Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
O Is the process of organizing data into logical,
sequential and meaningful categories and
classifications to make them amenable to
study and interpretation.
Three Ways of Presenting Data
O Statements with numerals or numbers that
serve as supplements to tabular presentation.
O A systematic arrangement of related idea in
which classes of numerical facts or data are
given each row and their subclasses are given
each a column in order to present the
relationships of the sets or numerical facts or
data in a definite, compact and
understandable form.
Two General Rules Regarding
the Independence of Tables
and Text
1. The table should be so constructed that it
enables the reader to comprehend the data
presented without referring to the text;
2. The text should be so written that it allows
the reader to understand the argument
presented without referring to the table.
(Campbell, Ballou and Slade, 1990)
O A chart representing the quantitative
variations or changes of variables in pictorial
or diagrammatic form.
Types of Graphs and Charts
1. Bar graphs
2. Linear graphs
3. Pie graphs
4. Pictograms
5. Statistical maps
6. Ratio charts