Steepbrick - CPQ
Steepbrick - CPQ
Steepbrick - CPQ
o How to limit the discount?
o Questions
– How to change % increase in renewal quote?
– How to manage when a renewal quote should be created?
– How do you differentiate between a regular opportunity from renewal opportunity?
– When renewal opportunity is created, does it also creates a quote automatically? Who is owner
for it and how would he/she know about it?
o We can check the renewal checkbox to generate a new Renewal Opportunity with the close date equal
to the end date to renew the contract
o To generate a quote in renewal opportunity either we can create a new quote or we can check
Renewal Quoted in the last contract
o % increase in renewal process can be taken care by Steelbrick Subscription in Products -(This
is not available in my Package )
o Questions
– How do you manage BOM and quantity of child products?
– Can we implement something like Dell model here?
– How do make a child product mandatory or how do you guide which
child products are available?
o Questions
– Should ask customer for branding details upfront
– How to make changes to templates? What can not be changed?
o Questions
– How all of the above is done?
o Free trials can be managed by creating a free trial product for trial period and on
the renewal of that trial product we can add actual product
o Dynamic billing can be done by Price Dimensions in the product related list.
To Do Again:
Summery Variable -repeat
Block and margin price in pricing method introduction
Create 3 dynamic prices for each year in the product related list for the type yearly
Create 1 dynamic price for 1 time
o To handle trial Period , We can create a product for the trial period and on the renewal of that we can offer full product by
adding the product in the Renewal Product field in the Trial product.
o We can make changes in the existing contract by Ament button in contract.(Some issus in the calculation the the Ammend