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Visualize And Attract

Positive Visualization Brings Success

By Patric Chan
Table of Contents
About Patric Chan
The Power Within
Mind ands Its Material
Relation of Senses
Imagination and Judgment
Visualization ands Its Power
Repetition and Personalization
Chinese Philosophy
Belief Systems
Reasoning Systems
Subconscious Thinking
Your Own Personal Magic Make Miracles Happen
Daily Affirmation
- How I Visualize and Affirm My Deepest Desires
- Self-hypnosis for Your Own Peace of Mind
Power Goal Setting
Think and Act Reach
- Feel Rich And Be Thankful For It
- Be Generous
- Tap Your Potentials
- The Wealth Visualization Mechanism
Maximizing Your Mindset
- The power of Your Shower
- Your Capacity to Understand

About Patric Chan:

Patric Chan is one of those "ordinary person" turned

extraordinary despite his "interesting" background.

Living in a small island in Malaysia, never been to a

college or University in his life before, have totally no
network of association and starting from zero money,
Patric is now an author, international speaker and

Patric had shared the speaking stage with many millionaires and world-
class speakers in several countries and co-authored a book with authors
like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, etc at

To help people around the world to achieve success, he specializes in

breaking down complex success techniques and strategies into simple-to-
understand concepts that can be applied instantly to their life. That is
why, his concepts are based on the "Chan" do method -- Turning the
"can't" into "Chan".

He's a strong believer of achieving success and creating wealth by learning

from other successful people around the world -- Investing in your own
self for total success.

Patric’s You Chan Do It Personal Achievement Newsletter is subscribed by

thousands of people around the world, and it is where Patric shares
valuable self-improvement tips and information that will take the
subscriber to the next level of personal improvement.

When not at work, Patric spends time with his wife, Emily.

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It is my privilege to enclose herewith Positive Visualization Brings
Happiness to you. Would you bring into your life more power, get the
power consciousness, more health, get the health consciousness, more
happiness, and get the happiness consciousness. Live the spirit of these
things until they become yours by right. It will then become impossible to
keep them from you. The things of the world are fluid to a power within
man by which he rules them.

You need not acquire this power. You already have it. But you want to
understand it; you want to use it; you want to control it; you want to
impregnate yourself with it, so that you can go forward and carry the
world before you.

Day by day as you go on and on, as you gain momentum, as your

inspiration deepens, as your plans crystallize, as you gain understanding,
you will come to realize that this world is no dead pile of stones and
timber, but that it is a living thing! It is made up of the beating hearts of
humanity. It is a thing of life and beauty.

It is evident that it requires understanding to work with material of this

description, but those who come into this understanding, are inspired by a
new light, a new force, they gain confidence and greater power each day,
they realize their hopes and their dreams come true, life has a deeper,
fuller, clearer meaning than before.

The Power Within

You might have watched the video, “The Secret”. It expands on the power
of positive visualization. While this concept is not new in the world, it is
new in terms of the concept of personal business power.
This video “shows” how you affect the universe when you decide to bend
it to your will. These concepts are large, but wrapping your brain around it
is theoretically easy.

The secret to being successful is to “know” you will be successful. Mentally

I have sought to make more than a million a year for quite some time, but

it is not until recently that I “know” I will do it. Your goals are just as
simple. Once I set a goal, I must have no doubt that I will achieve it.
Simply, I achieve all goals in my head before they become material in the

For most of us this not only sounds “odd”, but it sounds “impossible”. How
can a person achieve a goal in his head before he actually does it? This
concept is simple. The goal seeker must be convinced. The goal seeker
must know that the goals are eminent. This means that the expectation is
assured. Self-assurance on the subject must be absolute.

Mind and its Material

Before you are able to think at all, you must have something to think
about. You must have some mental "stock in trade". And this mental stock
in trade you can gain only through the senses. The appearance of a tree,
the roar of the ocean, the odor of a rose, the taste of an orange, the
sensation you experience in handling a piece of satin--all these are so
much material helping to visualize or form your stock of mental
images--"the content of the consciousness", as the scholastic psychologists
call it.

Now, all these millions and millions of facts which make up our mental
stock in trade--the material of thought are gained through the senses,
sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and so on.

Relation of Senses
We are blessed with five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.
Aside from them, we are blessed with emotion and a mind. These
blessings should be used to build a good wealthy life.

Just like audio / video equipment, our eyes and ears can be used to
receive data for our mind to spot opportunities or to select a business. To
make this possible, you must focus your mind on thoughts aligned to
achieve your goal. Using sight and sound as receptors, with your mind as
a processor in money-making mode, you can create and simulate a
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product, service, or business that will benefit not only yourself but many
people as well.

Take the case of famous inventors like Alexander Graham Bell (the
telephone), the Wright Brothers (the airplane), and many others who
became sensible to new possibilities and discoveries.

You must learn to think outside the box and to be persistent in whatever
endeavor we have ventured into, no matter how discouraging the results
may seem at first.

When I was venturing into internet marketing in 2002, I was relating to

my fellow friends how the internet has produced great second income for
me, and how it has the potential to earn big bucks for them too. But
almost nobody seemed to listen, even if I’m already relating to them my
actual experiences. Talk about being totally closed to new opportunities
and ideas! The few who listened were interested at first.

I taught them some basic internet marketing knowledge, but they did not
continue implementing my teachings when they did not succeed the first
time. How discouraging to see people giving up easily.

Success does not come overnight. Success comes to those who persevere
and remain undaunted after encountering setbacks. If you truly want to be
rich, stay focused on your target despite any obstacle that comes in your
way. Sooner or later, you will realize your dream of financial freedom. See
who gets the last laugh!

Imagination and Judgment

The possession of trained perceptions, of a retentive memory and great
powers of association are of enormous value; but only when combined
with another faculty--imagination; and imagination is merely the power of
recombining certain memories in such a fashion that the combination is
new. Imagination is a faculty of the highest possible importance. Every
splendid achievement, every invention, every business enterprise, every
great poem, or book or picture, has been not only conceived but
completed in imagination before it became actualized in fact.

And then it is necessary to be able to compare the mental pictures,
gathered by the perceptions, remembered and classified by memory and
association, so as to determine the relation of these memories to each
other and their application to other ideas or mental images. And this
valuable faculty of the mind is called judgment.

For most, this concept is foreign. The closest most people come to this
concept is the religious concept known as faith.

Religious faith is one of the least understood mental concepts.

Some say that faith is the evidence of things “unseen”. For many people
this means nothing. Others say that things taken on faith exist, but need
our “belief” concept to bring them to them fruition. I will depart from the
religious comparison as many might find this comparison offensive, but I
caution that I did not say that these two concepts are the same. I didn’t
say that. I said that “faith” is the closest thing most people have heard
about in relation to the positive visualization concept.

For the rest of us, positive visualization is a concept that is more similar to
wishing than anything else. Many of us consider wishing useless. I
certainly do. To wish for something simply means you “ask” for it. For
some with a religious background, you might ask God for it (not wishing
but prayer). For some without a religious influence, they simply ask for
something without a point of focus. New age people might ask the
universe for it.

The end result is that most “wishing” is a half-hearted asking. To wish

means you give your focal item minimal focus and that you expect minimal

People wish for everything. People often wish by purchasing.

They purchase items that offer maximum returns for minimal efforts. It is
obvious that life doesn’t work that way. Some wishing items commonly

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1. Weight loss devices
2. Beauty devices
3. Sex improvement devices
4. Health improvement/Healing devices
Wishing devices are all around us. They promise us maximum benefit for
little cost or no time investment. The positive visualization concept is NOT
wishing. If you think that then you are sorely mistaken.

Money most often comes through work and having a strong work ethic.
Maximizing your effort requires maximization of all resources, but
visualization is the key to managing your mind.

What if this tool is the key to finding the key “multi-million dollar idea”?

What value would you assign to this technique then?

Would it be worth 10k or 20k?

Would it be worth an infinite amount of money?

What do you think?

Visualization and its Power

Building Mental Strength to Overcome Obstacles

How does a person achieve mental strength to perform a miracle?

How do you depart from “normal” thinking and step outside of your life?
This is really the million dollar question. There are quintillion tools to help
you build mental strength:

• Wealth-building tapes
• Money-making seminars
• Positive-thinking seminars
• Mentoring

But the most important tool of all is past experience. I know you are

grimacing. Past experience can be a cruel tool to measure the future, but
it can also be a constructive one. How? It is simple.

If you put a positive spin on your past experience, then you can propel
yourself to a positive future. If you put a negative spin on past experience,
then you can only see negative in the future. So you simply must see the
positive situation in today’s experience.

Let’s review some of the film’s highlights:

• “I will receive unexpected checks in the mail.”

• “Everything I touch turns to gold.”

Can you say this to yourself? I almost can. I have tried 5 businesses
opportunities in 6 years. One offline business and the rest are online
businesses, all are profitable except 1. But my attitude shifted drastically
during those six years. The first year for all of them was horrible. If I had
a negative attitude, my businesses or income would not exist today!

Repetition and Personalization

Repetition is just as much for you as it is for building your personal power
(chi) characteristics. Repetition helps the sub-conscious mind accept these
concepts and be at peace with them.

Repetition is absolutely required for those just starting into the use of this
concept. Many people have to gradually believe that they are a money

We as people tend to turn to the negative more often than not. This is
why the majority of people are poor and uninformed. You need to repeat
these positive words on a daily basis to refresh yourself. That’s why
repetition is important because it breaks down the negative attitude that
most people have merely by the nature of being human.

You see, most of us are stuck in a negative, low-threshold mindset. The

only way to empower yourself is to free yourself from the grips of this
mindset. For many people the refinement of a self-concept takes a

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lifetime. This is why many people grow richer over a lifetime. You don’t
have a lifetime.

You want to grow richer now. Physical wealth is only one facet of a
positive mindset. Physical power, strength, and vitality are also fruits of a
“wealthy” mindset. Some tools encourage nightly renewal of the positive
mindset before bedtime.

I would also encourage a similar practice. Now let’s take a look at the
subconscious mind and the limits it imposes on us throughout our lives.

Please remember that as a financial warrior that most people are

negatively positioned in this arena. This makes you a BIG exception.

You need to mentally refresh yourself saying supportive words over and
over. This is a common theme in subliminal suggestion, hypnotic
suggestion and many other forms of suggestion. The only difference is
that your suggestions will affect the world, and not only apply to yourself
and your own body. This will be the definitive difference.

For many people the suggestions require the belief that your mind extends
beyond your own body and out into the world. For some new age thinkers
this concept is very familiar. For scientists this is not new.

The human brain generates a magnetic field as it is an electrical device,

and as such that field does have a sphere of influence. Who is to say that
that field has a finite range of effectiveness? For non-scientific, non-
religious, non-new age thinkers this concept is even harder to grasp. So
let’s look at some similar concepts.

Chinese Philosophy
Chinese philosophy believes that everything that exists has an influence on
every other thing. This means that the placement of a vase or lamp can
affect the lives of people around that vase. Things just happen for

Feng Shui is what we call the practice of placing object to create better
harmony and flow.

But why do people believe this?

They believe this concept because they feel that “Chi” is the life energy
that flows through all objects, time, space and people. Chinese philosophy
believes that strong, healthy and positive chi will make you healthier,
richer and stronger. Westerners have NO similar concept.

Chinese believe that chi can be channeled, and harnessed to produce

physical, mental, and financial power. In their system, everything that
affects the chi of a household affects every consumer/user of that chi. The
final major concept is that chi “flows”.

It moves from one object to the next object. Major inflows/outflows of chi
are powerful. A man whose body has a large inflow of chi is able to
produce large outflows of it by extraordinary displays of physical prowess.
A man with major inflows of chi is able to produce great outflows of
intellectual ability or financial ideas that can profit him millions or billions
of dollars.

Phrasing your requests properly

You need to phrase your requests to coincide with your belief system.

What does your belief system say?

How do you request life more abundantly?

Do you believe what you say?

What is true wealth to you?

You need to find out what these factors mean to you before asking for


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Have a set time to go over your requests or affirmations. You should do
this daily for reinforcement. You should be able to say, “I will be wealthy.”
When you say it, you should know it will be true.

True reinforcement is a daily, rigorous task. Set a time each day to review

Belief Systems
Whatever you say must be inline with how you think. If your phrases are
counter to what you have been taught to believe, then you will not be
successful. You MUST customize your affirmation to fit with your belief
systems and theology.

The mind is an infinite wonder. It has the fantastic ability to transmute

your desires into their physical counterparts. You can do anything that
your mind can conceive, as long as you have the belief and will power to
back it up.

Take the case of cancer patients who were given placebo pills. These are
just plain pills that have no healing capabilities.

So how did they get well?

The power came from their thoughts. They were told that these pills
contain the highest amounts of cancer-fighting ingredients which can
effectively cure them in a matter of days.

See how powerful your mind is?

They believed that their health will be restored. They have registered in
their minds that these pills will cure them of their illnesses. In the process,
the belief embedded within their subconscious came to reality.

So how can you use your mind to achieve your dreams? One of the most
effective ways is to use the "as if" principle.
Act as if you are the person you want to be. Act as if you are already in
possession of whatever you long to have.

So what do you want to be? You want to be a success lawyer, doctor,
athlete, or newscaster? Believe, think, act, and feel like one. You'll be
much closer to your goal if you're constantly intact with your objective. Be
obsessed with your dream.

For instance, you want to be as skilled as Michael Jordan, you'll master

basketball techniques like shooting accurately, dribbling pass the
opponents like no one can stop you, laying ups beautifully, slam-dunks
and etc., you can dream about it, why not? However, it doesn't mean that
if you want to have incredible power like Spiderman, you’ll climb up the
high rise building like Spidy. Not a good idea!

It's not enough that you act like one, but you have to actually ACT. Do
what needs to be done. You might get so lost in your fantasy dream world
that you've forgotten to take some action. Let your visions encourage and
motivate you to actualize your purpose.

The problem with the people of the modern world is that they are too
preoccupied with worries, anxieties, and negative emotions. As a result,
they are adversely affecting their state of health.

White lies have become prevalent nowadays in order to ease the burdens
or to persuade others to do things that they thought are unattainable.

There was once a weightlifter that couldn't lift weights in excess of 300
lbs. So his coach devised a clever idea and told him that the barbell he
has to carry weighs only 300 lbs. With all his might, the weightlifter
managed to put it above his head. After he puts it down, the coach told
him that he has just lifted 350 lbs. of weight! It's all in the mind!

A famous person once said, "Whenever you think you can or you can't,
you're right."

If you think you are poor, then you are; unless you properly condition your
thoughts to the positive mindset. I know it's hard to think rich if your
environment is not conducive to such way of thinking.

Use your imagination then! Visualize your house to be a mansion, your old
car to be a limousine... Well you get the picture.

There is absolutely no limit with what the mind can achieve. But you have

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to combine belief, will power, and action with positive thinking in order to
arrive at your intended destination.

Reasoning Systems
You have to believe that there is a mechanism that provides the power for
this exercise. If you believe it is God’s power then say so, if you believe it
is chi then say so, if you think it is electromagnetic fields generated by
your mind, then you should clarify that. Whatever you believe powers the
mechanism should be called out loud.

Even in full trance, your requests need to make sense and the psyche of
the person affected must be open to your requests. When you stand in
front of a mirror and make your affirmation, your requests must make
sense. If your requests make no sense to you, then they are a waste of
time. Let’s review a line of affirmation:

“I will have more wealth than King Solomon’s mines.”

This line is NOT a good line for me. Why? Because I like unlike most
people have been to a gold mine, I didn’t see ‘wealth’ there. Mentally I
can’t really imagine what King Solomon’s mines looked like. But I have
seen stacks of cash taken out of a bank under guard. So I can rationalize a
line like this:

“I will have more wealth than 50 Banks of America.”

This concept is real to me, and so I am really saying I will have more
wealth than 500 6-foot by 6-foot by 6-foot stacks of cash and bank vault
contents. (Probably about 100-500 billion dollars) A mine filled with gold
doesn’t look like refined gold. Gold mines look like they are filled with
orange rust to me.

My mind does not translate that into money. Most people probably picture
mines filled with refined coinage or “loot”. This is a picture commonly used
in lore or legends.

My mind can’t process that picture because I know coining does not occur
in mines. Mines are place for unrefined gold to be mined. Gold looks like

crap while this process is occurring and doesn’t look like money at all.
Having seen the process and understood it, this picture does me no good.
Banks on the other hand do have MOUNTAINS of cash. Banks have
mountains of real, tangible, useful cash, coins, checks, etc.

This is a mentally useful and powerful image for ME. You need to choose
the images that are right for you, and explore your own pictures of wealth
and money, as wealth and money is NOT the same thing.

Subconscious Thinking
The subconscious mind or “lower mind” rules the nest. People have a hard
time accepting it but it is true. Everything from your health, weight,
growth potential and personal achievements fall in line with this mental
superstructure. Our conscious mind simply “grafts” onto it. Subconscious
thinking drives desire. Desire or emotional conditions greatly influence
superego thinking.

The conscious mind is the only stopgap between our raw desires and the
real world. In this capacity, it can’t be discounted. The conscious mind
makes us obey laws, respect others and have “manners” if you will. The
conscious mind of law abiding citizens makes our civilization possible, but
it does not drive the car.

Every other part of our lives from what we look like to who marry is driven
by the subconscious mind. It creates or generates our emotions.

No man/woman can hold his/her conditions without the expression of


Our dreams are nothing but the subconscious mind billowing images to us
via its graphic display mechanism.

The secret simply points out that the subconscious mind can be
programmed and controlled like a computer, and that computer is the
most powerful computer in the world. If you constantly put negative
information in that computer, the news and outlook coming out the other
side is horrible. One famous minister said:

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“Expect a miracle!”

For many it is that simple. Can you expect a miracle? Do you believe you
can have life and have it more abundantly? I do. You should too, because
if you can’t then your basic belief system should be challenged.

Your Own Personal Magic Make

Miracles Happen
You need a miracle. Perhaps this would be the perfect time for something
miraculous to happen. Like a white bearded, handsome God shining light
down on you saying “Hello down there. I remember you. Here’s an olive
branch with your lifeline. Have this blank check and a gift certificate to
Starbucks. Enjoy.” Wouldn’t that be nice? A juicy ripe miracle every time
we needed one.

So what exactly is a miracle? Each of you has a different idea of what a

miracle is. Before this point, you might have believed that miracles are
only random acts of God. For some, a miracle is an unexplainable act that
no human could possibly accomplish alone. Or maybe you simply define a
miracle as, “something that can never happen to me.”

If your definition falls into one of these categories, or something similar, I

am challenging you to set aside everything you’ve been told and consider
that there’s something more to miracles that you’ve yet to learn.

So you see, a miracle is not necessarily an unpredictable act of God. There

are so many types of miracles that if you opened your eyes, you could see
miracles twenty four hours in a day. In truth, you already have the miracle
gene within you, thus you are a Miracle Maker whether you know it or not.

Before you get into the core of how to create miracles, I think it would be
best to define the miracle itself. After all, if you don’t know exactly what it
is, then how can you begin to put it into action?

According to one dictionary, a miracle is “any amazing or wonderful

occurrence.” Another dictionary says, “A miracle is a wonderful thing, a
remarkable example or specimen.” The Latin word, miraculum, means to

wonder or marvel.

In its very basic definition, that’s all a miracle is—something amazing. Can
you create something amazing? I want you to stop and think of three
examples of something amazing that you have already created. My list
includes my wife, Emily and my organization. What is on your list? Write
them down on a piece of paper and start to be own miracle maker.

You can add pictures from magazines and photos you’ve taken to give
yourself an extra boost. If you walk down the street and see a house that
looks just like the one in your dreams, take pictures of it, or draw it for
your notebook. Refer to this journal frequently when you require
motivation or you don’t know if you can survive one more day. Keep a
section for action steps, where you chart your progress towards your

Carry your Miracle Making notebook with you at all times, for you never
know when inspiration will strike. I wrote the beginning of my very first
paid article in mind while driving over a bridge in a fierce rainstorm. Do
not lose your great ideas. Promise yourself that you will not judge the
results. This is your space where you are free to visualize and plan your

The purpose of your dream journal is to write it down and make it known
to yourself. Taking the time to write it out, I’ve found, is a little more
effective than just thinking about it.

Using your personal mission statement, write a motto, and say it to

yourself daily. Continue to do this exercise until you have reached clarity.
If you say it out loud and doubt creeps in, you haven’t said it enough.
Write it on several index cards, and carry your motto with you everywhere
you go. Place one on your desk, one in your room, and another one in the
bathroom. Organize your life in a way that you can’t help but visualize
your purpose. You can do this mental exercise with other things you want
to accomplish as well.

Daily Affirmation
Very few on this planet love the existence they lead. For many, life
remains a brutal struggle for survival; rising beyond the mundane, seems
a lifetime away and requires an immense effort to overcome extreme
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The daily affirmation is the basic tenet of hypnosis or self-motivation. This

tool means different things to different people.

Most of us take it to mean daily light-hearted and wistful comments. The

daily affirmation is the lowest level of hypnotic power.

It is done fully awake, without entering even a light trance and it affects
the mind at a much higher level than traditional hypnosis. While hypnotists
and others in the community often dismiss this form of influence as light
and very time consuming to institute, the daily affirmation is effective. The
daily affirmation requires rigor to implement, while deep hypnosis is
effectual and instantly begins to take affect.

That’s why it is important to use visualization to create your innermost

dreams. Give yourself permission to create big pictures. Create it first in
the inner realms, and you will then create success on the outer. Your level
of prosperity is directly related to your inner visions of health, wealth, and
happiness and the amounts you feel you deserve.

For this exercise, create some affirmations of your own and list them

• I am _______________________________________

• I am _______________________________________

• I am _______________________________________

• I am _______________________________________

• I am _______________________________________

Daily affirmations are an excellent tool for beginners, and they are good
for introducing people to “self influence” and the power of the mind. Soon
you will not be able to live without the positive effects of this tool.

How I Visualize and Affirm My Deepest Desires
I wanted to be self-employed and run my own business since I really
young. You see, I have a strong passion for that—to break free from
employment. Everyday I would visualize walking into my office with a
team of people working for me, I’ll treat them very well and they’re happy
to be one of my team.

Beside, it's been a long time since I played basketball. But I have a
passion for it. Everyday I would think that I am making jump shots from
every angle of the court. Then I would also imagine that I've won the
games that I play, I'm also the highest scorer in the game. I would really
love to play again.

Then the opportunity came when I was offered business opportunities.

When I started my own business, I was able to hire a good team of people
to work with me.

What made the difference?

Well, that's the power of imagination & visualization. If you want to be a

lawyer, visualize as one. Act like one. Think of what suit you’re wearing,
the judge you’re convincing, the case you're handling, and the courtroom
you’re in. Visualize the evidences. Smell the victory. Make everything real.

You should also affirm. Believe that you are what you are visualizing.

So you want to be a lawyer? Tell yourself, "I'm the best lawyer in the
world." Don't say to yourself, "I will be the best lawyer in the world."

Affirm strongly. Say "I am," not "I will," because "I will" suggests
something that will occur only in the future. You have to experience it
NOW, not in the future.

You must sink into your subconscious your deepest desire. The
subconscious mind can do what the conscious mind cannot.

Here's the exercise that I used to do.

1. Get a comfortable & quiet place to rest.

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2. Relax your whole body. Command every part of your body to relax
starting from your feet up to your head.

3. Count back slowly from 20 to 1, where in each count you relax deeper
& deeper. Upon reaching 1, you are completely relaxed.

4. Now affirm your deepest desire. If you want to be a lawyer, say," I am

the greatest lawyer in the world." As you're saying that, picture
yourself to be the best lawyer ever, winning every case you've come
across. You may say "I am now explaining to the jury my winning
proposition" or anything that will affirm what you're conceiving in your
mind as of the moment.

5. After about 10 to 20 minutes of continuous confirmation and

visualization, count slowly from 1 to 20. Upon counting, slowly be
aware of your surroundings. Feel refreshed and invigorated after doing
this exercise.

6. I repeat this exercise everyday.

What you have just learned is a very powerful technique to greatly

enhance the power of visualization & affirmation by imbedding it into the
subconscious. What once is nearly impossible to achieve will become
easier to reach from now on.

I remember what T. Harv Eker has said before, author of Secrets of the
Millionaire Mind— Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth. He says that
becoming rich is a matter of changing your attitudes and beliefs about
yourself. He issues a warning in his book. “If you don’t do the inner work
on yourself and somehow you make a lot of money, it would most likely be
a stroke of luck and there’s a good chance you’d lose it. But if you become
a successful person inside and out, you’ll not only make it, you’ll keep it,
grow it, and become truly happy.”

Please note that we have NOT strayed from the subject at hand. Hypnosis
bears much in common with the tools of the secret. Hypnosis requires
focus, visualization, and relaxation.

Hypnosis is done to focus inward and the results are within the hypnotized
subject. Let’s take a look at several uses of hypnosis:

• Appetite reduction
• Smoking cessation
• Obsessive/Compulsion relief
• Pain reduction
• Addictions

These are deeply root habits and compulsions. Changing the subconscious
positively helps build a more powerful conscious or “waking life”.

The basics of hypnosis are simple. Hypnosis is a trance-like state produced

during deep relaxation. It gives the hypnotist access to the deeply
influential subconscious mind. During this state, the subconscious mind is
NOT a sponge.

A person who has hypnotized dozens of people can tell you that the
subconscious mind can resist, lie and even counter commands given to it.
The person must be willing to carry out commands. Let me give you a
transcript from a session:

Hypnotist: Stella, where are you from?

Stella: I am from Texas.

Hypnotist: Stella, where do you go to college?

Stella: I go to South Texas College, STC.

Hypnotist: Stella, do you have a boyfriend?

Stella: ……
(At this point the session has strayed from its point. The point of the
session was to cure her fear of confined spaces.)

Hypnotist: Stella, do you like men?

Stella: …..Yes.

Hypnotist: Stella, would you like to lose weight?

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 23
Stella: Yes

Hypnotist: Stella, do you eat anything other than fast-food like McDonalds,
KFC, Domino’s Pizza, and Burger King…?

Stella: No.

Hypnotist: Would you like to eat more salad? Salad is good for you.

Stella: No, I don’t like the taste.

Hypnotist: Salad will taste like hamburgers. Do you understand when you
eat salad, it will taste like hamburgers.

Stella: Huh? That makes no sense!

Hypnotist: …..


Now, let’s see how you can hypnotize your own inner self…

Self-hypnosis for Your Own Peace of Mind

Your boss ends the day with a stack of papers and instructions that you
submit the report in the next 42 hours. Your significant other doesn’t
answer your calls. Your mother sends you guilt-tripping messages. Your
landlady ignores you when you tell her a part of your ceiling is leaking.
You feel a throbbing pain in your temples. Your credit card bills take over
even in your dreams.

Easy does it.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and unravel your thoughts.

Sometimes, taking control over a chaotic life, a stressful situation, a

physical ailment or an emotional dilemma starts within you – your mind,
your subconscious, specifically.

And communicating with your subconscious - negotiating with your own
self - can be achieved through self-hypnosis. How to do it? Here’s a
sample basic procedure.

1. Find a venue conducive for relaxation: a quite room, with the

temperature comfortable and the lights just right (not too dim, not
too bright). Light a candle and incense if you desire.

2. Surround your place with sound pleasant to your ears. Play relaxing
music. Bring in a portable fountain. Hang some chimes where the
breeze blows. The sound of music is soothing.

3. Find a comfortable position. Surround yourself with pillows,

blankets, and the like. A caring, healing sensation eases stress.

4. Tell yourself: “I am light; I am comfortable, I am at ease. All my

tensions, worries and anxieties are gone. I am light, I am
comfortable, I am at ease.” Repeat many times while breathing

5. Picture what you want your life to be. Visualize every detail, every
situation that you want to happen. Imagine it so as if it is really

6. Repeat no. 4. Breathe in and out, and imagine yourself being

surrounded by a bright, luminous light starting from your forehead
until it fills the room.

7. Wake up when you’re ready.

Repeat this procedure regularly. This exercise helps you clear your
thoughts. It may lead you to self-revelations that would help you assess
the situation on how you live your dreams. It may or may not work, your
goal may or may not be achieved – the universe has reasons humans may
not fathom.
The important thing is this: self-hypnosis will help you become a better
person – calmer, more attuned to yourself, and more willing to help
others. With your tensions and worries away, who knows what you can

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 25

Power Goal Setting
One of the most important things you can do is to set powerful goals. Now
that you have made it clear to yourself and the universe, just what it is
that you need and want, it’s a good idea to visualize it over and over.

I set my first 5 goals in 2001 when I was still having my first business
which is marketing seminars with my official business partner, Marco
Robinson. That time I was 21 years old and I wasn’t sure if writing down
goals worked, but I was willing to test it.

I was writing down my power goals then. They were—

i) To have a business that generates a consistent income so that I

no longer have to worry financially anymore

ii) Hiring a team of people to assist me so that I can be out of the

business pursuing my dreams and living my life

iii) To have my own book selling in the local bookstore and

Amazon.com because it’s a sense of achievement for all authors

iv) To buy a 2-door sports car and live in a good lifestyle to impress
those who have no faith in me

v) To travel around the world freely to experience other

environments and cultures and to open up a new world of

The goals should have been impossible to accomplish, that what I first
thought when I was 21. When you’re 21, you would have all kind of goals
regardless of whether it is possible to be achieved or not. I didn’t expect to
get results. In fact, I was thinking, this works for everyone but me. I didn’t
know for sure, but I was acting as if it could be true.

Four of the goals above are already achieved and the other one will
happen either this year or 2008.

Make a list of the things you want but do not yet have. Maybe you want a

better job, a new car, a place to call your own, a good relationship, or a
better spiritual life. Whatever it is, just list down “I want to be a …” and “I
want to have…” on a piece of paper or in your note pad.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Breathe out fear and limitation,
and breathe in new ideas, opportunities, changes, health, wealth, and
happiness. Imagine you have the most perfect life. Let’s make this image
more concrete and real.

Think deeply about what you want. It is not enough to say, “I want a
career as a fireman.” You must then describe every detail about life as a
fireman. Describe exactly what you want, where you will live, how you will
look, and what it will feel like.

My ideal job is …

Visualize. Continue to get even more specific about your life. How many
hours do you want to work and when? What part of town do you want to
work in? What do you want to wear while on the job? What type of boss
are you compatible with? What types of coworkers would you enjoy
working with? What type of salary do you want to make?

Then take it a step further. What type of neighborhood will you return to
at night? What type of lifestyle will you live? Who are your companions?
Be very specific in writing down your expectations and desires. Put this list
on your mirror and other places that you look at frequently throughout the

What can I do right now to start making this dream a reality?

If I could have any car in the world, what would I drive?

Visualize yourself at a car dealership speaking to an employee there.

Really see yourself on the lot, scanning the vehicles. Then you find that
perfect one for you. What color is it? What brand is it? What year was it
made? Read the tag. How much does it cost? Forget about your doubts at
this point. Envision yourself driving away in the hottest car on the lot.

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 27

Describe your perfect car....

So you want a new home? Create a picture in your mind that shows you
living this new life. What does the new house look like? How large or small
is it? How many stories would you have in your perfect home? What
amenities come with it? How have you decorated the inside, and what are
you cooking in the kitchen? What does the new place smell like? How does
it feel to live in this future home?

Your fears and doubts have been supervising you and banning you for
years. For just a moment, suspend and ban those fears. For one moment,
let your creativity soar without question.

If you could be or do anything in your life, and if you had unlimited funds,
and if there were no limitations, how would you spend your time? My
perfect life would include:

What would you do, if you had only three years to live?

What would my life be like if I did these things? How would it change?

Now, turn your dreams into real life goals. Make a commitment to work
towards those goals.

1. Write down your dream-turned goals.

2. Which of these things could you begin to do now?

Set your goals high!

Immediate Goals: (Today, tomorrow, this week) One Year Goals:

Five year Goals:

Life Time Goals:

Remember, just because you categorize a goal into a certain time frame,
doesn’t mean that’s when it will necessarily happen. For instance, I’ve
created five-year goal, and just by the simple act of knowing I’d have that,
I was able to see it materialize in less than two years.

I was referring to the earlier goals I’ve set. It took me less than 2 years to
systemize a business operation and move from home-based to office-
based. And I was expecting this to be achieved in 5 years.

On the flip side, don’t get discouraged if your short-term goal doesn’t
happen immediately. Perhaps there’s another goal you need to accomplish
first. Just stay focused, and knows that someday all of your dreams will
come true.

Like, I’ve procrastinated to write my physical book for over a year now. It’s
been delayed but I was not frustrated because I understand how does the
Universe works.

Use this same strategy to attract the relationship you desire. Create two
lists. On the first list, create everything you want in a partner. What color
eyes do they have? What color is their hair? What body type do they have?
What types of clothes do they wear? What do they do for a living? What
type of car do they drive? What is their life’s purpose? What religion do
Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 29
they practice? How do they smell?

In the second list, describe your ideal relationship. How do you

communicate with one another? What activities you do together? Where
do you go on vacations? What type of home will you live in together?
What things can you create with one another? How do your life’s purposes

What could I do today to attract my partner? What places could I go that I

might find this person? Think and imagine of your life partner carefully,
visualize that he/she is smiling and walking towards you, telling you how
happy to be with you. These are exactly what I did and now, I’m grateful
and gratitude that I have Emily comes into my life.

Now that you have set your power goals, go ahead and do so below:

I want to be:








I want to have:








Asking your mind to focus on wealth is a key part of the Secrets Video. For
most us, we imagine stacks of money or luxury cars but wealth is actually
NOT money unless we specifically ask for financial rewards or resources.
Wealth can be stacks of gold, which is why the man touching the statue is
an excellent vision.

But wealth is generally not considered money, but what money can buy.
So to have more “wealth than Solomon’s mines” can be a misnomer unless
you know what you are asking for.

A good analogy is that you may be picturing stacks of gold bars sitting in a
mine, but your mouth is asking for a 1 billion-dollar yacht like the Onassis
family has anchored in Greece. While the vision is quite good, you may not
want a 1-billion dollar yacht. One of the main reasons I don’t think some
people are successful when they use these techniques is that they haven’t
thought out what they are really asking for AND that they haven’t
rationalized the need for this tool.

I ask for wealth to achieve financial freedom, but not living a flamboyant
lifestyle. I am not being greedy or insatiable. You need to concentrate and
focus on your goals. Let’s take a look at some key words like:

1. Treasures
2. Wealth
3. Money
4. Attract money

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 31

What do these terms mean to you? Let’s take a look at what they might
mean to other people.

1. Treasure

Name 3 treasures:

Name 3 forms of Wealth:

Name 4 forms of Money:

Name 4 ways of attracting money:

I know this may seem like a trivial exercise but these are all the ways you
are open to receiving your increase. These are all the ways you can attract
money. If you articulate these ways of attracting money, you are far more
likely to be paid.

Please do not just tie yourself down to making money through your
business. Although your business is logically the most likely pathway, I
have used this technique and been given thousands of dollars. Don’t fool

yourself into thinking that you can only make money through your

Money can come from anywhere! Make sure you extend the wealth list!
Name as many ways money can come to you as possible. I am a money
magnet and sometimes I am amazed. Here are some examples of where I
get money:

• I find money on the ground

• In old clothes
• Get unexpected checks in the mail
• Get money through my business
• Unexpected website sales (items not up for sale)
• Unexpected gifts from relatives
• Financial compensation from unsettled contracts (years ago)
• Unexpected funds from book(hardcover) royalties
• Unexpected reimbursements

Think And Act Rich

Initially, we shall explore a few ways on how the rich act in accordance
with their thinking and how we can apply these ways to encourage and
guide us in doing the same.

Always keep in mind that you can attract as much money as you desire by
knowing that it is all in the mind. It is what you choose to think, and act
upon, that produces the money you want. What you think will be, will be.

Feel Rich And Be Thankful For It

What I am about to teach you is a simple yet very powerful way of
attracting wealth and prosperity in your life- thankful and gratitude. I
choose to feel immense gratitude within me for that is what I want to see
reflected in the world.

First, imagine what life would be like if you are rich. Don’t just see it. Feel
it as if you’re already experiencing the luxuries and lifestyle of the rich.

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 33

Do you see yourself driving your dream car? What model and color is it?
Touch the seat and feel its soft texture. Open the car radio and listen to
your favorite music. Experience the joy of driving it towards your favorite

Maybe you could visualize a house. How many rooms does it have? Take a
relaxing soak in the bath tub. Smell the food aroma coming out from the
large kitchen. Play sports in your own private gym.

The important thing here is to believe that you are already rich. Now
doesn’t that feel good? By doing this exercise, you are unleashing the
powers of your subconscious and directing it to give you what you’re
dreaming of.

But it doesn’t end there. To make this even more effective, breathe slowly
while still hanging on to this wonderful feeling of being rich, and say a
small thanks to God, or to a Higher Power.

By being grateful, you are commanding the Powers of the Universe to

work in your favor. You are confirming that you are graciously accepting
your blessings.

Try it out. Believe and feel that you are already wealthy, and be thankful
for it. Whenever I completed my speech on stage or achieving success in
my online product launch, gratitude is the state I choose to be in, it does
not need any reasons or justifications. I tell you, you will be astounded by
the results.

Be Generous
Many people think that rich people are selfish, that’s why they have lots of
money at hand. This may be true in some cases; however, there are a lot
more individuals who are wealthy because they know how to give.

When you give something from your heart without expecting anything in
return, you release a powerful force that will trigger your good deed to
"bounce" back to you in amazing, and sometimes unusual ways. Tell you
what; there are so much I can give as I am constantly receiving.

Whenever possible, be generous in giving to others. You will notice that
what you receive, or the return, will be more than what you give. As
humans, we have the tendency to reciprocate what we receive. But don’t
give for the sake of expecting something in return. Give freely from your
heart, and the rewards would be greater.

The act of giving can summon the spirit of joy to come into your heart.
How would you feel when you've given something to your less fortunate
neighbors? Let me tell you that nothing could brighten up a day more than
hearing them express their most heartfelt gratitude and seeing their smiles
extend from ear to ear. I was given hope when I most need it. There
comes a time I give hope when someone needs it most.

Giving is also a healthy habit. Many people do not know that or refuse to
know. It could prolong your life by instilling within you an inner sense of
peace and accomplishment.

What you give doesn’t necessarily have to be something material. It can

also be time, effort, talent, service, hope or even an affectionate feeling.

Just like all things in life, giving has its limitations. Being too generous can
have its toll. Your kindness might be taken advantage of and people might
abuse your good intentions. Beware of individuals who are continuously
seeking your aid. It's better to teach them how to solve their problems
than to always attend to their needs.
As one saying goes...

"Give them some fish and you'll feed them for a day. Teach them how to
fish and you'll feed them for a lifetime.”

Lastly, here's what I consider the most important rule about giving. Keep
your good deeds to yourself. Don't announce to the whole world that
you've donated $100,000 to your favorite charity or that you've helped
save a child from a life-threatening disease.

If you really desire to give, do it secretly and in private.

Some people would write "anonymous" rather than their own names when
they've made a contribution. The universe smiles upon these individuals,

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 35

and they will get their just rewards in due time.

Consider this: If you are on the giving end, doesn’t it mean that you are in
a better position than the recipient? Doesn’t it complement your character?

Minus all forms and territories, we are all one! (Smile)

Tap Your Potentials

We all have tremendous potentials and talents like courage and brilliance.
We must learn to tap into them, to put them to good use. Like it or not,
we also have negative common traits. We all have some degree of self-
doubt although at varying levels. Again, it all depends on us, which side of
us we will allow to prevail.

In the world of money, being smart is not enough. You’ve got to be bold
or daring. You have to actualize what is in your mind.

It is understandable that we feel apprehensive when it comes to change.

Some are even afraid of change but we mustn’t be. We must consider
change, even at bad times, as an opportunity to improve our lives. Turn to
your creative mind so as not to be swayed by the tide of depression. To be
financially secure, you need to be creative and to take calculated risks.

Great opportunities are visible to the mind, not to the eyes. Learn to
recognize an opportunity. Once you do, within the right time and available
finances, it can make you rich.

Always remember that your mind is the single most powerful tool or asset
you possess to gain financial security. Just like our body that takes
nutrients from food and water, our mind must be continually energized
with creative ideas and financial thoughts to create wealth.

Most of us work for the purpose of making money. More than this, we
must work to learn.

The Wealth Visualization Mechanism

When I first found out about the wealth visualization mechanism and I
started asking around, I realized that every successful businessman had a
version of this tool. It wasn’t until I found a WORKING version of it that I
started making money. When I upgraded my tool, my profits increased,
but it seems only at the pace that my mind can adapt. Our vision limits our
capacity. If you only see yourself making $100.00 per week then that is
your limit. You must extend your vision.

In order to do this more quickly and easily you should take the following

1. Customize your technique to your belief system.

2. Understand what you are saying, and feed your capacity to


3. Implement your tools daily.

Maximizing Your Mindset

The Power Of Your Shower
Your shower is a miracle resource. Use your shower to rid yourself of
negative emotion by following this daily ritual. Replace your self-critical
thinking with positive thoughts. As you stand under your showerhead,
imagine that you are washing away your everyday self.

Let your worries and concerns dissolve under the stream of flowing water.
Visualize the water pouring over you as light energy, cleansing, healing,
and bringing forth the goodness you deserve on this planet. Start to
believe that health, wealth, and happiness flow through you.

There is a captain who is steering your course—your Higher Self. Allow

your true spirit to take charge now. Let that person with the mission and
direction, the one who comprehends the larger picture, take control. You
are no longer haphazard about accomplishing the things you set out to do.
From this shower on, you have the power to create your larger life.

Recently, I have begun to use my shower power in the bathtub. I haven’t

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 37

changed the name yet, but I find that as I soak in the water, I can do the
visualization much easier, and invariably, answers and solutions come to
mind so quickly, I don’t even have time to wipe my hands dry before I am
writing ideas down in my journal. I can feel a real sense of self and can
absorb positive information like a sponge.

The idea is to visualize the coming day in detail and put an enthusiastic
spin on it. See yourself dressing, driving your children to school, going to
work, making phone calls, and pushing your agenda forward. Your life is
working smoothly, and your self-esteem grows. What would happen in
your new utopian life?

Everyday, you can create miracles in the shower as you wash your blues
away—or anywhere else, for that matter. See yourself living the life of
your dreams. Also, when I relax into my true spirit, I know exactly what to
say, what to do and to whom I need to say and do it to.

Your homework now is to permit yourself to dream the impossible, and

find ways to achieve it. Use affirmations to create the energy to make
miracles. These are some of the ones that worked for me.

I am a magnet for money

I am a magnet for miracles
Only good, supportive, loving people come into my life
I am a shining star
Every day, in every way, life gets better, better and better
I am committed to change
I am a best selling author
I am a healer and my work inspires others

Below you will find 4 key exercises for strengthening your mind and

Exercise 1

Record 10 key phrases for making your mindset more positive. Record
them in a clear tone of voice and play them back nightly before bed.

Exercise 2

Do a daily affirmation in the morning before starting your day. Repeat your
goals aloud and do so with a mate or family member. This provides
emphasis and increases the personal power of all involved. This can be in
the context of prayer or religious emphasis. Please remember that the
customized verbal sayings are what you want to use.

Exercise 3

Do positive visualization while performing your job or business. It is vital

that you not lose sight of your goals or objectives during the day. This
visualization will help you learn and grow. This is especially powerful for

Exercise 4

Say your daily affirmation in a mirror. This is especially powerful because it

imprints the subconscious more powerfully. The mirror is a very powerful
subconscious tool. It forces us to see ourselves, even when we mentally
don’t want to. Some people will have to work up to this, especially where
health goals are mentioned. For people saying things in a religious context,
it may be impossible without first cleansing sin. I strongly recommend this
only for the advanced people. If you can do this right from the start
without thought or emphasis, then you don’t believe what you say. Think
long and hard about this one.

These are some quick tools for getting started on using and applying the
basic principles of the secret. While some of these tools seem controversial
even, but they are practical and worthwhile.
Your Capacity to Understand
For many of us, this is our limiting factor. Without a mentor, our capacity
to understand is just about nil. A mentor makes business concepts real to
us. A mentor also helps provide you with the “how”.

When you visualize success, power, wealth and happiness, you do so

without the “how”.

For many people, this is very tough. Highly logical and analytical people

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 39

like me get bogged down in the “how”. I floundered with this for 4-5 years
until I did one very simple thing. I simplified the “how”.

I did this until I realized that business is more simplistic than it is complex.
I abandoned the deep and complex terms and went for the simple. This is
what I’m capable in, breaking down complex success techniques and
strategies into simple-to-understand concepts that can be applied instantly
to your life. I became enthralled with simply selling a glass of lemonade.


Everything I thought I knew about business was wrong. School taught me

that you borrow an ungodly amount of money and start your own
business. You don’t have to do that. The essence of business is as simple
as purchasing incense for $.25 and selling it for $2.00. Business is not
rocket science. So what makes one person a “genius” and other people
“ordinary”? The concept is simple.

I learned that one person makes a better presentation, business persona

and spends more time preparing than the next person. Perspiration and
inspiration are the essences of business. I abandoned all the fancy
personas and facades and spoke to people like the man I really am. I
thought the fancier and more complex the presentation, the better I would
do. People wanted just the opposite. People wanted honest, personable,
and sincere talk. That is what I gave them and my business took off. The
“genius” in your business exists inside your own head, and this tool can
help you bring it out. You need to tap into it.

What does this mean for your capacity to understand?

The results are simple. To mentally become more successful, you need to
build success on top of success.

To go from a negative position to a positive position, you need to change

your outlook.

If you have a website that is failing you can do a few things like:

1. Talk to someone doing worse than you

2. Hire a coach
3. Get a pep talk from a loved one

4. Review the sales you do have

Once you get these items done, then you might want to watch the Secrets
video several times and repeat the words or review your own customized
set of affirmations. Remember that success is inside you before it can ever
be manifested in the world. If you haven’t watch the Secrets, you can
always get it at www.Amazon.com

One of the most difficult things is to turn around a difficult situation. Many
people are NOT on your side when you are losing money and sliding
deeper in debt. People are usually only there when things are rosy.

This is another point where a mentor can have an amazing effect on your
business. A mentor can give you pointers to turn it around, and increase
your capacity to understand. Mentors also reinforce the success concept
by giving you tangible examples of successful businesses, business
operations and methodologies.

To be successful, you must surround yourself with successful people.

You need to cull the losers in your group, negative people and downers.
Sometimes that negative person is a family member. It is very difficult to
shut up your family. They may be losers because they have negative
attitudes. Please remember that attitude reflects altitude. Poor attitudes
will keep you down, and the end of the day will find you an underachiever.
The jewels of the last Chinese empress are gold and jade instruments that
she adorned her hair and clothing with. These are forms of wealth that
were very uncommon amongst her people.

Wealth is usually the result of some prior act or something being made
available to a few that is not available to the many. The concepts we have
talked about are NOT common amongst the many.

You don’t get rich without a vision. You have probably heard this so many
times that you can repeat it without any effort. I am asking you. What is
your vision? Do you have one? Do you really want to achieve your heart’s
desire? If so, how do you plan to do it? Are you willing to make it really

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 41

I have made my miracles happen one day at a time through my life. I
believe with the power of positive visualization. All my perceived problems
cannot affect me. They do not change who I am and what I am going to
have. Try what I’ve suggested to you if you have lost your dreams and
goals. This book will help you to overcome problems with your career,
your relationships, or your life in general.

The plan will give you a solid foundation in case the rug or security blanket
disappears. Use this when life slaps you in the face and forces you to get
real, quick. Unleash your hidden stores of courage, dig deep, and build a
foundation to assist you in surviving crisis and creating a healthier, happier
and harmonious life.

I hope you understand that I am not talking about “wishing”.

Wishing is asking for something with no effort, desire or even will behind
it. I am talking about visualization, power goal setting, achievement and
hard work.

These are the tools of the person who really wants to have mine of gold or
a 1 billion dollar yacht anchored in Greece. Are you that person? Do you
have a vision? If not, you need to catch one to maximize your profits. It is
an absolute necessity. Take sometime and develop a vision now.

Success doesn't come easy. It takes heart and passion. It may also take
some time before you can actually reap the fruits of your labor. Agree? But
how do you actually survive this stage?

This is the moment when you're working extra hard to reach your goals.

This is also the instance when you're enduring whatever adversity hits you.

"The more you hate, the more you love."

What an ironic statement. Whoever said those words must have been
drunk. The bottom line is this: It is extremely difficult to like or love
something that you despise.

You take inspired and motivated action to get out of your present rut and
start living the life you've always dreamed of.

Guess what? It's not going to be easy. The lesser concern I have over my
bodily comfort, the more I can give of myself.

You will have to come out of your comfort zones to discover potentials and
opportunities waiting for you. You have to conquer your fear and take
calculated risks. You have to stay focused and persevere despite the
difficulties you will encounter.

What are you waiting for?

What do you need to make your miracle happen? Do you need to get sick
or have the sky fall on you? No. You simply need to decide to make it
happen. You’ve read “the secret” interwoven into Dr. Joan’s life above.

What else do you need? I’ll tell you. The true secret is that self-
actualization is a journey of a thousand steps. You can only start that
journey one stride at a time. Get off that bench and start walking! Good

I’ve started a website for self-help, www.eSuccessMastery.com since years

ago and I’ve had the great fortune of being able to communicate and help
many people around the world today. The new personal achievement
program at www.ycdiSuccessOutcome.com will be providing a free
resource for attaining wealth.

My life has become an absolute miracle. From the moment I committed to

making my dreams a reality, there was no turning back. I went on faith
alone and now I can tell you it was worth every penny, every pain, every
second of sacrifice and suffering. I have come so far. And as time goes on,
I continue to live my dream of healing and inspiring others.

Remember the movie of Alice and Wonderland? As the scene goes in

movie, the Queen is baffled by Alice’s failure to be able to make things
happen. The Queen tells her that she is able to do eight impossible things
before breakfast each day. You too have this ability. Eliminate the word
impossible from your vocabulary and replace it with possibilities.

Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 43

Choose wisely today. Choose only joyful thoughts for joy is what you want
to experience. Let go. Be free. Let the voice of your true spirit guide you.

This life is what you make it. I challenge you to dream the impossible, do
the unthinkable, and live the fantasy life you’ve always wanted. I give to
you, the gift of knowing how to visualize positively and make miracles in

If I “Chan” Do It, You “Chan” Do It!

- Patric Chan

“How To Transform The Laws
and “Secrets” Of the Universe
To Create Success For You”
Learn From The MASTERS – Jack Canfield, Bob
Proctor, John Assaraf, Joe Vitale, T Harv Eker,
John Demartini and Others!


Copyright PatricChan.Name All Rights Reserved. 45

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