Security System Design Based On Human Face Detection and Recognition
Security System Design Based On Human Face Detection and Recognition
Security System Design Based On Human Face Detection and Recognition
Facial recognition is a form of computer vision
that uses faces to attempt to identify a person
or verify a person’s claimed identity. For face
recognition there are some steps to be done
in order to recognize a face :
Steps for Face Recognition
Method for Detecting Face :
Before recognizing a face we need to detect it
first , there are many methods to detect faces
in image such as
• Support Vector Machine )SVM)
• Haar Cascaded
• Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
• etc…..
Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
position and Projecting Faces
• To correctly position a face we need 68 specific points
(called landmarks)
Encoding Faces(embedding)
Identification of a person
we need to do is train a classifier that can take in the measurements
from a new test image and tells which known person is the closest
match. Running this classifier takes milliseconds. The result of the
classifier is the name of the person!
Project Details
Component to be used
1- IP Camera
2-electrical Door Lock
3-PIR Sensor
python software
What we Have Done So far
• All steps for face recognition has been finished (50% of the Project !)