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SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. Its main objectives are to identify internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving task or business objectives.

SWOT analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company, product, place, industry or person. It involves identifying the objective's strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) and helps formulate a strategy. The main objectives of SWOT analysis are to identify internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving task or business objectives.

The elements of a SWOT analysis are: Strengths (S) - Internal attributes that are helpful to achieving the objective. Weaknesses (W) - Internal attributes that are harmful to achieving the objective. Opportunities (O) - External conditions that are helpful to achieving the objective. Threats (T) - External conditions that could do damage to the objective.

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Weakness Opportuniti
Strengths es
SWOT Analysis
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis

It has decided to venture

into the market of
cosmetics with the launch
Globus Inc. of a new brand of
is a leading cosmetics ‘Glaze’ in the
manufacturer market.
of baby

However, before Globus can actually

make the final decision of venturing
into a new market, it needs to find out
the things that are working in its favor
and the aspects that can lead to the
failure of its new venture.

It has decided to venture

into the market of
cosmetics with the launch
Globus Inc. of a new brand of
is a leading cosmetics ‘Glaze’ in the
manufacturer W
Whhaatt ddoo yyoou th market.
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of baby sshhoouulldd ddo to thinkk GGlloobbuuss
products. o to aannaallyyzzee th
ssiittuuaatitioonn? thiiss

However, before Globus can actually

make the final decision of venturing
into a new market, it needs to find out
the things that are working in its favor
and the aspects that can lead to the
failure of its new venture.

Carrying out a SWOT

Analysis will help Globus
understand the company’s
Globus can do strengths, weaknesses,
a SWOT opportunities and threats.
Analysis of its
position in the

SWOT Analysis would help Globus

understand its strengths that would be
helpful in the new venture, its
weaknesses that need to be overcome
to be successful in launching the new
products, the opportunities that it has
at hand to succeed in the new venture
and the threats that it perceives to the
success in the new venture.

Carrying out a SWOT

Analysis will help Globus
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understand the company’s
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strengths, weaknesses,
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comm p any ’s d
pany’s deev vel oppm and threats.
Analysis of its elo meenntt to su cc
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position in the ve

SWOT Analysis would help Globus

understand its strengths that would be
helpful in the new venture, its
weaknesses that need toa n
us llooookk aatt oorrggan iill..
to be tt us
LLeesuccessful in launching
i s i n
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products, SSW O
O TT AAnnaallyyssis i that it has
at hand to succeed in the new venture
and the threats that it perceives to the
success in the new venture.
History of SWOT Analysis
• SWOT analysis technique was found by Albert Humphrey who led a research
project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s.

• He used the data from Fortune 500 companies to identify why corporate
planning failed.
• His research identified a number of key areas that were critical to corporate
planning and the tool used to explore each of the critical areas was called SOFT

• Albert Humphrey and the original research team used the following
“What is good in the present is Satisfactory, good in the future is an
Opportunity; bad in the present is a Fault and bad in the future is a Threat.”
• In 1964, at a conference the F in ‘SOFT’ was changed to a W, and thus, the
emergence of ‘SWOT’ Analysis as we know it today came into existence.
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
What is SWOT Analysis?
SWOT Analysis is a technique founded by Albert Humphrey who led a research
project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s.

The acronym ‘SWOT’ stands for:


What is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT Analysis enables a

group/individual to
handle everyday problems
and look at traditional
strategies from a new It is used as
perspective. framework for
organizing and
using data and
SWOT information
gained from
SWOT Analysis is a
planning tool used to
analysis of
understand Strengths,
internal and
Opportunities and
Threats involved in a
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis

S W Strengths are:

• Characteristics of the business or

O T team that give it an advantage over
others in the industry.
• Positive, tangible and intangible
attributes, internal to an
• Beneficial aspects of the
organization or the capabilities of an
organization, which includes human
competencies, process capabilities,
financial resources, products and
services, customer goodwill and
brand loyalty.

S Some of the examples of organizational strengths

are as follows:

• Abundant financial resources

W •

Established brand name
Economies of scale
• Lower production costs
• Superior management
O •

Excellent marketing skills
Good supply chain distribution
• Great Employee commitment


S W Weaknesses are:

• Characteristics that place the

O T organization at a disadvantage
relative to others.
• Detract the organization from its
ability to attain the core goal and
influence its growth.
• Factors which do not meet the
standards set in the organization.

S Some of the examples of organizational

weaknesses are as follows:

• Limited financial resources

W •

Low R & D Budget
Narrow product line
• Weak supply chain distribution
• Higher production costs
O •

Obsolete or Out-of-date products/technology
Poor market image
• Poor marketing skills
• Weak management skills
• Under-trained employees

S W Opportunities are:
• Chances to make greater profits in the
• External attractive factors that
O T represent the reason for an
organization to exist and develop.
• Condition of the environment that
benefits the organization in planning
and executing strategies that enable it
to become more profitable.

Organization should be careful and

recognize the opportunities and grasp
them whenever they arise. Opportunities
may arise from market, competition,
industry/government and technology.

S Some of the examples of opportunities for an

organization are as follows:

• Rapid market growth

W •

Complacent rival firms
Changing customer needs/tastes
• New uses discovered for existing product
• Economic boom,
O •

Government deregulation
Decline in demand for a substitute product


S W Threats are:
• External elements in the environment
that could cause trouble for the
O T • External factors, beyond an
organization’s control, which could
! place the organization’s mission or
operation at risk.
• Conditions in external environment
that jeopardize the reliability and
profitability of the organization’s
Threats compound the vulnerability when
! they relate to the weaknesses. Threats are
uncontrollable. When a threat comes, the
stability and survival can be at stake.

S Some of the examples of threats for an

organization are as follows:

• Entry of foreign competitors

W •

Introduction of new substitute products
Decline in product life cycle
• Changing customer needs/tastes
• New strategies adopted by rival firms

O •

Increased government regulation
Economic slowdown


Q. Which of the following is NOT

‘strength’ of a business?

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to select the
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Objectives of SWOT
The main objective of SWOT is analyzing the following:
Strengths Weaknesses
S (based on
analysis of):
(based on
analysis of):
• Strategies • Strategies
• Restriction & • Restriction &
Control Control
• Performance • Performance

O Opportunitie
s (based on (based on T
analysis of): analysis of):
• General Environment • General Environment
• Industry Environment • Industry Environment
• Main Competitors • Main Competitors
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Who needs SWOT Analysis?
SWOT Analysis is useful for various aspects from the perspective of the following:

Let us look at the use of SWOT Analysis for each in detail.

Job Holder

Job Holder:

SWOT Analysis is useful for a job holder:

• When his supervisor has issues with work output
• When he is assigned to a new job
• When he is faced with fresh targets
• When the job holder seeks to improve his
performance on the job
Business Unit (BU)

Business Unit (BU):

SWOT Analysis is useful for a Business Unit (BU):

• When the team has not met its targets
• When the customer service needs to be improved
• When launching a new business unit to pursue a new
• When a new team leader is appointed for the BU

Roll your mouse over

the “Did you know?”
icon, to learn more.


SWOT Analysis is useful for a Company:

• When revenue, cost and expense and targets are not
being achieved
• When the market share is declining
• When the industry conditions are unfavorable
• When launching a new business venture
Did You Know?

SWOT analysis is useful and is not limited to only profit-seeking

organizations. SWOT analysis may be used in any decision-making
situation when a desired end-state (objective) has been defined. Hence,
it can also be used for decision-making in non-profit organizations,
governmental units and for individuals. SWOT analysis may also be used
in pre-crisis planning and preventive crisis management. SWOT analysis
may also be used in creating a recommendation during a viability
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Internal and External Factors
The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors
that are important to achieving the objective. These come from within the
company's unique value chain. SWOT analysis groups key pieces of information
into two main categories:

nal Fa c tors
• The strengths and
internal to the
organization. External
Factors • The opportunities
and threats
presented by the
external environment
Let us look at each in detail. to the organization.
Internal Factors

The internal factors may be viewed as strengths or

weaknesses depending upon their impact on the
organization's objectives.

What may represent strengths with respect to one

objective may be weaknesses for another objective.

It is essential to note that the internal factors are within

the control of organization, such as operations, finance,
marketing, and other areas.

These factors may include all of the 4P's; as well as

personnel, finance, manufacturing capabilities, and so on.
External Factors

The external factors are out of the organization’s control,

such as political and economic factors, technology,
competition, and other areas.

The external factors may also include macroeconomic

matters, technological change, legislation, and socio-
cultural changes, as well as changes in the marketplace or
competitive position.
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
SWOT Quadrants

Hence, you can use

SWOT analysis to
identify the areas The analyzing SWOT is
where you can have done through referring
the most beneficial to the SWOT matrix.
strategies and targets
based on the current
situation of the
Examining a company's
internal capabilities—its
A SWOT analysis is a strengths and weaknesses, and
first, but critical, step in external environment—its
developing an opportunities and threats,
organizational strategy. helps to create strategies that
can proactively contend with
organizational challenges.
SWOT Quadrants
There are four quadrants that are present in the SWOT matrix. For short term goals
or objectives, the organization should focus on at least one or two quadrants. For
long term, it is advisable to include the goals coming from each of the four quadrants
in order to create a balance.

Let us look at each in detail.

Quadrant 1

Quadrant 1 —internal
strengths matched with
external opportunities
Strengths and Opportunities
Quadrant 1 will help the
organization in formulating
strategies by taking advantage of
the strengths so that it can pursue
the best opportunities at its very
own disposal. This is especially
important because there may be
opportunities which may be
present for a short period of time.
Quadrant 2

Quadrant 2 — internal
weaknesses relative to
external opportunities
Strengths and Threats
Quadrant 2 helps the organization
by formulating strategies by using
its strengths in order to lessen or
eliminate the threats that the
organization is currently facing.
Quadrant 3

Quadrant 3 —internal
strengths matched with
external threats
Weaknesses and Opportunities
Quadrant 3 helps the organization
through the formulation of
strategies by opening up the
opportunities along the road by
reducing some weaknesses that
are currently present.
Quadrant 4

Quadrant 4 —internal
weaknesses relative to
external threats
Weaknesses and Threats
Quadrant 4 helps in the
formulation of strategies that will
help in mitigating or even
avoiding threats that has resulted
from the organization’s very own
Creating Strategies
SWOT analysis on its own is meaningless unless it is backed by solid, well-
defined action plan. It works best when part of an overall strategy or in a given
context or situation. A simple strategy can be defined by using the 4As model.
The 4As model stands for:

Apply - take
Activate – identify
Aim – is the action
the strengths or
Goal or measures of
Assess – is the
objective success & use
SWOT review
itself them to

Q. The 4As model stands for:

Click on the
radio button
to select the
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
TOWS Analysis

A TOWS analysis involves the same basic process of listing strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats as a SWOT analysis. However, in a TOWS analysis, threats
and opportunities are examined first and weaknesses and strengths are examined
last. After creating a list of threats, opportunistic, weaknesses and strengths,
managers examine ways the company can take advantage of opportunities and
minimize threats by exploiting strengths and overcoming weaknesses.

Thus, you can see that both SWOT and TOWS analysis involve the same basic steps
and so may likely produce similar results. However, the order in which managers
think about strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities may make a different
impact on the direction of the analysis. This is because focusing on threats and
opportunities first helps lead to productive discussions about what is going on in
the external environment. So, you do not just start by concentrating on abstract
discussions about what a company is good at or bad at.
TOWS Analysis
Roll your mouse over TIP!
the “Tip!” icon, to
learn more.

A TOWSSSanalysis
WWOOTT aanndinvolves
S uthe
s e same basic process of listing strengths, weaknesses,
ffoorr aannaaand u s t
e thhee ssaam meanalysis.
opportunities llyyssisis.threats
. SSWW O T as a SWOT e ffaaccttoorrss However, in a TOWS analysis, threats
ssoom a
OT anndd TTOOW WSSand
aarree weaknesses and strengths are examined
and opportunities e
mes uusseedd iinnterc first
s are examined
wwitithh oouutt rreeggaaardlist terchhaannggeeaabbly
last. After creating r d ttoo tthhthreats,
of ly
opportunistic, weaknesses and strengths,
ssttrreenexamine e
e o r d
ordeerr tthhaattcan take advantage of opportunities and
managers nggtthhss,, wweeways aakknneesthe company
o p p ssseess,, tthhrreeats
o p o
minimizepthreats r t
eess aexploiting ats aannddand overcoming weaknesses.
arree eexxaam miinneedd..
Thus, you can see that both SWOT and TOWS analysis involve the same basic steps
and so may likely produce similar results. However, the order in which managers
think about strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities may make a different
impact on the direction of the analysis. This is because focusing on threats and
opportunities first helps lead to productive discussions about what is going on in
the external environment. So, you do not just start by concentrating on abstract
discussions about what a company is good at or bad at.
Matching and converting is one way of utilizing SWOT.

‘Matching’ is used to find

competitive advantages by
matching the strengths to ‘Converting’ is to apply
opportunities. conversion strategies to
convert weaknesses or
threats into strengths or
Finding new markets is an
example of a conversion
Moreover, if the threats or
weaknesses cannot be
converted, then an
organization should try to
minimize or avoid them.
Real Life Example

Let us now take a

look at a real life
example to
SWOT analysis!
Real Life Example

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. also known as Wal-

Mart is an American multinational retail

Wal-Mart includes chains of large discount

department stores and warehouse stores.
According to the Fortune Global 500 list in
2012, Wal-Mart is the world's third largest
public corporation.
It is also the biggest private employer in
the world with over two million employees,
and is the largest retailer in the world.

Let us look at a basic SWOT Analysis of

Real Life Example

• Powerful retail brand & good reputation • Control problems due to its
• Provides value for money sheer size of being the World’s
• Wide range of products largest grocery retailer
• Efficient procurement • Despite its IT advantages, it faces some weak areas
• Substantial growth over recent years due to the huge span of control
• Experience of global expansion • Lacks focus unlike some of its competitors due to
• Good use of information technology to support various products across many sectors
its international logistics system • The company is global, but it only has a
• Focused strategy for human resource management presence in relatively few countries
and development SWOT Worldwide
Analysis of • Exposure to threats of political
• To take over, merge with, or form Wal-Mart problems in the local countries that
strategic alliances with other global Wal-Mart operates in
retailers • Being the constant target of competition, locally
• Focus on specific markets such as Europe and globally due to its being number one in the
• Opportunities for future business in expanding World
consumer markets, such as China and India. • Competition due to lowered manufacturing costs
• Looking for new locations and different store due to outsourcing to low-cost regions
types of the World
• Price competition which results in price
OPPORTUNITIES deflation in some ranges THREATS

Q. Which of the following is an

'internal factor' for an

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to select the
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Quadrant Combinations
The challenge of SWOT is the matching of specific internal and external factors,
which creates a strategic matrix and which makes sense. The four combinations
of the various factors of SWOT were described by Weihrich in 1982 as follows:

1. 2.
Maxi-maxi Maxi-mini
(strengths/opportunities) (strengths/threats)

3. 4.
Mini-maxi Mini-mini
(weaknesses/opportunities) (weaknesses/threats)

Let us look at each in detail.

Quadrant Combinations

1. 2.
Maxi-maxi Maxi-mini
(strengths/opportunities) (strengths/threats)

Maxi-Maxi (S/O): 4.
Mini-maxi 4.
• (weaknesses/opportunities) Mini-mini
This combination shows the organization’s strengths and opportunities.
(weaknesses/opportunities) (weaknesses/threats)
• In essence, an organization should strive to(weaknesses/threats)
maximize its strengths to
capitalize on new opportunities.
Quadrant Combinations

1. 2.
Maxi-maxi Maxi-mini
(strengths/opportunities) (strengths/threats)

Maxi-Mini (S/T):3.
• Mini-maxishows the organization’s strengths
This combination in consideration of
(weaknesses/opportunities) Mini-mini
threats, such as from competitors.
(weaknesses/opportunities) (weaknesses/threats)
• In essence, an organization should strive to use its strengths to parry or
minimize threats.
Quadrant Combinations

Mini-Maxi (W/O):
• This combination
Maxi-maxi shows the organization’s weaknesses in tandem with
(strengths/opportunities) Maxi-mini
(strengths/opportunities) (strengths/threats)
• It is an exertion to conquer the organization’s weaknesses by making the
most of any new opportunities.

Quadrant Combinations

Mini-Mini (W/T):1.
1. 2.
• This combination
Maxi-maxi Maxi-mini
shows the organization’s weaknesses by comparison
(strengths/opportunities) Maxi-mini
with the current external threats.
(strengths/opportunities) (strengths/threats)
• This is most definitely a defensive strategy, to minimize an organization’s
internal weaknesses and avoid external threats.

3. 4.
Mini-maxi Mini-mini
(weaknesses/opportunities) (weaknesses/threats)

Q. Which of the following represents

the ‘Mini-Maxi’ combination of

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to select the
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Steps of SWOT Analysis
The following are the steps for conducting a SWOT Analysis:

Analyze Internal & External Environment

Perform SWOT Analysis & Document

Prepare Action Plans

Let us look at each element.

Steps of SWOT Analysis

Analyze Internal & External Environment:

Analyze Internal
Internal &
External Environment
Environment The first step of SWOT Analysis is to analyze
the situation from both internal and external
aspects. Hence, carrying out the internal
Perform SWOT Analysis analysis will help you to find the strengths
& Document and weaknesses of your organization that
affect the situation. On the other hand,
carrying out the external analysis will help
Prepare Action Plans you to find the opportunities and threats that
are external but will affect your organization
in the situation.
Analyze Internal & External Environment

Analyze Internal & External Environment:
Analyze Internal
Analyze Internal && Analysis
External Environment
Environment The first step of SWOT Analysis is to analyze
the situation from both internal and external
aspects. Hence, carrying out the internal
Perform SWOT Analysis analysis will help you to find the strengths
Internal External
& Document Analysis and weaknesses of your organization that
affect the situation. On the other hand,
carrying out the external analysis will help
Prepare Action Plans you to find the opportunities and threats that
are external but will affect your organization
Weaknesses Strengthsin the situation.
Opportunities Threats
Analyze Internal & External Environment

Analyze InternalWEAKNESSES
& External Environment:
Analyze• Internal &
Internal & skills • Lack of important skills
• Leading brands • Weak brand image
External Environment

External• Environment
Distribution channels The first•step
Poorof SWOT Analysis
distribution channels is to analyze
• Customer Loyalty/Relationships • Low customer
• Product Quality the situation from both internal and external
• Scale aspects.• Hence,
Unreliablecarrying out the internal
product quality/service
Perform• SWOT Analysis
analysis•• willSub-scale
help you to find the strengths
Poor management
& Document and weaknesses ofTHREATS your organization that
affect the
• situation. On the other hand,
Change in customer base
• Changing customer tastes
• Technological advances carrying• out the ofexternal
Closing geographicanalysis
markets will help
• Technological advances and threats that
Prepare• Action
in Government policies you to find the opportunities

• Lower personal taxes • Change in Government policies

• Change in demographics of
are external
• but will
Increase affect your organization
in taxes
population • Change in demographics of
in the situation.
• New distribution channels population
• New distribution channels

Steps of SWOT Analysis

Analyze Internal & Perform SWOT Analysis & Document:

External Environment
This step includes the following:
1. Establish the objectives
Perform SWOT Analysis 2. Select contributors
& Document 3. Allocate research & information
gathering tasks
4. Create a workshop environment
Prepare Action Plans 5. List SWOT Analysis
6. Evaluate listed ideas against Objectives
7. Carry your findings forward

Let us look at each in detail.

Steps of SWOT Analysis

1. Establish the objectives – You should determine the purpose of

conducting a SWOT. It may be wide / narrow, general / specific.
2. Select contributors - Expert Perform
opinion may SWOT
be Analysis
required for & Document:
Analyze Internal &
3. AllocateEnvironment
External research & information gathering tasks - Background
preparation can be carried out inThis
twostep includes
stages the following:
– Exploratory and Detailed.
1. Establish
Information on Strengths & Weaknesses shouldthefocus
on the internal
2. Select&contributors
factors and information on Opportunities Threats should focus on the
Perform SWOT Analysis 3. Allocate research & information
external factors.
& Document gathering
4. Create a workshop environment – You should tasks
encourage an atmosphere
4. Create a workshop environment
conducive to the free flow of information.
5. 5. List Weaknesses,
List SWOT Analysis – List the Strengths, SWOT Analysis Opportunities, &
ThreatsAction SWOT Matrix. 6. Evaluate listed ideas against Objectives
in thePlans
6. 7. Carry– your
Evaluate listed ideas against Objectives Afterfindings
the lists forward
are compiled in
the SWOT Matrix, you should sort and group facts and ideas in relation to
the objectives. Let us look at each in detail.
7. Carry your findings forward - Make sure that the SWOT analysis is used in
subsequent planning. Revisit your findings at suitable time intervals.
Steps of SWOT Analysis

Analyze Internal & Prepare Action Plan:

External Environment
After the SWOT analysis has been completed,
you should make sure to mark each point
Perform SWOT Analysis with:
& Document • Things that MUST be addressed
• Things that can be handled later
Prepare Action Plans • Things that should be researched further
• Things that should be planned for the
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Brainstorming is an important aspect of SWOT Analysis. Brainstorming is useful
in SWOT analysis as it helps to:

• • • •

Think outside Provide varied Provide the Allow you to Create an

the box perspectives due liberty to say break away from appetite for
to the group your mind traditional change
discussion methods
You should begin brainstorming by asking the following questions:

What are the
opportunities exist What are the
What threats to the strengths of our
in our external weaknesses of
organization exist in organization?
environment? our organization?
our external
When the brainstorming session ends, you should keep the following things in
mind and take action accordingly:

Reduce thethe list
list of
of strengths
strengths and
weaknesses to to no
no more
more than
five distinctive
distinctive competencies
and debilitating
debilitating weaknesses

The identified
identified strengths
should be
be distinctive
distinctive The
The identified
competencies weaknesses
weaknesses should
be debilitating

Reduce threats
threats and
opportunities toto five
five each
each of
the ones
ones that
that are
are most
most critically
Guidelines for Brainstorming
The following are a few guidelines for brainstorming:

Everyone must Consider everyone’s Build on the ideas of

participate contribution as valid others
and important

It is not necessary that Listen

No idea is stupid actively
you have to agree with
anyone else
Guidelines for Brainstorming
The following are a few guidelines for brainstorming:

Always ask questions Seek first to understand

before being

Use initial ideas as a

Have fun while you
jumping-off point for Be open-minded
gather the ideas
more ideas
Real Life Example

Let us now take a

look at a real life
example to
SWOT analysis!
Real Life Example

McDonald's Corporation or McDonald’s is

the world's largest chain of hamburger fast
food restaurants.

It serves around 68 million customers daily

across 119 countries.
A McDonald's restaurant is operated by a
franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporation
The corporation's revenues come from the
rent, royalties and fees paid by the
franchisees, as well as sales in company-
operated restaurants.

Let us look at a basic SWOT Analysis of

Real Life Example

• Ranks very high on the Fortune • Failed the pizza test market
Magazine's most admired list thus limiting the ability to
• Community oriented compete with pizza providers
• Global operations all over the world • High training costs due to high turnover
• Cultural diversity in the foods • Minimal concentration on organic foods
• Excellent location • Not much variation in seasonal products
• Assembly line operations • Quality concerns due to franchised operations
• Use of top quality products • Focuses on burgers/fried foods which are
SWOT not healthier options for their customers
Analysis of
• Opening more joint ventures • Marketing strategies that entice people
• Being more responsive to healthier McDonald’s from small children to adults
options • Lawsuits for offering unhealthy foods
• Advertising Wi-Fi services in the branches • Contamination risks that include the threat of e-
• Expanding on the advertising on being more coli containments
socially responsible • The vast amount of fast food restaurants that open
• Expansions of business into newly developed as competition
parts of the world • Down turn in economy affecting the
• Open products up to allergen free capability of consumer spending
options such as peanut free • Focus on healthier dieting by
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
SWOT Analysis can be effectively used for strategic planning in an
organization. However, utilizing a SWOT for strategic planning requires:
Looking beyond the firm’s current products

Matching strengths with opportunities which means

that the strengths should be translated into capabilities

Converting weaknesses into strengths

Investing in key areas: customer support, R&D,

promotion, employee training etc.

Understanding the fact that weaknesses that cannot be

converted into strengths become limitations
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Staying focused
SWOT Analysis:

Searching extensively for


Let us look at each in detail.

Collaborating with other
Effective SWOT Analysis

functional areas

Examining issues from the

customers’ perspectives

Separating internal issues

from external issues
The following are the considerations to be kept in mind for conducting an effective
Effective SWOT Analysis
Staying focused

Staying focused:

• It is very important to focus on specific products and

• You should learn to adapt the marketing mix to address
environmental issues
• It is also crucial to examine overall strategic business units
• You should be sure to conduct a SWOT analysis for each
product/market combination
Effective SWOT Analysis
Searching extensively for

Searching Extensively for Competitors:


• It is critical for conducting an effective SWOT Analysis that

you do not overlook any competitor, both current as well
as future competitors.
• You should consider all competitors including the
o Product competitors
o Generic competitors
o Total budget competitors
Effective SWOT Analysis
Collaborating with other

Collaborating with Other Functional Areas:

functional areas

• An effective SWOT Analysis can only be achieved by

collaborating with other functional areas.
• Such collaboration stimulates communication outside
normal channels
• Collaboration also results in varied information from
diverse sources
• It provides an ‘outsiders’ perspective in the SWOT
Effective SWOT Analysis

Collaborating with Other Functional Areas:

• You could collaborate with various other functional areas

such as follows to gather information and collaborate for a
SWOT Analysis:
o Sales & Production
o Finance
o Customer service
o Inventory & Quality Control
o Advertising
o Research & Development
Effective SWOT Analysis
Examining issues from the

Examining Issues from the Customers’ Perspectives in SWOT:

customers’ perspectives

• It is very important that you learn to examine issues from

the customers’ perspective while conducting a SWOT. You
should consider the following questions:
o What do our customers believe about us as a
o What are their perceptions of:
 Product quality
 Customer service
 Price/value
 Convenience
 Promotional
Effective SWOT Analysis

Examining Issues from the Customers’ Perspectives in SWOT:

• You should also benchmark the customer segment

evaluations. In order to carry out the customer segment
benchmarking, you should consider the following:
o Consider internal customers (employees)
o Consider all relevant stakeholders such as follows:
 Investors and stockholders
 Suppliers
 Customers
 Government
 Society
Effective SWOT Analysis
Roll your mouse over
the “Did you know?”
icon, to learn more.
Separating internal issues
from external issues

Separating internal issues from external issues:

• It is very important for you to understand that there are
concerns beyond external issues in an organization that
may be at an internal level.
• The biggest problem and challenge faced while carrying out
a SWOT Analysis is the failure to understand the difference
between internal and external issues.
• It is crucial that you separate internal issues (strengths &
weaknesses) from external issues (strengths &
Did You Know?

SWOT analysis is greatly used in competitor analyses. Marketers build

detailed profiles of each competitor in the market, focusing especially on
their relative competitive strengths and weaknesses by using SWOT
Analysis. Marketing managers examine each competitor's cost structure,
sources of profits, resources and competencies, competitive positioning
and product differentiation, degree of vertical integration, historical
responses to industry developments, and other factors. The management
often conducts market research to obtain this information about its
SWOT Analysis Template

• A template for carrying out SWOT Analysis is given on the next screen.

• You should fill the quadrants of the matrix and state what you are assessing

• Also, there are a few examples given beside each quadrant.

• These criteria examples are not an exhaustive list.

• Moreover, many listed criteria in one quadrant can apply to other quadrants

• You should decide and identify and use any other criteria that are appropriate
to your situation.
SWOT Analysis Template
Criteria Examples Strengths Weaknesses Criteria Examples
• What resources do you have: • What are the disadvantages
e.g. people, assets, USP, good of your situation / the
marketing proposition?
• Do you have accreditations, • What could you improve?
qualifications, certificates? • Does your workforce lack
• Do you have good process, skills?
systems, ICT, communications? • What factors could lose you
• Do you have good management business; financial
succession planning? vulnerability, weak supply
• Are you financially secured? chain, weak processes and
• Do you have a good systems, poor leadership
geographical location / easy • Are you well known within
distribution your field
• Do you have a good reputation • Do you face any pressure
within your field? from timescales and
• Do you see an advantages of the deadlines?
proposition? • Are there any adverse effects
• What are the company’s on core activities,
capabilities? distraction?
• What are the company’s • Do you possess the proper
competitive advantages? processes and systems, etc.?
SWOT Analysis Template
Criteria Examples Opportunitie Threats Criteria Examples
• What are the good • What obstacles do you face?
opportunities your company • Competitors
has? • Political / legislative changes
• Market / technological • New technology
developments • Cash flow problems, bad
• Competitor weaknesses debts
• New markets, niche markets, • Staff turnover
market trends • Legislative effects
• Changes in government • Environmental effects
policy, social patterns, • IT developments
populations changes, lifestyle • Market demand
changes • Any insurmountable
• Business / product weaknesses?
developments • Seasonality, weather effects?
• Change in industry or lifestyle
• Any global influences?
• Any helpful partnerships,
agencies, distribution?
• Any seasonal, weather,
fashion influences?
Look at the video given below to understand how to conduct a SWOT Analysis
for a business.

Click on the
video to play it!

URL for video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNXYI10Po6A

Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Benefits of SWOT Analysis

There are various benefits of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

1 • Simple process which lowers costs

2 • No extensive training required

3 • It is flexible and enhances strategic planning

Benefits of SWOT Analysis

There are various benefits of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

4 • It facilitates integration and hence synthesizes qualitative

and quantitative information

5 • It facilitates collaboration and hence encourages

interdepartmental coordination

6 • It is easy to use
Benefits of SWOT Analysis

There are various benefits of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

7 • It is an important and useful decision making tool

8 • It is helpful in knowing the Competition

9 • It is a helpful framework for managers to think about their

organization’s external environments and internal strengths
and weaknesses
Benefits of SWOT Analysis

There are various benefits of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

10 • It helps a company to configure strategies that will

put the company at a competitive advantage

11 • It provides well-rounded information that

prompt well-informed decisions

12 • It helps in forecasting and provides a variety of

information critical to forecasted variables
Benefits of SWOT Analysis

There are various benefits of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

13 • It helps to forecast the threats that can impact a


14 • It helps in setting of objectives for strategic


15 • It provides a framework for identifying and analyzing

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
Benefits of SWOT Analysis

There are various benefits of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

16 • It provides an impetus to analyze a situation and

develop suitable strategies and tactics

17 • It provides a basis for assessing core

capabilities and competencies

18 • It provides a stimulus to participation in a group

Benefits of SWOT Analysis

There are various benefits of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

19 • It is helpful in solving problems

20 • It is helpful in implementing change

21 • It is useful in developing strategies for achieving the

organization’s objectives and mission
Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
There are various pitfalls of SWOT Analysis such as follows:
It can be very subjective and hence two It may cause organizations to take a
people rarely come up with the same final very simple view of the circumstances
version of a SWOT. Use it as a guide and not as or situation. This may lead to the
a prescription. overlooking of certain key strategic

Categorizing aspects as strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats
may be very subjective as there is great
degree of uncertainty in market.
Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
There are various pitfalls of SWOT Analysis such as follows:

In order to be effective, SWOT needs to be

conducted regularly. The pace of change It lacks detailed structure, so key
makes it difficult to anticipate developments. elements may get missed.

The data used in the analysis may be

based on assumptions that subsequently
prove to be unfounded.
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
It is very important to conduct a SWOT Analysis that is effective and produces results.
However, there are certain common mistakes that people tend to make while conducting a
SWOT Analysis. The five most common mistakes that people make while conducting a
SWOT Analysis are as follows:
Roll your mouse
TIP! over the “Tip!” icon,
to learn more.
Unclear goals or unclear
Keeping a very narrow focus

Not taking input from others

Conducting an analysis only once

Relying on SWOT as a holistic diagnostic strategy


It is critical that you should For finding the essential

know where to find the information for conducting
information that is needed SWOT analysis, you may
to conduct a SWOT Analysis. need to look at company's
business reports, annual
reviews, published
performance data on
financial resources,
customer surveys,
Also, it can be helpful to search marketing and operations,
various journals on marketing, including current suppliers
strategy and human resources to and key stakeholders
find out more published and groups.
referenced information on the
company's past experience, its
current position and future
Explain What is SWOT Analysis
Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
List the Objectives of SWOT
Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis
Explain the Internal and External Factors
Describe the SWOT Quadrants
Explain What is TOWS Analysis
Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
Explain the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning
Describe the Considerations for Effective SWOT Analysis
List the Benefits and Pitfalls of SWOT Analysis
List the Common Mistakes in SWOT Analysis
List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis
Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis

Always be realistic SWOT analysis SWOT should Keep your

about the should always be SWOT short
strengths and distinguish specific. Avoid and simple.
weaknesses of between where gray areas.
your organization your organization
when conducting is today, and
SWOT analysis. where it could be
in the future.
Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis

Always apply Always keep in Avoid Once you have

SWOT in relation mind that SWOT complexity and identified the key
to your is subjective. over analysis issues with your
competition, that SWOT analysis,
is, better than or they feed into
worse than your marketing
competition. objectives.

Let us now practice

all that you have
learned about SWOT

Globus Inc. is a leading car

manufacturer. Globus has decided to
launch a low-budget car in the
market. Perform a SWOT analysis for
this situation.
1. What do you think are the
strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats for
the launch of a new low budget
car in today’s market?
2. You could consider the market
conditions prevailing around
you to perform the SWOT
Look at a sample SWOT Analysis of
Globus’ situation.

• No Competition in the low-budget • Lesser features
segment. • Low aesthetic appeal

• Environment friendly • Small driving range [up to 80
• Economic to Drive [25 kmpl] * KM]
• Government subsidies [8% excise • Competition from economy
duty] * segment vehicles
• Low Price
• Small and compact size

• Huge untapped low-budget • Government incentives to

segment market other segment vehicles
• Growing demand of green • Entry of competitors

technologies • Stringent safety requirements

• Rising fuel costs anticipated
• Growing road congestion in urban • Availability of hybrid vehicles

Case Study

1. Conduct
Conduct aa SWOT
Helium Inc.
Inc. isis aa leading
leading Analysis
Analysis for
for Helium
Helium for
manufacturer of of electronic
electronic the
the launch
launch of
of ‘Bling’.
‘Bling’. You
products. ItIt has
has decided
decided to to can
can assume
assume the
venture into
into the
the Tablet
Tablet PCPC prevailing
prevailing market
market by
by launching
launching aa new new conditions
conditions for
for the
the SWOT.
Tablet PC
PC named
named ‘Bling’.‘Bling’. ‘Bling’
would be
be based
based on on the
the Android
Android 2.
2. What
What are
are the
the various
technology thatthat allows
allows free
free quadrant
quadrant combinations
download of of software
software from from its
its that
that Helium
Helium should
should use
Android market
market for for its
its users.
users. to
to make
make this
this new
venture aa success?


Considerations for Steps of SWOT Analysis

Effective SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Users of SWOT Analysis SWOT Quadrants

Let’s look at each in detail.


W – Weaknesses O – Opportunities

S – Strengths T – Threats


SWOT Analysis
Analyze Internal &

Perform SWOT
Steps of SWOT Analysis Analysis &

SWOT Analysis Prepare Action


SWOT Analysis

SWOT Quadrants

Quadrant 1
Quadrant 4
internal strengths
matched with internal weaknesses
external relative to external
opportunities threats

Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3
internal weaknesses internal strengths
relative to external matched with
opportunities external threats

SWOT Analysis

Users of SWOT Analysis

Job Holder

Business Unit (BU)

Collaborating with
other functional

Searching Examining issues

extensively for from the customers’
competitors perspectives
Separating internal
Staying focused issues from
external issues

Considerations for
Effective SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis
Click each alphabet to learn more.

Click each alphabet to learn more.

• Analysis –Analysis is an A
investigation of the component
parts of a whole and their
relations in making up the B

• Action Plan – Action plan is a

sequence of steps that must be
taken, or activities that must be
performed well, for a strategy to
succeed. I

Click each alphabet to learn more.

• Business Unit (BU) - Business A

Unit (BU) is a logical element or
segment of a company (such as
accounting, production,
marketing) representing a
specific business function, and a
definite place on the
organizational chart, under the C
domain of a manager.

• Brainstorming - Brainstorming is I
a group problem-solving
technique in which members
spontaneously share ideas and O
Click each alphabet to learn more.

• Competitor – Competitor is a
business or organization offering
similar competing products as
your organization.
• Customer - Customer is
someone who pays for goods or
services. C

Click each alphabet to learn more.

• Information - Information is a A
collection of facts from which
conclusions may be drawn.

• Information Technology (IT) -

Information Technology (IT) is the
branch of engineering that deals
with the use of computers and C
telecommunications to retrieve and
store and transmit information.

Click each alphabet to learn more.

• Opportunity - Opportunity is
possibility due to a favorable A
combination of circumstances.

• Objectives – Objectives are the B

goal intended to be attained and
which are believed to be
attainable. C

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