The document discusses Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy approach. The goals are to create a supportive environment to help clients understand themselves by dismantling facades. When facades crumble, clients move towards openness, self-trust, internal evaluation, and openness to growth. The therapist's role is to build a therapeutic climate through unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence to facilitate the client's exploration and development of healthier self-perceptions.
The document discusses Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy approach. The goals are to create a supportive environment to help clients understand themselves by dismantling facades. When facades crumble, clients move towards openness, self-trust, internal evaluation, and openness to growth. The therapist's role is to build a therapeutic climate through unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence to facilitate the client's exploration and development of healthier self-perceptions.
The document discusses Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy approach. The goals are to create a supportive environment to help clients understand themselves by dismantling facades. When facades crumble, clients move towards openness, self-trust, internal evaluation, and openness to growth. The therapist's role is to build a therapeutic climate through unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence to facilitate the client's exploration and development of healthier self-perceptions.
The document discusses Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy approach. The goals are to create a supportive environment to help clients understand themselves by dismantling facades. When facades crumble, clients move towards openness, self-trust, internal evaluation, and openness to growth. The therapist's role is to build a therapeutic climate through unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence to facilitate the client's exploration and development of healthier self-perceptions.
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usaha membantu klien untuk mjd seorang pribadi berfungsi penuh (klien memahami hal-hal yang ada di balik topeng yg dikenakan). Ketika dinding kepura-puraan runtuh maka orang bergerak ke arah mjd bertambah teraktualkan yaitu: keterbukaan kpd pengalaman (mjd sadar thd kenyataan sbgmn kenyataan itu hadir di luar dirinya) Kepercayaan thd organisme sendiri (membangun rasa percaya thd diri sendiri) Tempat evaluasi internal (mencari jawaban kpd diri sendiri bagi masalah keberadaanya) Kesediaan utk menjadi suatu proses (dlm terapi klien berada dlm proses pengujian persepsi, kepercayaan & membuka diri bagi pengalaman baru dan merevisi drpd mjd wujud yg membeku) Fungsi & Peran Terapis
Peran terapis berakar pada cara-cara
keberadaanya dan sikap-sikapnya bukan penggunaan teknik untuk dirancang menjadikan klien “berbuat sesuatu” Terjadi perubahan pada klien bukan pd pengetahuan, teori atau teknik tetapi sikap terapis (terapis menggunakan dirinya sendiri sbg alat untuk mengubah) Fungsi terapis membangun iklim teraupetik yg menunjang pertumbuhan klien Terapis membangun hubungan yg membantu klien mengalami kebebasan yg diperlukan untuk mengeksplorasi area-area hidupnya yg skrg diingkari/didstorsi shg klien mjd lebih terbuka Melalui perhatian yg tulus, respek, penerimaan & pengertian terapis, klien dpt menghilangkan pertahanan-pertahanan & persepsi-persepsinya yg kaku serta bergerak menuju taraf fungsi pribadi yg lebih tinggi. Tiga sikap terapis keselarasan atau kesejatian