Labour Cost and Control
Labour Cost and Control
Labour Cost and Control
(20 Marks)
Introduction to Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
• Cost Accounting is a method of accounting
wherein all the costs involved in performing any
process, project or product are noted and
• 1. Manual Method:
• Under this method the attendance time of
employees are recorded either by the time
keeping officer or by employees themselves.
• The manual methods of time keeping are
as follows:
• i. Attendance Register Method:
• Under this method, an attendance register is
maintained for recording the attendance time.
This method is followed in small sized concerns.
• Demerits:
• (1) This method is not suitable for medium and large sized
• (2) Where the attendance is marked by calling out the names
of employees, there will be hold-ups near the factory gate.
• (3) Dishonest employees may mark the attendance of
absentee employee.
• (4) Time keeping officer may show step motherly treatment to
his friends and this will defect the purpose of time keeping.
• (5) It involves additional work for posting the entries into the
individual working record.
• ii. Token or Disk Method:
• Under this method, each worker is allotted an
identification number and that number is suitably
painted on engraved on a round metal to ken (or disk)
with the hole in it. All such token are hung in a serial
order on a board at the factory gate.
• Demerits:
• (1) Dishonest practice of inserting a disc of an
absentee worker by another employee may take
• (2) It involves more clerical work to prepare an
attendance record with the help of disc, where any
mistake is committed in recording attendance time
on the basis of disc and in case of any disputes
between an employee and time keeping officer, disc
cannot offer any proof.
• 2. Mechanical Method:
• In modern age, mechanical methods of time keeping
are used to save time and ensure greater accuracy.
• Demerits:
• (1) A worker can record the time of an absentee
• (2) Time of arrival and departure are separated out
in two different sheets of paper which require
additional clerical work.
• (3) A worker cannot see the time he has booked and
disputes may arise afterwards.
• ii. Card Time Recorder:
• This is a machine which is fitted with a clock on each
side of which there is an ‘in’ and ‘out’ rack which
contains the cards of the employees.
• The worker who enters the gate takes his and from
the ‘in’ rack, inserts it in the machine.
• Demerits:
• (1) An employee can record the time of absentee
• (2) Controlling and checking of cards becomes
• iii. Autograph or Signature Type Time Recorder:
• This type of machine is most commonly used in small
sized business enterprise where supervision for time
recording does not arise.
• Demerits:
• (1) The worker’s name does not appear as per
the pay roll order.
• (2) Breakdown in the machine leads to stoppage
in the recording of attendance time.
Importance of Time Keeping
Definition of Time-Booking:
• Demerit:
• (1) This method is not suitable for large sized
5. Labour Cost Card:
• A labour cost card is used to record the time spent by all the
workers on various operations of the job.
• This record, thus, shows the total time spent on a job and the
wages to be charged to that job. As this card shows the total
labour cost of a particular job it is termed as labour cost card.
6. Piece Work Card: