Text Types
Text Types
Text Types
1. Expository texts
2. Narrative texts, and
3. Argumentative
(It aims to change the readers’ beliefs.)
Different text types
Text Types Description Examples
1. Narrative • Entertains, instructs or informs readers (fiction)
by telling a story. novels
short stories
• In Literature, texts tell a story or poems
part of a story. plays
• Narrative texts include plot (articles,
structure, conflict, characterization, newspaper reports,
setting, theme, point of view, historical writings)
sequencing, and transitions.
Different text types
Text Types Description Examples
2. Expository •Non-fiction (true) •Biographies
Source: Logos. (2011, September 05). Types of paragraph. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/kriziak/types-of-paragraph
Identify which of the text types does the texts belong to? What grammatical
features are in the text that allows you to say it belongs to a particular text type?
My Last Vacation
My last vacation was very fun. First I went to the beach with my
cousins. We surfed and swam in the ocean. Then went to my grandparents
farm and rode a horse. Next we climb a big mountain. Finally we came back
home and rest . I had the best vacation ever.
Source: Logos. (2011, September 05). Types of paragraph. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/kriziak/types-of-paragraph
What are the different purposes of text types?
What are the different text types?
What is the importance of distinguishing
the type of text being read?
• developing social networks
• engaging in civic discourse
• supporting personal and spiritual growth
• reflecting on experience
• communicating professionally and academically;
• building relationships with others, including friends, family, and
like-minded individuals;
• engaging in aesthetic experiences”
A. Identify whether the given passages are narrative, expository,
explanation, recount, or persuasive.
(Text adapted by Gerot & Wignell 1994 from Denes & Pinson 1963)
B. Create your own expository paragraph with the following topics:
•5 or more sentences
-Organization (grammar, coherence, structure) -5 pts
-Appropriateness to the purpose -5 pts