impact on Call Value
Option period: As the expiration date is
lengthened, a call option’s value increases
(more chance of becoming in the money.)
Risk-free rate: Call option’s value tends to
increase as rRF increases (reduces the PV of
the exercise price).
Stock return variance: Option value increases
with variance of the underlying stock (more
chance of becoming in the money).
Put Options
A put option gives its holder the right to
sell a share of stock at a specified stock
on or before a particular date.
Put-Call Parity
Portfolio 1:
Put option, P
Share of stock, S
Portfolio 2:
Call option, C
PV of exercise price, X
Portfolio Payoffs for
S<X and S≥X
Port. 1 Port. 2 Port. 1 Port. 2
Stock S S
Put X-S 0
Call 0 S-X
Cash X X
Total X X S S
Put-Call Parity Relationship
Portfolio payoffs are equal, so portfolio values
also must be equal.
Put + Stock = Call + PV of Exercise Price
P + S = C + Xe
P = C – S + Xe