The Site of The First Mass1
The Site of The First Mass1
The Site of The First Mass1
Butuan or Limasawa?
■ Mazaua
> Pigafetta
> March 31, 1521
■ Two conflicting claims: Butuan or Limasawa.
The Butuan Tradition
■ It was the only accepted claim from the 17th to the
■ 19th century.
■ Monument for Magellan at Magallanes
> built in 1872
> at Mactan Island of Cebu, Philippines.
■ Labor Evangelica
> Fr. Francisco Colin S.J. (1663)
> annotated by Fr. Pablo Pastells S.J.
after 240 years (in 1903).
* “…on Easter day, in the territory of
Butuan, the first mass ever offered in
these parts was celebrated and a
cross planted… the 7th of April, the octave
of Easter.”
• Historia de Mindanao y Jolo (History of Mindanao)
> Fr. Francisco Combes S.J. (1667)
> annotated by Wenceslao Retana after 230 years.
> the first mass was not mentioned.