Design of Hamming Code Using Verilog
Design of Hamming Code Using Verilog
Design of Hamming Code Using Verilog
• Introduction
• HDL Programming
• Simulation Results
• Conclusion
• Some errors are transient,called soft errors and errors that persist in a memory
circuit are called hard errors.
• There are various error detection and correction techniques such as Cyclic
Redundancy Checks (CRC), Parity check, LRC, VRC and Hamming Code. This
work focuses on Hamming code.
• Hamming codes can detect and correct a single bit-error in a block of data. In
these codes, every bit is included in a unique set of parity bits.
• Hamming code is an error-correction code that can be used to detect single and
double-bit errors and correct single-bit errors that can occur when binary data is
transmitted from one device into another.
Design of (n,k,t) Hamming Code
• If our code word has N bits,we need log 2(k+1) additional check bits for
the error correcting code.
• The check bits are computed from the values of the data bits during a
write operation, and the entire ECC.
The (11,7,1) Hamming Code
• Basicaly we are focusing on (11,7,1) Hamming Code using verilog
hardware description language(HDL).
• Here "11" corresponds to the total number of Hamming code bits in a
transmittable unit comprising data bits and redundancy bits, 7 is the
number of data bits while‘1’ denotes the maximum number of error bits in
the transmittable unit.
• For example, a 7-bit ASCII code requires four redundancy bits that can be
added at the end of the data unit or interspersed with the original data bits
to form the (11, 7, 1) Hamming code.
• In Fig. 1, these redundancy bits are placed in positions 1, 2, 4 and 8 (the
positions in an 11-bit sequence that are powers of ‘2’). For clarity in the
examples below, these bits are referred to as ‘r1,’ ‘r2,’ ‘r4’ and ‘r8.’In the
Hamming code, each ‘r’ bit is the parity bit for one combination of data bits
as shown:
• r1: bits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
• r2: bits 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11
• r4: bits 4, 5, 6, 7
• r8: bits 8, 9, 10, 11
• The Hamming Encode is the (11, 7, 1) Hamming code encoder that converts a
7-bit ASCII code into an 11-bit code word and the Hamming_ Decode.v is the
(11, 7, 1) Hamming code decoder that converts an 11-bit code word back into
a 7-bitASCII code after correcting the single bit error, if any.
• The hamming code for the given bit sequence is written and the wave form is
observed , the input sequence is of 4 bit, 2r >= k+r+1 => r = 4, (11,7,1) therefore
redundant bits are 4 r1,r2,r3,r4 , hamming code sequence is of 11 in length. In the
7th bit error has occurred, once the bit is identified, we can complement its value
and correct the error. The encoder and decoder Verilog code are written , in Xilinx
we got the required o/p and the decoded bit sequence is matching.The Hamming
encoding and decoding both are verified for different data input in the format
(11,7,1) in both simulation and implementation in FPGA.