Clinical Manifestation of Ascariasis
Clinical Manifestation of Ascariasis
Clinical Manifestation of Ascariasis
Sub division Allergy Immunology Internal Medicine Andalas
University / M Jamil Hospital Padang
• Ascaris lumbricoides is
the largest nematode
(roundworm) parasitizing
the human intestine.
• Ascaris lumbricoides is an
intestinal worm found in
the small intestine of
• They are more common
in children then in adult.
• As many as 500 to 5000
adult worms may inhabit
a single host.
Geographic Distribution
• Restlessness
• Disturbed sleep
• Worm in stool
• Worm in vomit
• Abdominal pain,
diarrhoea, vomiting and
slight temperature.
• It blocks intestine and
• They may enter bile or
pancreatic duct and
interfere with digestion.
• Injure the intestine and
cause peritonitis.
• They produce toxins which irritate the mucous
membrane of the gut, or prevent digestion of
protein by host by destroying an enzyme
• In children they cause stunted growth and
makes the mental capacity dull.
• Larvae causes inflammation and haemorrhage
in the lungs which results in pneumonia – may
prove fatal.
Iii. Diagnosis
The symptoms and signs are for reference
only. The confirmative diagnosis depends
on the recovery and identification of the
worm or its egg.
1. Ascaris pneumonitis: examination of
sputum for Ascaris larvae is sometimes
2. Intestinal ascariasis: feces are examined
for the ascaris eggs.
2. Intestinal ascariasis: feces are examined for the
ascaris eggs.