Product Life Cycle Management
Product Life Cycle Management
Product Life Cycle Management
Product Life Cycle
Product Lifecycle Phases
Product Lifecycle Phases
• Towards continuous innovation process and implementing
new technologies effectively.
• To respond quickly to changing market conditions and
shorten the duration of time-to-market.
• To improve cycle times.
• To optimize product lifecycle processes.
• To lower scrap and rework costs.
• Towards closer contact with all departments, including
customers and suppliers.
• To improve company performance and profitability
Strategies of each product life cycle phase
Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
Distribution Exclusive and General and General and General and Withdrawal
Goal selective reinforced reinforced reinforced from most
distribution distribution distribution distribution channels of
through through all with good with good distribution
certain distribution supply to the supply to except those
distribution channels middle men the used in the
channels and available but with low middle men development
creation of margins of but with low phase
high profit profit for margins of
margins for them profit for
middle men them
PRICE High, customers willing to pay premium for new product.
Early adopters.
PROMOTION Limited. Highly targeted promotional efforts aimed at
specific customers
DISTRIBUTION Direct (factory to customer) or limited distribution through
specific strategic partners.
SALES Small team of highly skilled salesmen with good knowledge
of the market.
DEVELOPMENT Focus on time to market and uniqueness
MANUFACTURING High expenditure for new production capacity.
SERVICE High level of service for targeted customers.
SUPPORT Direct factory support. Engineering involvement is required.
TRAINING Focused on new product features, benefits, differentiation,
pricing and functionality.
TECHNOLOGY New and innovative.
COMPETITION Limited. May be offering different solution for the same
problem or application.
MARKET SHARE Low overall.
PRICE 10% of market level. – 10% if the brand name is weak and
competition is severe, + 10% if sales are good and
competition does not have similar product to offer
PROMOTION Heavy. Targeted promotions, trade shows, direct mail, sales
seminars, articles and press releases.
DISTRIBUTION Highly skilled. Focused channels with strong technical skills
if needed, complementary products and services.
SALES Everywhere possible. Retail shops, telephone, internet.
DEVELOPMENT Complete development. Market penetration is sustained with
variations and improvements of the product.
MANUFACTURING Addition of capacity and automation.
SERVICE Local and regional, fully staffed
SUPPORT Phone support.
TRAINING Transition to newer version of product
TECHNOLOGY Newer and leading edge.
COMPETITION New appearing worldwide.
MARKET SHARE High growth. All out market warfare with competitors.
PRICE Stable.
External Factors:
Scale: Companies want to grow continuously.
Complexity: The diversity of product increases because of
product and the process of production.
Time of cycle: It’s important for competition.
Lean production: It’s about using less energy and material.
Global competition: The competition has increased
The arrangements made by governments and
international agreements: It’s about environmental
degradation, work and arrangement of job security.
Which factors have an impact on PLM?
Need of PLM
• Reduced time to market
• Improved product quality
• Reduced prototyping costs
• More accurate and timely Request For Quote
• Ability to quickly identify potential sales
opportunities and revenue contributions
• Savings through the reuse of original data
• A framework for product optimization
PLM Best Practices
• Develop iteratively
Although it is always best to know all the requirements in
advance, this is often an unrealistic goal. Therefore, do not
spend an inordinate amount of time upfront on requirements
and design without user validation.
• Manage Requirements
Always keep in mind the requirements set by the users.
• Model Visually
Utilize diagrams and mock ups as models. Create visual
prototypes and get user validation before developing any
method code. Don't spend a significant amount of time
developing specs without prototyping the solution.
• Use Components
Breaking down large projects into manageable pieces. Look
for "Small Wins" that provide business value.
PLM Best Practices
• Verify Quality
Always make testing a major component of the project.
• Control Change
Ensure that changes are synchronized and verified constantly.
• Milestone lifecycle
different milestones in the development of the product.
Different gateways are required and evaluated during the
product development.
PLM – Speed to market
Business Drivers for PLM
PLM Paradigm
• A paradigm is a generally agreed and shared
conceptual structure that people use to work
with a complex subject. It’s a simple picture
that helps them think about, describe, analyze
and communicate about the subject.
• A paradigm is a model, a way of thinking, a
mindset. It's a simple picture that helps them
think about, describe, analyze and
communicate about the subject.
Principles of PLM Paradigm
• Start with a good concept, not necessarily a
good design. (Let the optimizer do the work of
searching for good designs.)
• Optimize early and often. (Not just at the end of
the design cycle or after all other means have
been exhausted.)
• Define the design problem you need to
solve. (Not the one that can be solved by a
certain optimization strategy.)
• Optimize the system interactions. (Not the
Principles of PLM Paradigm
• Let the optimization algorithm figure out how to
search the design space. (There’s often no way to
guess ahead of time which search method and
tuning parameters will work best.)
• Be an engaged participant in the optimization
search. (Leverage your knowledge and intuition
during a collaborative search process.)
• Care about the sensitivities of your final
design. (Not those of your initial guess, which
often have no bearing on the final design.)
PLM Business Process Map
PLM Of all Data
Various Stakeholders of PLM Data
PLM Data Views
PDM the subset of PLM
PLM Corner Stones
PLM Change
Before PLM
PLM after Joining the gap
Without PLM: Disadvantages
Problems Without PLM
PLM : Compulsion to Survive
PLM Strategy
• The potential value of PLM is huge, and continues to
grow as the scope of PLM expands.
• To maximize value for your company, it’s important to
have well‐defined goals that are tied to your business
• Successful companies approach PLM implementation
as a business transformation as opposed to a
technology installation, recognizing the need to change
behavior and business processes in addition to
providing new software.
• Think of PLM as a platform for driving change within a
multi‐phase program structure.
PLM Strategy
1. Define the business problem in strategic terms
2. Identify the business objectives of the program
3. Create a clear multi-faceted business case and strategic
4. Architect a simple, integrated, platform-independent
PLM vision
5. Select a PLM platform and complementary software
6. Align the organization on the goals and objectives of
the program
7. Develop a phased implementation roadmap
PLM Capabilities Framework which Helps Companies
Prioritize Needs and Develop a Strategy
Developing PLM Strategies
• Organizations need to define and implement
sustainable PLM Strategy
• Sustainable PLM Strategy Requires
- Vision
- Patience
- Flexibility
-Willingness to change
• Sustainable PLM Strategy always linked to strategic
business objectives of the company
• Success = Vision+ Organization + Process + Providers
+ Approach + Environment
PLM : Major Business Domain
PLM Spans product life
PLM touches all phases of a product’s life and the entire Value chain
Defining Product Innovation Platform
Key Success Factors
Key to successful Implementations
Developing and implementing a
sustainable PLM Strategy is important