8 External Factors
8 External Factors
8 External Factors
External Factors
• Demographic developments
• The overall population is increasing, despite falling birth rates,
because of lengthening life expectancy and substantial net
immigration (Blanchflower et al. 2007).
• The number of people who are economically active is increasing
largely because of women spending a greater proportion of their
lives in paid work than has been the case historically. Over the
longer term, however, the proportion of the population that is of
working age is likely to shrink in comparison with the total
population as more and more people live longer after reaching
retirement age.
Responding to Labour Market Trends
• Diversity
• Increased female participation in the workforce has been one of the most
significant social trends over recent decades.
• In 1980 the employment rate for women of working age was 59 per cent, while
that for men has declined somewhat.
• More women with young children have opted to work while more men have
taken early retirement.
• As a result, in the workplaces, where women are heavily outnumbered by men
and an increase in the number where men are outnumbered by women.
• In order to attract and retain the best employees it is necessary to take account
of the needs of dual-career families. (parental leave, the right to time off for
family emergencies, and the right to request flexible working, etc.)
• There is a heightened need for awareness of the possibility of discrimination,
the perception of inequity (staff turnover rates to increase, gain a poor
reputation in its labour markets), required to pay more serious attention to the
issues of sexual and racial harassment in a workplace.
Responding to Labour Market Trends
• While technical skills are not required for all the new jobs, social
skills are necessary, as is the ability to work effectively without
close supervision.
• The annual Labour Turnover Survey for 2006 reported that 82 per
cent of employers had had problems filling vacancies, mainly due to
a lack of required specialist skills and/or experience.
Analyzing Labour Market
• Geographical differences
• Occupational structure
• Generational differences
Geographical Differences
• For most jobs in most organisations the relevant labour market is local.
• Pay rates and career opportunities are not so great as to attract people from
outside the district in which the job is based.
• The market consists of people living in the ‘travel to work area’, meaning
those who are able to commute within a reasonable period of time.
• In determining rates of pay and designing recruitment campaigns there is a
need to compare activities with those of competitors in the local labour
market and to respond accordingly.
• Skills shortages may be relieved by increases in the local population or as a
result of rival firms contracting.
• New roads and improved public transport can increase the population in the
travel to work area, with implications for recruitment budgets and the
extent to which retention initiatives are necessary.
• The relevant labour market is national or even international.
• Different approaches to recruitment are necessary and there is a need to
keep a close eye on what a far larger number of rival employers are doing
to compete for staff.
Tight Versus Loose
• One set of key choices concerns the extent to which the organisation
can aspire to flexibility and in what ways this can be achieved.
• In this analysis, the flexible firm has a variety of ways of meeting the
need for human resources.
• First, core employees, who form the primary labour market.
• They are highly regarded by the employer, well paid and involved in
those activities that are unique to the firm or give it a distinctive
• These employees have improved career prospects and offer the type of
flexibility to the employer that is so prized in the skilled craftworker
who does not adhere rigidly to customary protective working practices.
• Two peripheral groups: first, those who have skills that are needed but
not specific to the particular firm, like typing and word processing. The
strategy for these posts is to rely on the external labour market to a
much greater extent, to specify a narrow range of tasks without career
prospects, so that the employee has a job but not a career.
Numerical Flexibility