BTTunitplan JWilliams
BTTunitplan JWilliams
BTTunitplan JWilliams
• Prior to engaging in the lesson, students will sit in a circle with the teacher
to focus on social-emotional needs. Teacher will facilitate a “temperature
check” by allowing students to say one-two words that describes their
feelings in that moment.
• Students will engage in a gallery walk with pictures depicting life during
the Civil War and after. There will be documents displaying the 13th, 14th,
and 15th amendments as well.
• Connection: Students will engage in think-pair-share discussing:
– How the photos made them feel?
– What stuck out to them the most?
– How does this connect with the knowledge we already have about the Civil War from
last week?
• The human brain is constantly searching for external stimuli. Studies have
shown that students are more off task when their classroom environment
lacks novelty and visual aesthetics (Hardiman, 2012).
• The classroom bulletin board will display classwork featuring the students’
recent activities for the Civil War. This will serve as a resource/review, but
it will also create a warm and positive classroom environment.
• Photos of Nature, Natural Lighting, and Blues/ Greens will be utilized to
increase the Feng Shui in the room (Standen, 2007).
• Students will have a class learning chart. They will place a sticky note on
the chart everyday at the end of class. On the sticky note, they must write
one thing that they found interesting from the learning that day, and one
thing that is still unclear.
Brain Target 2: Environment
• Student desks are in groups to
facilitate group work and stations.
• In accordance to Feng Shui
principles, blues and greens have
been added to the bulletin board to
reduce stress and anxiety.
Slave Radical
Scalawags &
Introductory “Big Picture” Activity/Assessment
of Prior Knowledge
• Learning Goals:
– Students will be able to describe the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments IOT analyze the effects of
Reconstruction on American life.
– Students will be able to explain the work of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned
Lands (Freedman Bureau) IOT analyze the effects of Reconstruction on American Life.
• How did the beliefs and ideals of the North and South during the Civil War
influence our world today?
• How did the Freedman’s Bureau affect African Americans?
• How does due process protect a Citizen’s rights?
• How did the treatment of African Americans in the South lead to the creation of
the 14th Amendment?
• How did Congress change the Constitution to protect rights of African Americans?
*Students will have these questions in their binder, as they learn more information,
they will have an opportunity to add their responses below the questions.
Station #1: Students will be in a teacher led group. Students will read and annotate a transcript of each
amendment. Once they are finished reading/ annotating, they will have to complete a graphic organizer. This
graphic organizer will require students to write the amendments in their own words and determine if the
amendment had a political, economic, and/ or social effect.
Station # 2:
Students will watch the video and complete the guided study & quiz.
Station #3: Students will write explain why reconstruction was such an important time period in our history in
reference to the political, economic, and/or social influences of that time. Students must use evidence and
details from their resources they have received thus far in addition to Ipads (Discovery Education).
Station #4: Students will read the text, Ending War, Ending Slavery. After reading, they will have to determine
if any of the laws were unconstitutional based on due process. They will have to justify their answer in writing.
Brain Target #4 Cont.
SS4H6: Analyze the effects of Reconstruction on
American life.
b. Explain the work of the Bureau of Refugees,
Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Brain Target Five focuses on performance based activities. This is a great way for students to
show content mastery, because it allows them to apply their knowledge through problem
solving, deductive reasoning, and analysis.
SS4H6: Analyze the effects of Reconstruction on American life.
a. Describe the purpose of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
Below Level: Students will make a poster that highlights the amendments using visuals and
specific phrases to demonstrate content mastery.
On Level: Students will research the amendments that were proposed during this time but never
ratified. Students will have to identify why these amendments failed and what was proposed.
They will present these to the class.
Above Level: Students will create their own amendment. They must include a visual
representation such as a video, powerpoint, or prezi. They must create a slogan or catchy song.
(A guide will be provided to ensure detailed information is included)
Brain Target #5 Cont.
b. Explain the work of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Below Level: Students will design a poster advertising the freed slaves similar to the
ones previewed in class. It will showcase all of the ways that abolitionists or other
freedman can help.
On Level: Students will research then write an extended constructed response on the
influence of Frederick Douglas on the Freedman’s Bureau and Reconstruction. Did he
agree or disagree?
Above Level: Students will create a presentation with important details and key
vocabulary to review the unit with the class.
Standen, A. (2007, March 9). Give Your Space the Right Design. Retrieved February 28, 2018, from