MBHS SA PowerPoint Templates 1
MBHS SA PowerPoint Templates 1
MBHS SA PowerPoint Templates 1
Aguila, Mark John I.
Aguilar, Kenchi Neo H.
Ala, Alessandra A.
Alano, Marion Paul R.
Arana, KhylaMhae B.
Araya, Georgina Ysabelle S.
Araya, Yna Gabrielle S.
Aruta, Reymart S.
Romano, John Archel R.
March 2019
We all wanted to thank god who gave us strength to do all the paper works, knowledge that makes us improve ourselves that we can do this, patience to
each other and for being safe for each day of our lives.
To our parents that supports us and gave financial support and letting us do our research on each others home.
To teachers who gave us their short time while they were in their middle of discussiom to take survey into their class.
To our classmates (Platinum) for listening as we entered our classroom and also for spending their couple of minutes answering our survey forms.
And ofcourse the last but definitely not the ease to our englishteacher Ms. Lieza Ramos and to her student teacher, Ms. Klyne for the guidance in doing
this research that made us busy but in a good way. For gaving us their positive words that made us inspire to do all the paper works, thus they made all
things more easier at the first place though their hard work.
Title: The Effects of Procrastination in the Academic Performance of Grade 10 – Platinum Students in Muntinlupa Business High School Sucat Annex
S.Y 2018 – 2019
This study deals with the Effects of Procrastination in the Academic Performance of grade 10 – Platinum students in Muntinlupa Business High
School Sucat Annex S.Y 2018 – 2019.
Procrastination is to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. It could be further stated as a habitual delay of starting
or finishing a task despite its negative consequences.
This study aims to determine the Effects of Procrastination in the Academic Performance of Grade 10-Platinum S.Y. 2018 - 2019, identify
ways to minimize procrastination among the respondents and recommend statements that will improved the academic performance of the respondents.
Title: The Effects of Procrastination in the Academic Performance of Grade 10 – Platinum Students in Muntinlupa Business High School Sucat Annex
S.Y 2018 – 2019
Background Information
This research focuses in the Effects of Procrastination in the Academic Performance of Grade 10- Platinum S.Y. 2018 – 2019. There are 27
male respondents and 23 female respondents with a total of 50 respondents. They were purposively chosen by the researchers. The researchers were
determined to know the possible effects of procrastination in the academic performance of the respondents. The researchers became interested to
identify the effects of procrastination in order to improvethe academic performance of Grade 10 students.
Objectives of the Study
1.Determine the Effects of Procrastination in the Academic Performance of Grade 10- Platinum S.Y. 2018 – 2019
2.Identify ways to eliminate Procrastination among the respondents
3.Recommend strategies that will improve the Academic Performance of the respondents
2.What are the Effects of Procrastination in the Academic Performance of Grade 10 – Platinum S.Y 2018 – 2019?
3.What are the possible ways to eliminate procrastination among the respondents?
Review of Related Literature
Procrastination is the prevalent and pernicious form of self-regulatory failure that is not entirely understood. Hence, the relevant conceptual, theoretical,
and empirical work is reviewed, drawing upon correlational, experimental, and qualitative findings. A meta-analysis of procrastination’s possible causes
and effects, based on 691 correlations, reveals that neuroticism, rebelliousness, and sensation seeking show only a weak connection.
The behavior of academic procrastination is quite common among students. Students can’t show their real performances in learning processes and they
fail because of procrastination behaviors. Determining the reasons of this behavior can decrease students’ behaviors and help them show their
performances. In this context, the goal of this research is to determine how the variables of self – regulation, self – efficacy, life satisfaction, hope and
other descriptive variables, which are mentioned in the related literature about academic procrastination, explain academic procrastination behavior in the
regression model.
Researchers and practitioners have long regarded procrastination as a self – handicapping and dysfunctional behavior. In the present study, the authors
proposed that not all procrastination behaviors either are harmful or lead to negative consequences. Specifically, the authors deffentiated two types of
procrastination: passive procrastinations versus active procrastinators. Passive procrastination are procrastinators in the traditional sense.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were the 50 Grade 10 – Platinum students of Muntinlupa Business High School Sucat-Annex
Research Instrument
Weighted Mean
Likert Scale
P- percentage
F- frequency
N- total number of respondents
2.Weighted Mean
wm : weighted mean
n : total number of respondents
f : frequency
w : weight
3.Likert Scale
Total 50 100%
Table 1.1
Shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex. It shows that a majority of fifty four percent (54%) of the respondents
are female with a frequency of twenty seven (27) ranking first. Furthermore, forty-six percent (46%) of the respondents are male with a frequency of
twenty-three (23), ranking second. The total of the population got a mean average of fifty (50), which revealed that majority of the respondents are
Table 1.2
Respondents Profile Terms of Age
19 above 0% 0% 3
Total 50 100%
Table 1.2
Shows the demographic file of the respondents in terms of age. It shows that a majority of eighty six percent (86%) of the respondents
belong to the age bracket of 15-16 years old with the frequency of forty-three (43), ranking first forteen percent (14%) of responsdents belong to the age
bracket of 17-18 years old with the frequency of seven (7) ranking second. Lastly, zero percent (0%) of the respondents belong to the age bracket of 19
years old and above with the frequency of zero (0), acquiring the lowest students.
Table 2
II. Effects of procrastination in the academic of Grade 10- Platinum S.Y. 2018 – 2019
5 4 3 2 1 MA Range Verbal
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Interpretation
Agree Disagree
1.I didn’t pass 25 9 9 6 1 201/50 4.02 Agree
School works (125) (36) (27) (12) (1)
on time.
2.I got low 7 18 19 4 2 174/50 3.48 Neutral
grades in my (35) (72) (57) (8) (2)
report card.
3.I created a 11 13 15 8 3 171/50 3.42 Neutral
horrible tasks. (55) (52) (45) (16) (3)
4.I created 16 17 11 5 1 192/50 3.84 Agree
stressed doing (80) (68) (33) (10) (1)
tons of school
5.I lost my 16 12 16 2 4 184/50 3.68 Agree
chance become (80) (48) (48) (4) (4)
an honor
Table 2
Shows that a mean of four point zero two (4.02) agreed that they didn’t pass school on time. A mean of three point fourty eight (3.48) stated
as neutral that they got low grades in their report card. A mean of three point fourty two (3.42) agreed that they became stressed in doing tons of school
works. Lastly a mean of three point sixty-eight (3.68) agreed that they lost they chance to become an honor students.
III. Ways to eliminate Procrastination
5 4 3 2 1 MA Range Verbal
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Interpretation
Agree Disagree
1. I will pass my 19 13 5 7 6 182/50 3.64 Agree
project on time. (95) (52) (15) (14) (6)
2.I will always 11 16 8 10 5 168/50 3.36 Neutral
think that my (55) (64) (24) (20) (5)
parents are my
3.I will spend 6 23 14 5 2 176/50 3.52 Agree
plenty of time in (30) (92) (42) (10) (2)
4.I will set a 27 13 4 4 2 209/50 4.18 Agree
productive (135) (52) (12) (8) (2)
5.I will go atleast 25 17 5 2 1 213/50 4.26 Agree
15 mins. Early to (125) (68) (15) (4) (1)
Table 3
Shows that a mean of three point sixty four (3.64) agreed that they would pass their projects on time. A mean of three point thirty six (3.36)
stated as neutral that they would always think that their parents are their motivation. A mean of three point fifty-two (3.52) agreed that they would spend
plenty of time in studying. A mean of four point eighteen (4.18) also agreed that they would set a productive mindset. Lastly a mean of four point eighteen
(4.18) agreed that they would go atleast 15 mins early to school.
1.Majority or fifty-four percent (54%) of the respondents are male with a frequency of twenty seven (27), ranking first.
2.Majority or eighty – six percent (86%) of the respondents belonged to the age bracket of 15 – 16 years old with a frequency of forty-three (43), ranking
3.Most if the respondents agreed that they didn’t pass school works on time due to procrastination with the highest mean of four point zero-two (4.02)
4.Most of the respondents agreed that they would set a productive mindset to minimize procrastination with the highest mean of four point eighteen (4.18)
It has been discovered that majority of the respondents are male and fall under the age bracket of 15 – 16 years old. It was found that the most significant
effect of procrastination in the academic performance of grade 10- Platinum S.Y. 2018 – 2019 is that they didn’t pass school works on time. It was also
revealed that the least possible effect is that they created horrible tasks. This research proved as well that the most significant way to minimize
procrastination is that they should set a productive mindset and the least possible way is that they should always think that their parents are their
Based on the findings and conclusions drawn. The researchers offer the following recommendations.
2.The teachers can give additional points to students who will pass their test on time.
3.The parents should give their children time to use their gadgets so that they have tive to review or do their projects.
5.The future researchers can get related information from this study that they can use in conducting their own research.