CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems: Dr. Ying Lu Schorr Center 106
CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems: Dr. Ying Lu Schorr Center 106
CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems: Dr. Ying Lu Schorr Center 106
Dr. Ying Lu
Schorr Center 106
CSCE455/855 Distributed Operating Systems
The major OS issues
structure: how is the OS organized?
sharing: how are resources shared across users?
naming: how are resources named (by users or
security: how is the integrity of the OS and its
resources ensured?
protection: how is one user/program protected from
performance: how do we make it all go fast?
More OS issues…
Computer world:
University computer network
GRID (distributed computing facilities)
Ordinary life:
WWW, P2P systems (such as Napster)
Banks (Cash machines)
Ticket reservation
Characteristics of a Distributed
System (I)
Differences between the various computers
and the way in which they communicate are
hidden from users.
Users and applications can interact with a
distributed system in a consistent and uniform
way, regardless of where and when
interaction takes place.
Characteristics of a Distributed
System (II)
As a direct consequence of having
independent computers and hiding their
differences, a distributed system should be
relatively easy to expand or scale.
A distributed system will normally be
continuously available, although perhaps
certain parts may be temporarily out of order.
Definition of a Distributed System (2)
Concept Example
Caching (client-driven)
Why Middleware is an Important
Component of Distributed Systems
Distributed system
A collection of independent computers that
appears to its users as a single coherent system.
Two aspects of this definition:
1. Hardware: the machines are autonomous.
2. Software: the users think they are dealing a single system
(which is achieved by software).
Home Systems
Location/context aware
Electronic Health Care Systems
Sensor Networks
Data storage/aggregation/query
Sensor Networks (2)