Formative and summative assessment are
interconnected. They seldom stand alone in
construction or effect.
The vast majority of genuine formative
assessment is informal, with interactive and timely
feedback and response.
Itis widely and empirically argued that formative
assessment has the greatest impact on learning
and achievement.
Values and Attitudes about Assessment
To learn next
Key Elements of Formative Assessment
1. The identification by teachers & learners of
learning goals, intentions or outcomes and criteria
for achieving these.
2. Rich conversations between teachers & students
that continually build and go deeper.
3. The provision of effective, timely feedback to
enable students to advance their learning.
4. The active involvement of students in their own
5. Teachers responding to identified learning needs
and strengths by modifying their teaching
Black & Wiliam, 1998
Summative Assessment
Assessment of learning
Generally taken by students at the end of a unit
or semester to demonstrate the "sum" of what
they have or have not learned.
Summative assessment methods are the most
traditional way of evaluating student work.
"Good summative assessments--tests and other
graded evaluations--must be demonstrably
reliable, valid, and free of bias" (Angelo and
Cross, 1993).
Formative Summative
Administered to new
*Benchmarks Formative Throughout Year and/or low achieving
1st - 6th students
*Writing Prompt Summative January - March (TBD) *
K-6 Student Assessment
Grade Assessment Type of Timeframe Other