Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Presented by
B. Tarun Reddy
Reactive Oxygen Species
• ROS a collective term that includes all reactive
forms of oxygen includes both radicals and
non radicals.
• Free radicals represent a class of highly
reactive intermediate chemical entities whose
reactivity is derived from the presence of
unpaired electron.
Free Radical
ROS are well recognized for playing a dual role as both
deleterious and beneficial species depending on their
concentration in plants.
They are formed as a natural by-product of the normal
metabolism and have important roles in cell signaling
and homeostasis.
Higher level of ROS can attack virtually all
macromolecules, which results in serious damage to
cellular components .
Whereas at low concentration it acts as
messenger in intracellular signaling.
Under stress conditions, the balance between
the production and elimination of ROS is
disturbed in cellular components of plants.
ROS production and scavenging is thought to
be controlled by a large network of genes
termed the ROS gene network.
Sources of ROS
Glycolate cycle
transport peroxisomes
Exogenous sources of ROS
Site of production
• ROS are always formed by the inevitable
leakage of electrons onto O2 from the
electron transport activities of chloroplasts,
mitochondria, and plasma membranes or as a
byproduct of various metabolic pathways
localized in different cellular compartments.
ETCs in PSI and PSII are the main sources of ROS
in chloroplasts.
ROS are produced in conditions such as drought,
salt, and temperature stresses, as well as by the
combination of these conditions with high-light
2 O2 + 2 Fd (red) ⟶ 2 O2•− + 2 Fd (oxi)
In plants, under normal aerobic conditions
and ATP syntheses are tightly coupled;
however, various stress factors lead to
inhibition or modification leading to over
reduction of electron carriers which leads to
formation of ROS.
Several enzymes present in mitochondrial
matrix can produce ROS.
Peroxisomes are probably the major sites of
H2O2 production.
The main metabolic processes responsible for
the generation of H2O2 in peroxisomes are the
photorespiration, the fatty acid β-oxidation
and flavin oxidases.
Plasma membrane
Electron transporting oxidoreductases are at
plasma membranes and lead to generation of
ROS at plasma membrane.
NADPH oxidase transfer of electrons from
cytoplasmic NADPH to O2 to form O2 •−.
NADPH oxidase has been proposed to play a
key role in the production and accumulation
of ROS in plants under stress conditions.
Cell-wall-located enzymes are responsible for
apoplastic ROS production .
The cell-wall-associated oxalate oxidase,
releases H2O2 and CO2 from oxalic acid.
Amine oxidase like enzymes may contribute to
defense responses occurring in the apoplast
following biotic stress, mainly through H2O2
Oxidative damage to
at high concentration
When ROS level reaches above threshold, peroxidation
takes place in which in turn affect normal cellular
A single •OH can result in peroxidation of many fatty
acids molecules.
These ROS attack can lead to chain breakage and,
thereby, increase in membrane fluidity and
Amino acid modification, fragmentation of the peptide
chain, aggregation of cross-linked reaction products,
altered electric charge and increased susceptibility of
proteins to proteolysis occur.
Thiol groups and Sulphur containing amino acids are very
susceptible sites for attack by ROS.
Oxidized proteins were more efficiently degraded by
proteolytic activity increased.
DNA is genetic material and any damage to the DNA
can result in changes in proteins, which may lead to
malfunctions or complete inactivation of the proteins.