Introduction To RCC Design
Introduction To RCC Design
Introduction To RCC Design
Kosygin Leishangthem
Concrete is the second most consumed material in the
world after water and it is used most widely in the
construction industry due to its high compressive
strength and other properties.
Concrete is good in resisting compression but is very weak in resisting tension. Hence
reinforcement is provided in the concrete wherever tensile stress is expected. The best
reinforcement is steel, since tensile strength of steel is quite high and the bond
between steel and concrete is good. As the elastic modulus of steel is high, for the
same extension the force resisted by steel is high compared to concrete.
The composite material of steel and concrete now called R.C.C. acts as a structural
member and can resist tensile as well as compressive stresses very well.
Properties of R.C.C./Requirement of Good R.C.C.
1. It should be capable of resisting expected tensile, compressive, bending and shear forces.
2. It should not show excessive deflection and spoil serviceability requirement.
3. There should be proper cover to the reinforcement, so that the corrossion is prevented.
4. The hair cracks developed should be within the permissible limit.
5. It is a good fire resistant material.
6. When it is fresh, it can be moulded to any desired shape and size.
7. Durability is very good.
8. R.C.C. structure can be designed to take any load.
Uses of R.C.C.
It is a widely used building material. Some of its important uses are listed below:
1. R.C.C. is used as a structural element, the common structural elements in a building
where R.C.C. is used are:
(a) Footings (b) Columns (c) Beams and lintels
(d) Chejjas, roofs and slabs. (e) Stairs.
2. R.C.C. is used for the construction of storage structures like
(a) Water tanks (b) Dams
(c) Bins (d) Silos and bunkers.
3. It is used for the construction of big structures like
(a) Bridges (b) Retaining walls (c) Docks and harbours
(d) Under water structures.
4. It is used for pre-casting
(a) Railway sleepers (b) Electric poles
5. R.C.C. is used for constructing tall structures like
(a) Multistorey buildings (b) Chimneys (c) Towers.
6. It is used for paving
(a) Roads (b) Airports.
7. R.C.C. is used in building atomic plants to prevent danger of radiation.
For this purpose R.C.C. walls built are 1.5 m to 2.0 m thick.
13 Types of Cement and their Uses in Concrete Construction
There are various types of cement used in concrete construction. Each type of cement has its
own properties, uses and advantages based on composition materials used during its
13 Types of Cement and their Uses
7. Blast Furnace Slag Cement
1.Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
8. High Alumina Cement
2.Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
9. White Cement
3.Rapid Hardening Cement
10. Coloured cement
4.Quick setting cement
11. Air Entraining Cement
5.Low Heat Cement
12. Expansive cement
6.Sulphates resisting cement
13. Hydrographic cement
Properties of Concrete
Properties of concrete are influenced by many factors mainly due to mix proportion of
cement, sand, aggregates and water. Ratio of these materials control the various concrete
properties which are discussed below.
As the modulus of elasticity of concrete changes with time, age at loading etc the modular
ratio also changes accordingly. Taking into account the effects of creep and shrinkage
partially IS code gives the following expression for the long term modular ratio.
Durability of concrete
Durability of concrete is its ability to resist its disintegration and decay. One of the chief
characteristics influencing durability of concrete is its permeability to increase of water and
other potentially deleterious materials.
The desired low permeability in concrete is achieved by having adequate cement, sufficient
low water/cement ratio, by ensuring full compaction of concrete and by adequate curing.
Characteristic load is that value of load which has a 95 percent probability of not being
exceeded during the life time of the structure. In absence of any data, loads given in
various standards shall be assumed as the characteristic loads. The following standards
may be used for this purpose.
IS 875 (Part 1) – for dead loads
IS 875 (Part 2) – for imposed loads
IS 875 (Part 3) – for wind loads
IS 875 (Part 4) – for snow loads
IS 1893 (Part 1) – for earthquake loads
Factor of safety
1.Definition: The factor by which the yield stress of the material of a member is divided to
arrive at the permissible stress in the material.
2.Purpose: to determine the permissible stress in the structure.
3.Application: Working Stress Method (WSM).
4.Example: Working stress(permissible stress in WSM)=Yield stress(fy)/FOS
5.FOS for steel =1.5 to 1.8, concrete=3, timber=3 to 5
Partial factor of safety
1.Definition: The factor normally greater than unity by which either the loads(actions)
are multiplied or the resistance are divided to obtain the design value.
2.Purpose: to determine design value of load and permissible value of stress.
3.Application: Limit State Design Method.
4.It is of two types: a) Partial FOS for load b) Partial FOS for material strength
5.Example: Design load= partial FOS for load *service load; Permissible
stress=Characteristic stress/partial FOS for material strength
6.Partial FOS for load ranges from 0.6 to 1.5 while partial FOS for material strength
ranges from 1.10 to 1.50.
Workability is one of the physical parameters of
concrete which affects the strength and durability
as well as the cost of labour and appearance of
the finished product. Concrete is said to be
workable when it is easily placed and
compacted homogeneously i.e without bleeding
or Segregation. Unworkable concrete needs
more work or effort to be compacted in place,
also honeycombs &/or pockets may also be
visible in finished concrete.
The property of fresh concrete which is indicated by the amount of useful internal
work required to fully compact the concrete without bleeding or segregation in the
finished product.
Factors affecting workability of concrete:
1.Water content in the concrete mix
2.Amount of cement & its Properties
3.Aggregate Grading (Size Distribution)
4.Nature of Aggregate Particles (Shape, Surface Texture, Porosity etc.)
5.Temperature of the concrete mix
6.Humidity of the environment
7.Mode of compaction
8.Method of placement of concrete
9.Method of transmission of concrete
Types of Workability of Concrete
Workability of concrete can be divided into following three types:
1.Unworkable Concrete
2.Medium Workable
3.Highly Workable Concrete
Recommend slump in
Type of Construction mm
Minimum Maximum
Pavements 25 50
Mass concrete structure 25 50
Unreinforced footings 25 75
Caissons and bridge decks 25 75
Reinforced foundation,
50 100
footings and walls
Reinforced slabs and beams 30 125
Columns 75 125
According to this test, the workability may be defined as
the amount of applied work required to compact the
concrete to its maximum density.
This method is adopted for determining the workability of
concrete mix in laboratories. It gives fairly good results for
concrete of low workability.
Conditions Degree Values of Workability
Workability Slump in Compacti
Time in
Description mm ng Factor
Extremely dry – 32 – 18
Very stiff – 18 – 10 0.70
Stiff 0 – 25 10 – 5 0.75
Stiff plastic 25 – 50 5–3 0.85
Plastic 75 – 100 3–0 0.90
Flowing 150 – 175 – 0.95
Creep Definition
Creep of concrete is the continued deformation with time under applied load. Sometimes it
is defined as increase in strain in concrete with time under sustained stress. This is also
known as plastic flow or time yield. The rate of creep decrease with time and the creep
strains at five years are taken as terminal values. Creep increases rapidly with the stress,
loading at an early age of concrete, broken ballast, soft and porous aggregate, poorly graded
and improperly compacted concrete.
Factors Affecting Creep
2.Mix Proportions
3.Age of concrete
The rate of creep is increased with increasing water cement ratio.
It is influenced by humidity and drying condition of the atmosphere.
The rate of creep rapidly decreases with time. The time taken by a concrete structure to attained creep
is 5 years.
Aggregates with moisture movement and low elastic modulus cause a large amount of creep. The rate
of creep generally decreases with the increase of the size of aggregates.
Some admixtures (mainly accelerators) are also responsible for causing creep in concrete.
1. Types of cement.
2. Entrained air.
3. Concrete strength.
4. Improper curing etc.
The volumetric changes of concrete structures due to the loss of moisture by evaporation is
known as concrete shrinkage or shrinkage of concrete. It is a time-dependent deformation
which reduces the volume of concrete without the impact of external forces.
The types of concrete shrinkage are listed below:
Plastic shrinkage occurs very soon after pouring the concrete in the forms. The hydration of cement
results in a reduction in the volume of concrete due to evaporation from the surface of concrete,
which leads to cracking.
The shrinkage that appears after the setting and hardening of the concrete mixture due to loss of
capillary water is known as drying shrinkage. Drying shrinkage generally occurs in the first few
months and decreases with time.
Carbonation shrinkage occurs due to the reaction of carbon dioxide (Co2) with the hydrated cement
minerals, carbonating Ca(Oh)2 to CaCo3. The carbonation slowly penetrates the outer surface of the
concrete. This type of shrinkage mainly occurs at medium humidities and results increased strength
and reduced permeability.
Autogenous shrinkage occurs due to no moisture movement from concrete paste under constant
temperature. It is a minor problem of concrete and can be ignored.
The shrinkage of concrete depends on several factors which are listed below.
1. WATER-CEMENT RATIO: shrinkage is mostly influenced by the water cement ratio of concrete. It increases with
the increases in the water-cement ratio.
2. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION: It is one of the major factors that affect the total volume of shrinkage.
Shrinkage is mostly occurred due to the drying condition of the atmosphere. It increases with the decrease in the
3. TIME: The rate of shrinkage rapidly decreases with time. It is found that 14-34% of the 20 years shrinkage
occurs in two weeks, 40-80% shrinkage occurs in three months and the rest 66-85% shrinkage occurs in one year.
4. TYPE OF AGGREGATE: Aggregates with moisture movement and low elastic modulus cause large shrinkage.
The rate of shrinkage generally decreases with the increase of the size of aggregates. It is found that concrete
made from sandstone shrinks twice than the concrete of limestone.
5. ADMIXTURES: The shrinkage increases with the addition of accelerating admixtures due to the presence of
calcium chloride (CaCl2) in it And it can be reduced by lime replacement.
Other Factors:
•The type and quantity of cement.
•Granular and microbiological composition of aggregates.
•The strength of concrete.
•The method of curing.
•The dimension of elements etc.
The factors which affect the properties of concrete (workability, bond strength, tensile strength,
creep, shrinkage, bleeding, segregation, etc) are described below.
Strength elasticity, durability, and impermeability of concrete are increased with the decrease in
water-cement ratio, provided the concrete is workable. Shrinkage is increased with greater w/c
With increases in cement content, w/c ratio decreased and consequently, strength, elasticity,
durability, and permeability is increased. More cement improves workability but it also increases
shrinkage which is undesirable.
The rate of setting and hardening of concrete is high at higher temperature. If the temperature of
concrete falls below 0°C, free water in concrete turns into ice crystals and since ice has greater
volume than the same quantity of water, the concrete is completely disrupted.
Such concrete on thawing will have no strength. If the temperature is more than the freezing
temperature, cool concreting gives better ultimate strength, durability and less shrinkage.
The strength of concrete goes on increasing with age, though the rate of increase becomes very
slow with the passage of time. The following table gives some ides of strength development with
Size, shape, and grading of aggregates, control concrete properties to a large extent. Rounded
aggregates give better workability than flaky and angular aggregates. Larger the size of the
aggregate, greater will be the strength, provided concrete mix is workable. Property graded
aggregates give better workability and strength.
Strength in percentage
Rapid hardening
Ordinary cement
7 days 35% 65%
28 days 60% 90%
3 months 85% 95%
1 year 100% 100%
Curing is the process of keeping the setting concrete damp so that complete hydration of
cement is brought about. Besides strength the curing affects following qualities:
a) It improves wear-resisting and weather resisting qualities.
b) It increases impermeability and durability.
c) It reduces shrinkage.
The frost causes disintegration of concrete and as such strength, durability and
impermeability are reduced. Resistance to frost action depends upon the structure of the
pores in the concrete.
The entrained air in concrete is due to incomplete compaction. It has the effect of reducing
the strength of concrete. With 1% of entrained air, the strength of concrete is reduced by
5%. It also increases permeability of concrete.
Bleeding can be defined as the tendency of
water to rise to the surface of freshly placed
concrete. It is another form of segregation
where some amount of water comes to the
concrete surface after placing and compacting,
before setting. The water content carries some
particles of sand and cementing materials.
Sometimes bleeding helps to reduce the plastic
shrinkage cracks in concrete.
1. Concrete loses its homogeneity which results in weak and porous concrete.
2. It makes the concrete permeable.
3. It delays the surface finishing in pavement construction.
4. Bleeding of concrete causes high water-cement ratio at the top surface.
5. The bond between two concrete layers become weaker.
6. Pumping ability of concrete is significantly reduced.
Bleeding in concrete can be reduced by taking following precautions:
1. Design the concrete mix properly.
2. Add minimum water content in the concrete mix.
3. Add more cement in the mix.
4. Increase the amount of fine particles in the sand.
5. Use a little amount of air entraining admixture.
6. Use more finely ground cement.
The stress-strain curve for hardened cement paste is almost linear as shown in the figure.
The aggregate is more rigid than the cement paste and will therefore deform less (i.e. have
a lower strain) under the same applied stress.
The stress strain curve of concrete lies between
those of the aggregate and the cement paste.
However this relationship is non-linear over the
most of the range. The reason for this non-linear
behaviour is that micro-cracks are formed-
(i) At the interface between aggregate particles
and cement paste as a result of the differential
movement between the two phases, and
(ii) Within the cement paste itself.
These cracks are formed as a result of changes in temperature and moisture and the
application of load. Concrete taken through a cycle of loading and unloading will exhibit a
stress-strain curve as shown in the figure below.
Steel bars are prepared in different shapes. Generally round. Shaped bars are used in R.C.C works. In
addition to this shape the bars of square shaped, pentagonal shaped, hexagonal shaped, octagonal shaped
bars are also prepared.
Types of Steel according to surface.
Generally round-shaped bars are used in R.C.C works. Its surface is prepared in two ways.
Plain Bars.This was used intensively in olden days but less these days. This is because there becomes weak
bond with concrete due to its plain surface.
Deformed Bars.The surface of such bars is make rough with some designs on it. Such bars are used
intensively these days. The quality of such bar is that a strong bond forms with concrete. There arises no need
of hooks at the ends of the bars.
Ultimate limit states (limit states of collapse):- which deal with strength, overturning,
sliding, buckling, fatigue fracture etc.