The document discusses outcome based education. It outlines expected outcomes which include examining OBE requirements, proposing visions and missions for institutes, and proposing program educational objectives. It notes demands of the global knowledge economy include creativity, application, analysis, and collaborative learning. A new model is needed that focuses on what is learned and lifelong learning. The new approach involves deciding what students should do, orienting teaching around this, assessing student achievement, and improving. Key constituents of OBE include visions, missions, program educational objectives, program outcomes, and course outcomes. The document provides examples of drafting visions and missions, and conducting a SWOT analysis to inform this process. It outlines questions to consider for the analysis regarding human resources, physical infrastructure,
The document discusses outcome based education. It outlines expected outcomes which include examining OBE requirements, proposing visions and missions for institutes, and proposing program educational objectives. It notes demands of the global knowledge economy include creativity, application, analysis, and collaborative learning. A new model is needed that focuses on what is learned and lifelong learning. The new approach involves deciding what students should do, orienting teaching around this, assessing student achievement, and improving. Key constituents of OBE include visions, missions, program educational objectives, program outcomes, and course outcomes. The document provides examples of drafting visions and missions, and conducting a SWOT analysis to inform this process. It outlines questions to consider for the analysis regarding human resources, physical infrastructure,
The document discusses outcome based education. It outlines expected outcomes which include examining OBE requirements, proposing visions and missions for institutes, and proposing program educational objectives. It notes demands of the global knowledge economy include creativity, application, analysis, and collaborative learning. A new model is needed that focuses on what is learned and lifelong learning. The new approach involves deciding what students should do, orienting teaching around this, assessing student achievement, and improving. Key constituents of OBE include visions, missions, program educational objectives, program outcomes, and course outcomes. The document provides examples of drafting visions and missions, and conducting a SWOT analysis to inform this process. It outlines questions to consider for the analysis regarding human resources, physical infrastructure,
The document discusses outcome based education. It outlines expected outcomes which include examining OBE requirements, proposing visions and missions for institutes, and proposing program educational objectives. It notes demands of the global knowledge economy include creativity, application, analysis, and collaborative learning. A new model is needed that focuses on what is learned and lifelong learning. The new approach involves deciding what students should do, orienting teaching around this, assessing student achievement, and improving. Key constituents of OBE include visions, missions, program educational objectives, program outcomes, and course outcomes. The document provides examples of drafting visions and missions, and conducting a SWOT analysis to inform this process. It outlines questions to consider for the analysis regarding human resources, physical infrastructure,
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Outcome based Education
Expected Outcomes
The participants will be able to examine the
requirements of OBE.
The participants will be able to Propose Vision,
Mission, for the Institute.
The participants will be able to propose PEOs for
programs offered. Demands of Global knowledge economy Creativity, Application, Analysis and Synthesis, and collaborative learning. Workforce capable of retaining and learning new skill/competencies. Conventional approach: treating education as transmission of expert knowledge(not suitable) So a new model of education and training is required, which will focus on what is learnt? And will take care of instilling lifelong learning The New Approach
Therefore the approach should be:
1. Decide about what you want your students to do? 2. Orient your teaching and other academic processes to do so 3. Assess the achievement of students 4. Improve The model of education based on the above approach is called as outcome based education Learning environment required for OBE 1. Maintaining learning outcome statement/s to make explicit what the student is expected to know, understand or do. 2. Providing for learning activities in the form of group projects, seminars, fieldwork etc. which will help the student to reach these outcomes. 3. Assessing the extent to which the student meets these outcomes through the use of explicit assessment criteria. 4. Taking corrective action Constituents of OBE
Vision & Mission Statements.
Program Educational Objectives(PEOS) Program Outcomes(POs) and Program Specific Outcomes. Course Outcomes(Cos) Drafting Vision & Mission
Importance of SWOT analysis
SWOT Analysis The Process The steps to be followed are: Set up teams of key stakeholders to carry out consultations/brainstorming Carry out brainstorming in separate groups using an appropriate facilitator Ask each group to identify the internal strengths and weakness SWOT Analysis Contd. Discuss the external opportunities and threats taking into account the internal strengths and weaknesses identified by each group together SWOT Analysis Contd. To identify the strengths think of : 1. Capabilities 2. Recognition 3. Competitive advantage 4. Resources, assets, people 5. innovative aspects/practices
The strengths should be realistic.
SWOT Analysis Contd. To identify the weakness think of : 1. Disadvantages in capabilities 2. Reputation 3. Lack of competitive strengths
The weaknesses should be such that there lies
a scope for improvement or overcoming. SWOT Analysis Contd. To identify the opportunities think in terms of : 1. Market development
2. Competitor’s vulnerability
3. Industry trends
Your action plan should try to cash on these
opportunities. SWOT Analysis Contd. To identify the threats think in terms of : 1. External forces that could inhibit the maintenance & attainment of a competitive advantage 2. Unfavorable situation in external or internal environment.
Your action plan should address those threats
having higher probabilities. Questions to be asked during brainstorming Regarding Human Resources Faculty How much qualified and experience the faculty is? What is the attrition rate? What are the difficulties you are facing in attracting quality faculty? What are your plans to address this issue? What is the level of participation of your faculty in R&D activities? Regarding Human Resources How many research papers your faculty members have published in National/International peer reviewed Journals? What is the contribution of faculty members in knowledge creation through book writing or development of learning material or e-content development? What is the level of participation of your faculty in conducting Short term training programs for faculty members of other institutions & for local industries? Regarding Human Resources Whether your institute is a recognized center for carrying out academic research. Regarding Human Resources Students What is the quality of your intake in terms of ranks in CET? How much is the acceptability of your students in Industry? How much is the acceptability of your students in Institutions of National and International repute for higher learning Regarding Human Resources Supporting Staff
What is the level of competence of technical
supporting staff? What is the method of recruitment of the supporting staff Physical Infrastructure Do you have any location advantage or disadvantage? Is the physical infrastructure adequate? Are the laboratories well equipped with required equipments? Whether the laboratories are accredited? How much is the IRG(internal revenue generation) through testing and consultancy? Do you have a mechanism in place for removal of obsolescence from laboratories? Processes Whether all the processes are well documented and how much is the adherence to the processes in actual working? How fast your procurement process is? How much delegation of power exists? How much transparency in administration? Do you have student’s feedback mechanism in place? Innovative practices if any, Scheme of incentives/rewards. To identify Opportunities and Threats What about competition from large number of Institution with proven track record, which includes the foreign universities also? What is scope for development of center of excellences in cutting edge technology? What is scope for collaborative research? Exploring the possibility of participating in national technology missions. To identify Opportunities and Threats what is scope for development of appropriate technology which will help in raising the standard of leaving of the people of the region, and in turn will contribute to the socio-economic development of the region? What is scope for setting up of technology incubation center? ( This provides infra structure to star-up companies and aids innovation transfer to industry. It also helps interested Students/Alumni/ Local residents to setup and incubate technology companies) Vision
The vision statement is an aspirational description
of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-tem future. Example of Vision Statement
To be the engineering institute that best
understand the needs of engineering profession, and produce engineering professionals living up to the expectations of the engineering profession. Mission
Mission statements are essentially the means to
achieve the vision. Example of Institute’s Mission Statement
Educate the students within a learner centric
environment, which provides opportunities for 1. Intellectual as well as personal growth, both inside as well as outside classroom, and using a model of hands on. 2. Cooperative work experience. 3. Applying the concepts in real world problem solving. Corelation between Vision & Mission stats
(There is a connect between the Mission and the Vision
statement, because the Mission statements talks about Educating students in a learner centric environment, which is very much required for delivering up to the expectation of engineering profession on manpower front) Example of Department’s Vision Statement(Mechanical Engineering) To get recognized for offering educational & research programs in Mechanical engineering having a context of meeting important societal needs. (This jells well with the Institute’s vision statement because to produce engineering professionals living up to the expectations of the profession needs offering education and research programs with societal context). Example of Department’s Mission Statement(Mechanical Engineering) To train the students for 1. Developing understanding of basic principles to design , manufacture, and test, mechanical systems or processes 2. Building core competence required to work as a practicing Mechanical Engineer in the fields such as thermal, production, design, research and development, testing and excel in the same (This jells well with the Institute’s Mission statement of providing opportunity for applying the concepts in real world problem solving, because this requires building core competence ) Example of Department’s Mission Statement (CSE) Building core competence required for understanding of contemporary computer science theory and applications, and laying solid foundation for continuous learning (This jells well with the Institute’s Mission statement of providing opportunity for applying the concepts in real world problem solving, because this requires building core competence and capability for continuous learnin Example of Department’s Mission Statement (Electrical Engineering) To train the students for 1. Developing understanding of basic principles that underline modern electrical technology. 2. Building core competence required to work as a practicing Electrical Engineer by focussing on developing skills that will help them contribute in design and development of complex technological infrastructure required by modern society. (This jells well with the Institute’s Mission statement of providing opportunity for applying the concepts in real world problem solving, because this requires building core competence ) Defining PEOs While defining the PEOs you need to take into account 1. What you are preparing your students for? Like to excel in PG/ research program, or to take jobs in local as well as global industries and succeed there or to become entrepreneur 2. What core competence is required to take up any of these options? 3. What breadth of knowledge is required ? 4. What professional skills like effective communication, maintaining healthy interpersonal relationship, and ethical attitude needs to be developed ? 5. What learning environment you are capable of providing? Example of PEOs for ME I. To prepare graduates to take up career in Industry, academia as well as public service. (This takes care of what you are preparing your students for) II. To build core competence to develop mechanical components and systems by imparting knowledge of theory, practice, and design in core areas of mechanical engineering like thermal, production, machines, and training the students to analyze and interpret the data for engineering applications ( This takes care of core competence required and the breadth of knowledge required) III. To develop ability to maintain healthy interpersonal skills to work in multidisciplinary team, to effectively communicate. his/her ideas, to follow legal and ethical code while practicing profession. to develop sense of responsibility to take up ownership of the projects. (This takes care of professional skills required) IV. To complement the class room teaching with live projects, fieldwork, seminars to build self-learning, and lifelong learning capability, and to develop out of box thinking (This talks about the learning environment) Example of PEOs for CSE I To produce graduates who posses the necessary foundation required; 1. To acquire gainful employment in core Computer/IT and ITES industries 2. To pursue higher studies 3. To become successful Computer Professional (This takes care of what you are preparing your students for) Example of PEOs CSE II To build core competence by laying solid foundation in Mathematics, Physics, and core Computer Science subjects with a focus on concept building (This takes care of core competence required)
III To lay equal emphasis on analysis and synthesis
(This takes care of breadth of knowledge required) Example of PEOs CSE IV. To develop skills to understand group dynamics, to effectively communicate his/her ideas, to develop sense of responsibility, to differentiate between ethical and unethical, legal and illegal practices in Computer profession (This takes care of professional skills required) V. To complement the class room teaching with live projects, fieldwork, seminars to build self-learning, and lifelong learning capability, and to develop out of box thinking (This talks about the learning environment) PEOs Mission To prepare graduates to take up Building core competence flourishing career in Industry, required to work as a academia as well as public practicing Mechanical service. Engineer in the fields such as thermal, production, design, research and development, testing and excel in the same. To impart knowledge of theory, Building core competence practice, and design in core required to analyze, design and areas of mechanical engineering assess performance of like thermal, production, Mechanical systems machines, and training the students to analyze and interpret the data for PEOs Mission To develop ability to maintain Building core competence required healthy interpersonal skills to work in to work as a practicing Mechanical multidisciplinary team, to effectively Engineer in the fields such as communicate. his/her ideas, to follow thermal, production, design, legal and ethical code while practicing research and development, testing profession. to develop sense of and excel in the same. responsibility to take up ownership of the projects. To complement the class room Building core competence required teaching with live projects, fieldwork, to work as a practicing Mechanical seminars to build self-learning, and Engineer in the fields such as lifelong learning capability, and to thermal, production, design, develop out of box thinking research and development, testing and excel in the same.