Types OF Contracts: DR/ Mena Shaker
Types OF Contracts: DR/ Mena Shaker
Types OF Contracts: DR/ Mena Shaker
Dr/ Mena Shaker
Welcome to our lectures
Contracts are different types and varies from
situation to another .
1. Pizza by mistake of delivery
2. Engagement Gifts
3. Pay for someone in need
Accprding to Contract Act about the situations
where court can create Quasi Contract.
A Contract has got formed between X and Y on 1st Jan,
According to which X has to deliver goods to Y on 3rd
Jan and Y has to pay amount on 3rd Jan.
It is bilateral contract.
on the basis of Nature of Consideration .
Unilateral Contract: If considerations is to be
moved in one direction only after the Contract,
it is called Unilateral Contract.
A has lost his purse and B is its finder.
free consent,
legal obligations,
lawful object,
capacity of parties,
It is Valid Contract.
A Contract which is not enforceable in a court
of law is called Void Contract.
There is a contract between X and Y
according to which Y has to murder Z for a
consideration of 10 000 $ from X.
It is illegal contract.
A contract which has not properly
fulfilled legal formalities is called
unenforceable contract.
It is unenforceable contract.
Void Contracts and Illegal Contracts
Note that : The type of contract changed according to different cases in exchange the promises
Enjoy your contracting now
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