World Health Organization, It Structure and Functions
World Health Organization, It Structure and Functions
World Health Organization, It Structure and Functions
Region Headquarters
1. South East Asia New Delhi (India)
2. Africa Harare (Zimbabwe)
3. The Americas Washington D.C. (U.S.A.)
4. Europe Copenhagen (Denmark)
5. Eastern Mediterranean Alexandria (Egypt)
6. Western Pacific Manila (Philippines)
• The regional organizations are integral part of the WHO
and have under the constitution an important part in
implementing the policies and programmes of the WHO.
The regional office is headed by the Regional Director,
who is assisted by technical and administrative officers
and members of the secretariat. There is a regional
committee composed of representatives of the Member
States in the region. Regional Committees meet once a
year to review health work in the region and plan its
continuation and development. Regional plans are
amalgamated into overall plans for the Organization by
the Director General at WHO's headquarters in Geneva.
The South East Asia Region
The headquarters of the South East Asia Regional Office (SEARO) is in
New Delhi, the official address being World Health House, Indraprastha
Estate, Delhi. The Region has now 11 members.
Table 2. WHO: SEARO Member countries
Year of joining Member country SEARO Population 2002 (million)
1972 Bangladesh 143.8
1982 Bhutan 2.2
1948 India 1049.5
1950 Indonesia 217.4
1973 Korea (Dem. People's Rep.) 22.5
1965 Maldives Islands 0.3
1948 Myanmar 48.9
1953 Nepal 24.6
1948 Sri Lanka 18.8
1947 Thailand 62.2
• The WHO activities in South East Asia Region
cover a wide range of subjects such as malaria
eradication, tuberculosis control, control of
other communicable diseases, health laboratory
services and production of vaccines, health
statistics, public health administration and
rural health services, maternal and child
health, nursing, environmental health and
water supply, health education, nutrition,
mental health, dental health, medical
rehabilitation, quality control of drugs and
medical education.
Work of WHO
• WHO'S first Constitutional function is to act as
the directing and coordinating authority on all
international health work. This function permits
WHO's Member States to identify collectively
priority health problems throughout the world,
to define collectively health policies and targets to
cope with them, to devise collectively strategies,
principles and programmes to give effect to these
policies and to attain the targets. The WHO also
has specific responsibilities for establishing and
promoting international standards in the field of
health, which comprise the following broad
• Almost all communicable diseases are or have been at sometime the
subject of WHO activities. The global eradication of smallpox is an
outstanding example of international health cooperation. With the
same energy and commitment with which WHO eradicated
smallpox, it is now directing the global battle against AIDS.
• An important activity of WHO is epidemiological surveillance of
communicable diseases. The WHO collects and disseminates
epidemiological information on diseases subject to International
Health Regulations and occasionally other communicable diseases of
international importance through an Automatic Telex Reply Service
(ATRS) and the "Weekly Epidemiological Record" (WER). The
latter contains more complete details and brief reviews of
communicable diseases of international importance. Member States
can also make use of the "WHO Emergency Scheme for Epidemics"
whenever necessary. The aim of International Health Regulations is
to ensure maximum security against international spread of diseases
with the minimum interference with world traffic.
• The WHO has also paid attention in its programme of work to non-
communicable disease problems such as cancer, cardiovascular
diseases, genetic disorders, mental disorders, drug addiction and
dental diseases.
• The activities of WHO have also branched out into the fields of
vector biology and control, immunology, quality control of drugs
and biological products, drug evaluation and monitoring and health
laboratory technology as these activities are relevant to the control
of both communicable and non-communicable diseases.
• Immunization against common diseases of childhood (Expanded
Programme on Immunization) is now a priority programme of the
WHO. The 30th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution
aimed at ensuring immunization of all children.
• WHO's most important single function is to promote and support
national health policy development and the development of
comprehensive national health programmes. This broad field of
endeavour encompasses a wide variety of activities such as
organizing health systems based on primary health care, the
development of health manpower and utilization, building of long-
term national capability, particularly in the areas of health
infrastructure development, and managerial capabilities (including
monitoring and evaluation) and health services research.
Appropriate Technology for Health (ATH) is another new
programme launched by the WHO to encourage self-sufficiency in
solving health problems. The new programme is part of WHO's
efforts to build up primary health care. WHO's main activities in
1980 were towards promoting national, regional and global
strategies for the attainment of Health for All.