• Control segment
• User segment
Three Segments of the GPS
Downlink in L band
L1 & L2
Space Segment -Coded ranging signals
-satellite positions
Uplink data in -almanac
S band
-Predicted Sat orbit info
-clock corrn. factor
User Segment
Control Segment
Master Control Station Monitor Stations
Space Segment
Space Segment
27 satellites: 24 operational and 3 spare
Space Segment
GSP satellite vehicles (SVs):
two generations: block I and block II
GPS block II
weigh ~1900 lbs.
US Space Command
Cape Canaveral
Kwajalein Atoll
Diego Garcia
Ascension Is.
GPS Trilateration--cont.
• When the receiver knows
its distance from only one
satellite, its location could
be anywhere on the earths
surface that is an equal
distance from the satellite.
• Represented by the circle in
the illustration.
• The receiver must have
additional information.
GPS Trilateration--
With signals from two satellites, the receiver
can narrow down its location to just two
points on the earths surface.
Were the two circles intersect.
GPS Trilateration--
• Knowing its distance from
three satellites, the
receiver can determine its
location because there is
only two possible
combinations and one of
them is out in space.
• In this example, the
receiver is located at b.
• The more satellite that are
used, the greater the
potential accuracy of the
position location.
three can be enough to determine position…
one of the two points generally is not possible (far off in space)
Satellite PRN
Receiver PRN
step 2: measuring distance from satellite
because GPS based on knowing distance from satellite
…we need to have a method for determing how far
away the satellites are
use velocity x time = distance
came into being during World War II; nothing to do with GPS
-physicists wanted to test Einstein’s ideas about gravity and time
• previous clocks relied on pendulums
• early atomic clocks looked at vibrations of quartz crystal
…keep time to < 1/1000th second per day
..not accurate enough to assess affect of gravity on time
…Einstein predicted that clock on Mt. Everest
would run 30 millionths of a second faster
than clock at sea level
…needed to look at oscillations of atoms
principle behind atomic clocks…
atoms absorb or emit electomagnetic energy in discrete amounts
that correspond to differences in energy between different
configurations of the atoms
when atom goes from one energy state to lower one,
it emits an electromagnetic wave of characteristic frequency
…known as “resonant frequency”
2 people separated by some distance both start yelling
one, two, three…at same time
person 2 hears “one” shouted by person 1 when
person 2 says “three”
…if you both said one at same time,
the distance away person 2 is from person 1
is time difference between “one” and “three”
times the velocity of the sound
this is if clocks
were correct…
location of receiver is X
what if they weren’t correct?
what if receiver wasn’t perfect? “real” time
…receiver is off by 1 second
XX position is wrong;
caused by wrong time
wrong time
how do we know that it is wrong?
…measurement from third satellite (fourth in 3D)
all 3 intersect
at X…
if time is correct
Earth’s Atmosphere
Solid Structures
User error = +- 1 km
effects of noise, bias, and blunder
Sources of GPS Error
• Standard Positioning Service (SPS ): Civilian Users
• Source Amount of Error
Satellite clocks: 1.5 to 3.6 meters
Orbital errors: < 1 meter
Ionosphere: 5.0 to 7.0 meters
Troposphere: 0.5 to 0.7 meters
Receiver noise: 0.3 to 1.5 meters
Multipath: 0.6 to 1.2 meters
Selective Availability (see notes)
User error: Up to a kilometer or more
• Errors are cumulative and increased by PDOP.
GDOP(Geometric Dilution of Precision)
– The angle of cut between the position lines obtained by pseudo-ranging
is important (same way as in fix ploting using visual or radar position
– This depends on geometry of the satellite and is known as GDOP-
geometric dilution of precision; which in turn governs the quality of the
position obtained .
– Wider the angular separations between the satellites, more accurate is
the fix, preferably 3 SVs 120 degrees apart and one right on top .
– The receiver continuously keeps calculating the GDOP in order to select
the most suitable SV.
– The GDOP value is indicated on the display .
– The lower the GDOP value, higher the accuracy of the fix,
– It’s usually up to the GPS receiver to pick satellites which provide the
best position triangulation.
• SVs with elevation less that 9.5 degrees are not suitable , due high
refraction at low elevation due to troposphere Satellite Clock error
(satellite clock bias)
GDOP(Geometric Dilution of Precision)
• GDOP is divided into following categories
• PDOP – Positional Dilution of Precision – The spatial geometrical quality
of the positional solution-used for 3dimensional fix(lat, long &alt.).
• HDOP – Horizontal Dilution of Precision – Measure of the quality of the
horizontal position. Used for 2 dimensional fix(lat & long). Used in
marine GPS recievers
• VDOP – Vertical Dilution of Precision – Measure of the quality of the
vertical position
• TDOP – Time Dilution of Precision – Measure of time accuracy.
• The receiver on board Ship is designed to calculate the value of HDOP and
display it to the user
• If the geometry of the satellites provide good HDOP value , it is displayed in
the receiver as ‘1’, and if it is not good then displayed as ‘10’
• It is recommended an appropriate maximum HDOP value is selected at
which GPS receiver should give an alarm and change to dead reckoning(DR)
DOP Rating Description
1 Ideal Highest possible. Required for surveys requiring the
highest precision.
2–3 Excellent Positional measurements are sufficient for all but the
most stringent surveys.
4–6 Good Minimum level appropriated for business decisions.
7–8 Moderate Sufficient for calculations, but a more open sky view
is recommended.
9-20 Fair Positional information should only be used to indicate
rough locations.
20 – Poor Measurements are +- 150 feet and are probably
50 useless.
Values below 2 will produce acceptable results for most surveys. Values over
three should not be used.
Ideal Satellite Geometry
Good Satellite Geometry
Good Satellite Geometry
Poor Satellite Geometry
Poor Satellite Geometry
Poor Satellite Geometry
user community…
primary application is GPS navigation
x+5, y-3
x+30, y+60
x-5, y+3
Yellow areas show overlap between NDGPS stations. Green areas are little to no coverage.
Topography may also limit some areas of coverage depicted here.
NDGPS Ground Stations
National Differential Global Positioning System
Yellow areas show overlap between NDGPS stations. Green areas are little to no coverage.
Topography may also limit some areas of coverage depicted here.
• There are many systems that are based on the same principles as DGPS ,
but they use satellites to transmit correction messages instead of
beacons(as used in DGPS)
• Following such systems are:
– WAAS : Wide Area Augmentation System in North America
– EGNOS : European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
– MSAS : Multifunctional Transport Satellite-Based Augmentation System in
– SNAS : Satellite Navigation Augmentation System in China
– GRAS : Ground-Based Regional Augmentation System in Australia
• These above systems are known as Wide Area DGPS(WA-DGPS) or Satellite-
Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS)
• The benefits of the use of any WA-DGPS include :
• Improved accuracy of positions
• Added confidence due to knowledge of the satellite health status and the
error for each satellites own data
• Increased availability through ensuring that even if some satellites are not
available, the position obtained with minimum available satellites is reliable
• They all operate on same principles( as given ahead regarding WAAS)
Wide Area Augmentation System(WAAS)
WAAS Control
Station (East
WAAS Control Coast)
Station (West Coast)
Local Area System (LAAS)
How good is WAAS?
With Selective Availability set to
zero, and under ideal conditions,
a GPS receiver without WAAS
can achieve fifteen meter +-15 meters
accuracy most of the time.*
3 meters
* Precision depends on good satellite geometry, open sky view, and no user induced
Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite
System (GLONASS)
• Similar to GPS system , developed by the Russian Federation(ex Soviet Union) Space Forces
• The fully operational system consists of 24 satellites located in 3 orbital planes, with spare satellites
• 2 type signals
– Standard Precision (SP)Signal – containing coarse acquisition code for civilian use
– High Precision (HP) Signal- containing Precise code for military use
• Standard Precision(SP) Signal
– transmitted on L band frequency called L1=1602MHz + n 0.5625MHz,
• where ‘n’ is the frequency channel number(n=0,1,2…).
– The use of channel numbers by employing multiple ‘n’ ensures that each satellite transmits a signal on
its dedicated frequency which is different from other nearby satellites
– This technique is used in GLOSNASS and is known as ‘Frequency Division Multiple Access(FDMA)
– The system however, allows the use of the same frequency on satellites that are designed to be out of the
receiver’s view
– This means that no two satellites transmitting on the same frequency can be in any receivers view at the
same time
– SP signals available to users with an accuracy of:
• 57-70 mtrs horizontally, .ie latitude and longitude (99.7% probability)
• Less than 70mtrs vertically, ie height (99.7% probability)
• Speed accuracy of about 15cm/s(99.7% probability)
• Time accuracy within 1micro second(99.7% probability)
Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
• High Precision(HP) Signal:
– HP signals are transmitted on a frequency called L2,
• based on L-band frequency of 1246MHz + n0.4375 MHz
– The use of FDMA technique is also used on the HP signal in the same way as in SP signal
– The HP signal -only available to Russian military use providing accuracy of within 10-20 mtrs range
• The GLONASS system is made up of
• The space segment
– consist of 24 satellite in 3 orbital planes at an inclination of 64.8degree and are 120 degree apart.
– Each orbit contains 8 satellites that are 45 degrees apart.
– The height of the orbit-19,100Km, orbit time 11hr 15min.
– The satellites are so located that at any time 5 satellites are in view of the user, round the clock
global coverage
• The control segment
– consists of the System Control Centre
– and the network of the Command and Tracking Stations spread out in the Russian Federation,
– providing monitoring of satellite status, health and update corrections through navigational
– Operation similar to GPS system except that Command & Tracking Stations transmit navigational
messages to satellites instead of the System Control Centre
• The user segment
– consists of receivers that calculate position, speed and time based on signals received from
Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
N (0000)
Desired Track
(DTK) (xº)
Active GOTO
Bearing = 780
COG = 3500 XTE
Bearing = 650 = 1/3 mi.
COG = 50 XTE =
1/2 mi.
Bearing = 400
COG = 1040 XTE
= 1/4 mi.
= Waypoint
How A Receiver Sees Your Route
GPS Waypoint Circle of Error
Future Developments
• GPS Modernization
– C/A on L2, improve codeless, cross correclation receiver processing
– 3rd frequency, L5 at 1176.45 MHz with full access to frequencies available for
civilian use
– improved satellite designs, longer life, Hydrogen Maser frequency standards
– Spectrum protection for GPS signals remains an issue, conflict with satellite
communications interests
– Need space-to-space allocation for GPS use
GPS Errors
• Satellite geometry
• Satellite orbits
• Multipath
• Atmospheric effects
• Clock
Error-Satellite Geometry
• Describes the position of the satellites with each other.
• The best geometry, and least error, occurs when the
satellites are equally distributed.
• Satellite geometry error occurs when the satellites are
concentrated in on quadrant or in a line.
• The Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP) is an
indication of the quality of the 3D coordinate satellite
– General surveys PDOP’s should be less than 3.
• Satellite geometry error is not measureable, it tends to
enhance other errors.
• Even though the satellites are positioned in very
precise orbits, slight shifts are possible do to the
gravitational influences of the sun and moon.
• Orbit errors can be as high as 2 meters.
• Multipath errors are caused by satellite signals
reflecting off of objects.
• Increase chance of occurrence when around
tall buildings.
• Radio signals travel at the speed of light in space, but are
slowed down by the atmosphere.
• The majority of this effect can be eliminated by the receiver.
– Lower frequency signals are slowed down more that high
– The receiver can determine the difference in the arrival time of
high and low frequency signals and calculate a correction.
• In spite of the synchronization of the satellite and receiver
clocks, and small amount of inaccuracy in timing remains.
• This can result in errors up to 1 meter.
• To keep clock errors to 1 meter or less, the time error must be
be limited to 20-30 nanoseconds.
Using GPS
• Because GPS satellites are not stationary above one point of the
earth, like telecommunication satellites, the number of
satellites available at any one time is not constant.
• The satellite availability should be checked before scheduling a
GPS survey. Especially when high precision is required and /or
you know that some stations may be partially blocked.
• One site is:
Example of Satellite
Static Time
• Because the receiver continuously calculates its position,
increasing the time it is stationary improves the precision.
• Static time can be divided into three categories.
– Static
– Fast static
– Kinematic
Static Surveys
• The recommended time is related to the distances
being surveyed.
– Static times of 30 minutes to 2 hours are
recommended for distances of 1 to 20 miles.
• To qualify for a static survey, both receivers must
observe a minimum of the same four satellites for
the duration of the time.
• Data is post processed.
• Static surveys have the highest precision and can be
used for any surveys.
Fast Static
• Uses the same procedures as static surveys, just
shorter observation times.
– Five (5) to 10 minutes are usually sufficient for surveys
that do not require the highest level of precision.
Velocity =
Distance = Velocity x Time
• If the system knows the velocity of a signal and the time it takes
for the signal to travel from the sender to the receiver, the
distance between the sender and the receiver can be
Distance Example—Code Phase
• The signals from the GPS satellites travel at the speed of
light--186,000 miles/second.
• How far apart are the sender and the receiver if the
signal travel time was 0.23 seconds?
mi ft
= 186,000 x 5208 0.23 sec = 2,257,8400 ft
sec mi
• It should be clear that this system requires very accurate
measurement of time and synchronization of clocks.
• These time errors limit the precision of this system.
Space Segment—Carrier-
Phase Ranging
• Surveying quality
receivers use the
underlying carrier
• Easy to determine
number of cycles.
Factors Influencing Position Accuracy--cont.
The system errors that are occurring during the time the
receiver is operating.
– The GPS system has several errors that have the potential to
reduce the accuracy.
– To achieve high levels of precision, differential GPS must be
• Differential GPS uses one unit at a known location and a
– The stationary unit compares its calculated GPS location with
the actual location and computes the error.
– The rover data is adjusted for the error.
• Real Time Kinematic (RTK)
• Post processing
sites have co-located:
• VLBI (very long baseline interferometry);
• lunar laser-ranging (from instrument left by Apollo astronauts)
…primarily for length of day considerations
• satellite laser-ranging