Simpulan Dan Ikatan Knot and Hitch
Simpulan Dan Ikatan Knot and Hitch
Simpulan Dan Ikatan Knot and Hitch
Slippery hitch
Boom hitch
Single hitch
Two half-hitches
Timber hitch
Tripod lashing
(ikatan silang tungku)
• To bind three poles together, for the construction
of a tripod. ---- To bind three poles together that
contact at the same point in a structure
Tripod lashing
(ikatan silang tungku)
Tripod lashing
Sheer lashing
(ikatan silang gunting)
• A sheer lashing is often used to bind
adjacent poles together.
• It is also a good way to reinforce a broken
or weak pole.
• The frapping turns used to tighten the
lashing may be omitted and replaced with
wedges inserted between the poles.
Sheer lashing
• A loop is a knot used to create a closed
circle in a line.