APPREW - Copy 2
APPREW - Copy 2
APPREW - Copy 2
The Waldorf Sport Boat Company has demand forecast for its aluminum fishing
boats under 15 feet for the next 6 months. The forecast is:
Month: January February March April May June
Demand : 250 300 420 560 610 580
There are currently 10 workers assigned to the production line, each capable of
producing approximately 15 boats per month. We assume each month has the
same number of production days. They can hire more worker at hiring and
training costs of taka 400 per worker. If they layoff any workers, the
unemployment cost is taka 1000 per worker. The boats have a standard cost(
labor, material and overhead) of taka 300 per boat. They can use overtime to
produce boats, but a boat produced in overtime adds taka 60 in labor costs, and
each worker can only produce an extra 3 boats per month using. If they keep
any boat in inventory it will cost them taka 6 per boat per month. Failure to
market demand typically will imply customer will buy from other suppliers
and therefore the cost of the company taka 120 in profits.. They recognize this
lost profit ( selling price – standard costs) as a stock out costs. They currently
have no boats in inventory. Using these data, formulate an aggregate plan using
chase, level and Combination strategy.
Using Chase strategy
Month Demand Workers Regular Over Hire Fire Hiring Firing Regular Over
Required Productio Time Cost Cost Prod. Time
n Prod. taka taka Costs Cost
taka taka
Jan 250 16 240 10 +6 0 2,400 0 75,000 600
Feb 300 20 300 0 +4 0 1,600 0 90,000 0
March 420 28 420 0 +8 0 3,200 0 1,26,000 0
April 560 37 555 5 +9 0 3,600 0 1,68,000 300
May 610 40 600 10 +3 0 1,200 0 1,83,000 600
June 580 38 570 10 0 2 0 2,000 1,74,000 600
12,000 2,000 8,16,000 2,100
The grand total cost of the plan: 1( Chase strategy) is
12,000+2,000+8,16,000+ 2,100= 8,32,000.00.
Level Strategy
Month Demand Regular Inventory Shortage Hire Fire Hiring/Firi Shortage Regular Inventory
Productio ng Cost Prod. Cost
n(Approx. Cost taka Costs taka
Average) taka taka
Jan 250 450 200 0 20 0 8,000 0 1,35,000 1,200
Feb 300 450 350 0 0 0 0 0 1,35,000 2,100
March 420 450 380 0 0 0 0 0 1,35,000 2,280
April 560 450 270 0 0 0 0 0 1,35,000 1,620
May 610 450 110 0 0 0 0 0 1,35,000 660
June 580 450 0 20 0 0 0 2,400 1,35,000 0
8,000 2,400 8,10,000 7,860
The grand total cost of the plan: 2 ( Level strategy) is = 8,000+
2,400+ 8,10,000 + 7,860= 8,28,260.00
Which is lower by taka 8,32,100 – 8,28,260= taka 3840
over the six months.
• Using Combination strategy
In this alternative we will start with 25 workers- plenty of
workers to meet early year demand and build some
inventory. As demand grows, we will use inventory and
start to authorize overtime. We want to meet all
demand, so eventually we will have to add workers.
Month Demand Regular Inventory Over time Workers Hire/ Hiring/Firi Overtime Regular Inventory
Productio productio Fire ng Cost Prod. Cost
n(Approx. n Cost taka Costs taka
Average) taka taka
Jan 250 375 125 0 25 +15 6000 0 112500 750
Feb 300 375 200 0 25 0 0 0 112500 1200
March 420 375 155 0 25 0 0 0 112500 930
April 560 375 0 30 25 0 0 1800 112500 0
May 610 510 0 100 34 +9 3600 6000 183000 0
June 580 495 0 85 33 -1 1000 5100 174000 0
10600 12900 816000 2880
The grand total cost of the plan: 3
( Combined strategy) is = 10,600+ 12,900+ 8,16,000 + 2,880=
Manager of ABC Company, a producer of leaf blower engines, must develop an
aggregate plan given the forecast for engine demand Shown below. The
department has a normal capacity 130 engines per month. Normal output has a
costs of taka 60 per engine. The beginning inventory is zero engines. Overtime has
a cost of taka 90 per engine.
a. Develop a chase plan that matches the forecast and compute the total cost of your
b. Compare the costs to a level plan that uses inventory to absorb fluctuations.
Inventory carrying costs is taka 2 per engine per month.
Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
Forecast: 120 135 140 120 125 125 140 135 1040 .
Solution :
Using Chase Strategy:
Month Demand Regular Inventory Over time Overtime Regular Inventory
Productio productio Cost Prod. Cost
n(Approx. n taka Costs taka
Average) taka