S.Ajay Kumar 177Z1A0594
S.Ajay Kumar 177Z1A0594
S.Ajay Kumar 177Z1A0594
Ajay Kumar
Classification of Pollutants
Classification of Pollution
Auto mobile and Industrial pollution
Ambient Air Quality Standards
Hg salt
1. Particulate Pollutants: Their size ranges from
100 μm to 0.1 μm and less. Larger particles like
sand and water droplets quickly settle down in still
air and smaller particle s like dust remain in air for
longer time whereas very fine particles like tobacco
smoke do not settle down at all.
Particulates are classified as-
1) Dust: Size 1 to 200 micrometers. These are
formed by natural disintegration of rock and soil or
by the mechanical process of grinding and spraying
2)Smoke: Size 0.001 to 1 micrometer. This can be
liquid or solid and are form by combustionor
other chemical process.
3)Fumes: Size 0.1 to 1 micrometer. There are solid
particles which are normally released from
chemical or metallurgical processes in industries.
4)Mist: Size < 10 micrometer. It is made up of
liquid droplets. These are formed by
condensation in the atmospheric or released
from industrial operations.
Effects: Respiratory problems- asthma, chronic
respiratory disease, lung cancer etc.
1.Oxides of sulphur:
Sources: Chemical industries, metal smelting, pulp and
paper mills, oil refineries.
SO2 is a colorless gas with a characteristic, sharp,
pungent odor. It is moderately soluble in water forming
weak acid H2SO3. It is oxidized slowly in clean air to SO3.
1. SO2 and moisture can accelerate the corrosion of steel,
copper, zinc and other metals.