India Vs China 2030
India Vs China 2030
India Vs China 2030
1. Economy…………………………………………………………….. Slide 3
2. Socio-Political Environment………………………………….Slide 4
3. Sectors of Economy……………………………….……………..Slide 5
4. Growth stories of India and china…………………….......Slide 6
5. Other factors………………………………………………………….Slide 7
6. FDI of China…………………………………………………………….Slide 8
7. China 2030……………………………………………………………..Slide 9
8. Conclusion………………………………………………………………Slide 10
9. Thank you………………………………………………………………..Slide 11
China has GDP of 13.1 trillion USD
which is around 4.56 times of India.
Consumer price index 2.5-3% (average
for last 10 years ).
World’s second largest labour force.
China become the world's largest
manufacturer hub.
It is also the world's fastest-growing
consumer market.
Socio-Political Environment
Single party system.
No opposition and no leg
pulling .
Worked with long vision.
Good relation with industries.
Fast and easy to take
Sectors of Economy
S/no. Agriculture Manufacturing Services
1. 45% of labour makes living China is today the world’s Most advance service
for farming. largest manufacturing economy. with GDP share of 61%
3. Use optimum farming Approx. 40% of world wide Annual growth rate is
methods . electronic devices are produce 10.08%
by china alone.
Growth stories of India and China
Indicators India china
Political system Multi party democracy One party authoritarian
According to my views china is far better than India for living in 2030
Thank you
Presented by :- Presented to :- Mr. Kumar sir