Chapter 3

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This chapter presents the results of the explorations on the stories and experiences of

students that cause their classroom misbehavior that will become basis of the enhancement plans

of the guidance office of ACLC College Gapan branch. Themes and subthemes were generated

to give meanings to those experiences. Classroom misbehavior is delimited to cutting classes or

being late; absenteeism; leaving their seats; speaking out of turn or otherwise disrupting

instruction; and cheating .

The respondents’ stories and experiences were converted into themes and subthemes

which is presented in Figure 1. Repertory grids 1 to 6 are shown to demonstrate the themes and


Before the main findings, the participants’ demographic profile is also presented.

I. Profile of the Participants

Table 1. Profile of the Participants

Frequenc Percentag
Age y e
16-18 15 30
19-21 28 56
22 and above 7 14
Total 50 100
Frequenc Percentag
Gender y e
Male 35 70
female 15 30
Total 50 100
Frequenc Percentag
Family Income y e
Below 5,000 4 8
5,001 - 15,000 2 4
15,001 - 25,000 17 34
25,001 - 35,000 18 36
35,001 and above 9 18
Total 50 100
Frequenc Percentag
Residency y e
Rural 10 20
Urban 40 80
Total 50 100

Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents as to age. Data indicates that there are 15

or 30% of the total respondents whose age range from 16 to 18, 28 or 56% belong to 19 to 21

years old, and 7 or 14% belong to 22 and above age group.

Data reveal that majority of the respondents are young adults. They are within the age

limit of college students.


Table 1 also presents the gender distribution of the respondents. There are 35 or 70% of

the respondents are male and 15 or 30% are females.

This implies that the male students dominated the female students in terms of classroom

misbehavior. This supports the researcher’s observation that there were more males who are

prone to classroom misbehavior compare to females.

As for the distribution of family income, there are 4 respondents or 8% who has a family

income of 5,000. There are 2 respondents or 4% who recorded their family income within the

range of 5,001 to 15,000. 17 respondents or 34% has a family income ranging from 15,001 to

25,000. There are 18 respondents or 36% who pointed out that their family income ranges from

25,001 to 35,000 and lastly, 9 respondents or 18% has a family income of 35,001 and above.

Large portion of the respondents noted that their families’ monthly income can provide

them education in private schools.

The residency of the respondents is also presented in Table 1. It is shown that 10

respondents or 20% reside in rural areas and 40 respondents or 80% are in urban areas.

It indicates that students who live in urban areas are susceptible to classroom

misbehavior. This might be because the exposures between these two areas differ in many


II. Relationship between Academic Performance and Profile of the Participants



The table below shows the correlational analysis between the profile of the participants

and their academic performance. The correlational method Perason-r was used as a method of

correlating the variables. Based on the computed r value age and academic performance do not

have a significant relationship as shown by the low correlation (r= 0.43). This means that

academic performance of students misbehaving in class do not vary according to age.

A study by Poorfallah, Tahere Hasani; Vahdany, Fereidoon; Arjmandi, Masoomeh (June,

2014) investigated the difference between the types and amount of student misbehaviors in adult

and young EFL learners' classes. Three EFL adult learners' classes and three young learners' ones

were observed during this study. Additionally, Forty Iranian EFL teachers, out of which twenty

were practicing teaching in adult learners' classes and the other twenty in young learners' classes,

responded to a questionnaire investigating the intensity of different types of discipline problems

in their EFL classes. The results indicated that while distracting, activity-related misbehaviors,

and assessment related problems were more common in young EFL classes, distracting, activity-

related and assessment-related misbehaviors were more prevalent in adult classes. A significant

difference was also found between the amount of discipline problems in young and adult learners

in the misbehavior types of 'talking out of turn', 'distracting noise', 'cheeky or impertinent

remarks', and 'forgetting learning materials' in which young learners' classes outnumbered adult

learners' classes. Meanwhile, adult learners' classes significantly surpassed young learners'

classes regarding the misbehavior type of 'cheating in exams' according to both observations and

teachers' point of view.

The result shows that classroom misbehavior has nothing to do with age of students.

Students whose age range from 19 to 21 got the highest percentage; it can be told that their age

has the most potential of committing classroom misbehavior. But other students of different

ages are also committed to classroom misbehavior.


Table 2. Correlational Analysis

Variable r- Significanc Decisio

1 Variable 2 value Interpretation e n
Age 0.43 Low Correlation NS Ho
Very Low Accept
Gender 0.35 Correlation NS Ho
Family Very Low Accept
Income 0.25 Correlation NS Ho
Very Low Accept
Grades Residency 0.28 Correlation NS Ho

The computed r value gender and academic performance do not have a significant

relationship as shown by the very low correlation (r= 0.35). This means that academic

performance of students misbehaving in class do not vary according to gender.

According to Saunders, Davis, Williams and Williams (2004) It is well documented that

African American males and females experience the school environment very differently. Males

are much more frequently behind in school for their age, typically have lower grades in reading

and conduct and are more likely to have failed. African American males are also much more

likely than any other group of students to receive corporal punishment, to be suspended and to be

identified as behaviorally disordered. Behavior-disordered students are usually separated from

the general school population which leads to their social isolation and stigmatization.

These negative experiences are believed to contribute to African American males

viewing school as hostile environment and feeling increasingly frustrated in their academic

efforts which often leads to academic alienation and disengagement. When academic

disengagement begins in elementary school, it is more difficult for these young men to be well

prepared for a more challenging high school curriculums putting them at risk for further failure

or drop out. There is also an associated loss of academic on one’s academic ability and skills

and over all sense of self-worth.

By comparison, African American females of all ages fare better in the classroom than

their male conterparts. They tend to have more positive experiences which increases their

confidence in their academic skill and abilities, enhances their feelings of self-worth and

reinforces the potential for rewards from the school system. It is suggested that these more

positive experiences may be related to the fact that most elementary teachers are female. As a

group female teachers are more tolerant of and better able to handle girls’ behavior (and

misbehavior) in a more positive manner compared to that of boys.

It indicates that males have more tendencies to classroom misbehavior as compared to

females. Males are more volatile and prompt to misbehavior because of the nature of

components of male genes. A study by Bardi (February 12, 2012) stated that there are many

additional genes that will be discovered to be sex hormone regulated that, in turn, control

other components of male or female behaviors.

The computed r value between family income and academic performance do not have a

significant relationship as shown by the low correlation (r= 0.25). This means that academic

performance of students misbehaving in class do not vary according to family income.


In a study by Ekpo and Ajake (2013), they found out that the financial position of

students’ parents influences their level of delinquency. The study also revealed that students

from low socio-economic parents are more delinquent than those from high socio-economic

status. The implication of this finding is that students’ delinquency is determined mostly by

financial position of student’s parents. In other words, students exhibit delinquent acts when

parents cannot meet their financial needs. When students cannot meet their school needs, there is

no hope for such needs being met by parents, there is the tendency for students to look

“elsewhere” to have their needs met.

It became a fact that financial status can really affect the students’ academic standing in

different ways. They may have enough capacity of learning but due to their situation their

performances are adversely affected because they became busy meeting their needs. The time

for their education is reduced and spent to other things instead. And another reason of their poor

academic standing is the attendance. More often, they will not attend their classes because of

lack of money.

Lack of financial sources to provide quality education can interfere to a successful

academic performance of a student. Their situation may force them to lessen their attendance to

school because they do not have money for their allowances for travel, foods and other expenses

for school.

The computed r value between residency and academic performance do not have a

significant relationship as shown by the low correlation (r= 0.28). This means that academic

performance of students misbehaving in class do not vary according to residency.


Psychol (2009) shows that recent studies have begun to explore contextual factors that

may increase the likelihood that children will display aggressive behaviors in home or school

settings, such as family characteristics and characteristics of the peer group. Still needed are

studies looking at the larger context of the community and how differences at the community

level, such as rural versus urban setting, might have an impact on patterns of disruptive behavior


Consider first how differences in rural and urban settings might affect the family

characteristics linked with child oppositional and aggressive behaviors in home settings. In

general, aggressive behavior at home is associated with low socioeconomic status, marital

discord and instability insularity and single-parent status. Families in both rural and urban

settings may experience these types of adversity. Rates of unemployment, low educational

attainment, insularity, marital discord and economic stress occur at equivalent rates in rural and

urban settings. To the extent that these contextual factors increase risk for the development of

child behavior problems at home, one would expect few rural/urban differences in home-based

behavior problems.

In contrast, rural and urban communities may be quite different when the context of the

school is considered. That is, school-based behavior problems appear fostered by classrooms that

contain many aggressive children, perhaps because aggressive behavior is more likely to be

viewed as acceptable by peers, teachers are more likely to find it difficult to manage aggression

effectively and suppress it consistently, and peers are more likely to react to aggression with

escalating negative chains of counter aggression. Although rural school districts face some

disadvantages when compared to urban districts, such as lower per-pupil school expenditures, a

narrower curriculum, and more poorly paid and less well-trained teachers, they are at an

advantage in terms of school characteristics associated with child aggression. Indeed, urban

schools report significantly more frequent and more severe violence than rural schools, even

when differences in socioeconomic and ethnic/racial status are controlled. The higher density of

children from disadvantaged backgrounds, the larger school size, and the use of ability tracking

may all contribute to urban classrooms containing high proportions of disruptive children, which

provide children with more peer exposure to deviant community models and negative peer

influence. Hence, children in urban settings may be at increased risk relative to rural children for

the development of child behavior problems at school. Correspondingly, the patterns of conduct

problem development may be different for children in rural and urban settings. Whereas children

in rural settings may be less likely to generalize home problem behaviors to the school setting,

urban children may be at increased risk for the initiation of deviant behaviors at school.

People tend to be influenced by their environment. Because urban areas are characterized

by highly developed structures and a very much different ways of living, students who lived in

this area are influenced by what sorrund them. Urban settings have much more contributing

factor to misbehavior.

Background of the Cases under Investigation

The background of the cases refers to the fifteen (15) cases under investigation. They

were studied based on the condition of their classroom, teaching styles of teachers and their

attitudes, the subject matter where they are enrolled, activities in the classroom and the policies

of the school. These conditions were used to determine several factors that caused their

misbehavior. These factors were gathered by interviews and follow-ups questions relevant to the

cited conditions.

Table 3 Background of the Cases

Cases (Code Names) Gender Age in Years Academic Standing

Case 1 (Ehjay) Male 20 Supposed to be in his
last semester in
college but will never
graduate on time. He
is still an irregular
third year student
because he failed
many of his subjects
and some he never
Case 2 (GMA Girl) Female 20 It is noticeable that
she only gets
Incomplete Grades in
her three subjects she
is taking in one
particular section.
The rest of her
subjects are good
Case 3 (Bored Boy) Male 17 Bored boy is a second
year Hotel and
Restaurant Services
and will graduate this
coming second
semester. He has an
impressive grades in
most of his subjects
except in NSTP 1 and

Case 4 (Bin) Female 20 Bin is an average

student. Most of her
problems are just
Incomplete grades and
minimal failing
Case 5 Female 23 She started her college
(Pretty Woman) course with a BS in
Technology. Her first
three semesters were
upsetting because she
failed 80% of her
subjects. For 5 years,
she struggled with her
studies. In 2014, she
decided to shift her
course from a degree
to an Associate course
hoping to finish her
college in 2016.
Case 6 Female 18 She took up her first
(Miss Heart Break) course from another
school and transferred
to ACLC. She was an
average student
during her first year at
Case 7 Female 18 She always excels in
(Lady From Cabiao) her classes but her
constant absences
causes her to miss
many quizzes.
Although she would
always ask her
instructors to give her
special quizzes, they
would not allow her
all the time. More
importantly, she
always got Incomplete
Grades at the end of
every semester
because she does not
have the permit to
take the examinations.

Case 8 Male 19 This student is

(Poor Guy) expected to graduate
this second semester.
His batch mates will
be graduating this
semester but he has to
extend his studies for
another semester
because of many
failed subjects .
Case 9 Male 18 He is already on his
(American Boy) second year in his
course. He only
passed few of his
subjects in his first
year and mostly are
failed and incomplete.
Currently, he is just
attending only minor
subjects and drop his
major subjects.
Case 10 (Cry Baby) Male 20 He survived the first
two years of his
course but got failing
grades in some of his
subjects. He is an
irregular student in his
third year now with
only 15 units in his
Case 11 (Pilate) Male 19 He is a transferee
student and credited
many of his subjects
from his previous
school. He started his
second year at ACLC
College as an irregular
student. In that year,
some of his subjects
got an Incomplete
Case 12 (Military Male 21 His first year in
Man) college is not bad for
this student where his
worst problem is
having incomplete

grades. In his second

year, he usually cut
his classes and started
getting failing grades.
He became an
irregular student since
Case 13 (Tattoo Man) Male 18 Though his attendance
will not cause him to
be dropped from his
subjects, his week will
not be complete
without committing
an absence from any
of his class. He
usually gets grades
ranging from 2.50 to
Case 14 (OFW Child) Female 17 She never completed
her first year as a
Bachelor of Science in
Technology. She
failed most of her
subjects. On her
second year, she
shifted her course to
Bachelor of Science in
Hotel and Restaurant
Management. But
still, she continue to
get failing grades.
Case 15 (Jelly Boy) Male 20 At present, this
student is only
carrying 12 units in
his load because of
the pre-requisites of
the subjects to be
enrolled. He failed
and dropped many of
his subjects when he
was still in his first

Each respondent’s views are presented below and the themes and significant statements

that emerged from the responses are also identified in this section

Case 1 (Ehjay)

The respondent is supposed to graduate this coming October. He repeated many of his

subjects due to failing grades. The reason for such fail is his habitual absences and cutting

classes. He has many reasons. Since he became an irregular student, he started attending his

classes irregularly because he is not comfortable with the company of his classmates. As per his

records, he is attending three of his subjects regularly because he has friends in that section.

Peers. He is shy to look for some friends because that is his personality. So he felt lazy

attending that subject.

Classroom conditions. Ehjay is quite satisfied with classroom conditions although there

were some rooms where the air conditioners are not that cool but according to him, that is a not a


Teachers teaching styles. His teachers are also not a problem for him. There are some

who are strict and always report his misbehavior to the Guidance Office but he understands that

they are just doing their jobs.

Classroom activities. As per classroom activities, he likes the challenge of problem

solving in the computer. The only thing he does not like among classroom activities is when

they are asked to form a group, specifically in the Physical Education subject. According to him,

P.E. is the only subject he does not like because of the group activities but he is just trying his

best to overcome since they just meet once in a week.

School policies. The school policies do not contribute as a factor to his misbehavior.

School policies are not big deal to him. All schools have policies, anyway.

Case 2 GMA Girl

Peers. She started complaining to the guidance office that she does not like her

classmates. She does not like guys calling him BABE or they have crush on her. She wants

them to treat her like an elder sister. She just want to be a simple student. Since the guys are

persistent she became hesitant to attend her classes and plans to shift to another course this

coming second semester.

Classroom conditions. GMA girl is satisfied with classroom conditions. She likes all

the classrooms especially the computer laboratories.

Teachers styles and attitudes. This is not a contributing factor to her because every

time she got problems with her classmates, she will seek for the help of her teachers and they

give her some comforting words and sometimes scold her classmates.

Nature of class activities. That is not also a problem for her though she admits she does

not like problem solving in Math subjects because that is her weakness but she is patient enough

to do such activities.

Subject matter. There is no particular subject she does not like so this is not a

contributing factor to her misbehavior.

School policies. All the school policies, according to her, are just right and nothing to

question about.

Case 3 (Bored Boy)

Bored boy like his other subjects especially the major ones wherein they are vigorously

involved in different activities. He excels in subjects like Cookery, Housekeeping and the likes.

But with this one subject, he got low grades. He hates the reporting style by his classmates. He

finds it boring when he has just to sit and listen to the reading style of reporting by his


Teacher’s styles and attitudes. According to him, reporting is not a problem unless it is

properly done and with some follow ups from his instructor. His instructor is just sitting at the

back of the classroom and busy doing some things like texting and visiting her facebook using

her mobile phone. She is not listening to the reporters and would not make some follow ups. In

addition, he is not good in talking and discussing in front of his classmates so he just followed

his classmates’ style. Although this is just one of his minor subjects, he wanted more. He is

really bored during this time so there were times that he will transfer seats to look for some

interesting classmates or going to the comfort room as an excuse just to make himself

comfortable. There were even times that he will not come back to classroom after asking his

instructor to allow him to go out. He was doing this because his instructor is not noticing his


Classroom conditions. He appreciates the classroom conditions of the school. That is

not a problem at all for him.

Peers. He also loves his classmates though he does not like their reporting style but he

believed that it is the fault of the teacher why they have that kind of reporting styles.

Subject Matter. The respondent does not like a particular subject because of the teacher

but if not for that, he would probably not hate the subject.

School Policies. He always follows all policies implemented by the school and there is

none that he finds unpleasant.

Case 4 (Bin)

Bin is an average student but she was reported by one of her instructors as always not

attending her class. This is her only reported case. She is always attending her other classes.

According to her, this is already the second time she enroll the subject because she failed on the

first enrollment.

Teacher’s styles and attitudes. According to her, she does not deserve but she believed

that her instructor took it personally against her. Her mother is a relative of a former mistress of

his dead father who was fighting for their rights on the properties left by his father. Although her

mother talked to the instructor already and treated her nicely despite the awkward situation, but

her treatment to her just got worsen. So she is not motivated to attend her classes because no

matter how hard she strived, she believes that she will still get the same treatment. She wants to

avoid her subject but the instructor is the only one handling the subject.

Peers. She does have any problems at all with her classmates. They are just noisy at

times when their instructors are not around the classroom yet but they are fun to be with. She

has a lot of good friends in her section.

Nature of class activities. Her activities in the classroom are all good. She does not

mind it all.

Subject matter. There is one particular subject she is not attending regularly,

Introduction to Programming to be specific. This is because of the instructor that made her not

liking the subject so in return, she would rather not attend the subject. But if not for the

instructor, she likes the subject.

School policies. No school policy would prevent her from disliking going to school.

Case 5 (Pretty Woman)

The respondent has been studying in college for 7 years now. Her original course was a

degree in Information Technology but shifted to a two-year associate course and is expecting to

graduate this school year. She started her habitual absences when she was still in her first year

when she met her boyfriend. She spent most of her time with him with the fear that his

boyfriend will leave her. After a year, she got pregnant but unfortunately, the guy left her alone

and raise their child only with the help of her parents. She did not stop enrolling though. Bus

as her record shows, she got failing grades in all her subjects in her first three semesters. There

were times when she had to skip classes because no one will take care of her child and.

Furthermore, she does not have enough time to review her lessons at night.

Classroom conditions. The classrooms do not affect her at all but she has a little

complain. During the examination, seats have to be scattered to avoid cheating. Because the

rooms are not big enough, it looks like it is crowded. The proctor who is roaming around is quite

disturbing the students because there is no enough space for him that he is bumping on the seats.

Other than that, she is satisfied with classroom conditions.

Teachers’ styles and attitudes. She got no problems with her instructors. They are

accommodating and would sometimes give her consideration.


Peers. Pretty Woman is an irregular student that is why she is attending classes from

different sections and thereby has different set of classmates. Although that is her set-up, there is

no problem with her peers. She is comfortable with them.

Nature of class activities. Some activities are stressful for her such as solving computer

problems during lecture time. She prefers doing it during the laboratory time wherein she can

check and test her programs to see what are her errors. Unlike during lecture time, she has to

write it and cannot determine the errors. But still, she is still participating with those activities; in

fact, sometimes she is the one solving it in the board.

Subject matter. There is no specific subject she does not like that will cause her to

misbehave in the class.

School policies. She finds nothing wrong with the school policies.

Case 6 (Miss Heart Break)

Her first two years of college was great. She was inspired by her first love. Her

boyfriend was her classmate. But after two years they broke up because his boyfriend find a new

one and it hurts more because it was also her classmate. She is having a hard time moving on

from her broken relationship because she almost gave everything to him. She cannot stand

seeing him with another girl. Because of this, she became lazy with her studies and got low and

even failing grades.

Classroom conditions. She finds the classroom and facilities satisfactory.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. All her instructors are good according to her.

They are good and can discuss the lessons well.


Peers. She is not comfortable with some friends and the current girlfriend of her ex-

boyfriend. They are not bad nor good to her but when they talk and laugh at each other, she has

a feeling that they are talking about her although she is not sure of that. She admitted that she is

just suspicious.

Nature of class activities. None of the class activities she finds boring or does not like.

She learns from those activities.

Subject matter. Just like the class activities, she has no problems with her subjects. She

does not like Algebra because she is not good in computations but she is regularly attending her

class in that subject because she believes that it will become harder for her if she miss some


School policies. She finds nothing wrong with the school policies. She is used to all

those policies since her elementary days.

Case 7 (Lady From Cabiao)

Miss Lady from Cabiao is really a smart student. Although she can still cope up with her

missed lessons, but because of her rare attendance, her grades are definitely affected. She always

got an IC (incomplete) grades because she has no permit for the final exams. Her parents are

both unemployed and has only a mini store in their place but the income is not enough to meet

her needs. She has still two siblings in the high school level.

To have some income, this student would sell pastillas and yemas to her friends,

classmates and instructors. This somehow help with her daily allowance.

Classroom conditions. She is happy with the classroom conditions and other facilities

of the school.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. She finds all her instructors kind, supportive

and understanding to her. They are even buying her products although she feels that they are just

forced to do so just to give her some help. In addition to that, when she misses her classes, they

are willing to give her make-up discussions during their consultation hours.

Peers. She is stunned by how her classmates treat her. They know her situation that is

why they are patronizing her yemas and pastillas. They even play jokes on her calling her as

“Aling Tindera” but she is not offended because they are all kind to her and very much at ease

with them.

Nature of class activities. She does not have any class activities that she does not like.

They are all part of the learning process of the students so she understands that they are needed.

Subject matter. She has also no problems with her subjects. If there are problems

concerning her grades in her subjects, she understands that it is her who is at fault.

School policies. With her situation, she does not like the policy of not allowing the

students to take the examinations without settling the permit first especially during the finals that

causes her to get incomplete grades. Moreover, if she will settle her incomplete grades, she has

to pay 100 per subjects and that makes it more difficult for her that she has to pay her

outstanding balance then an additional payment for those incomplete grades.


Case 8 (Poor Guy)

Financial Problem according to him is his major reason. It started when both his mother

and father got sick and had to spend quite a large amount of money. His mother does not want to

stop his studies so she will do everything just to meet his needs with his education to the point of

being indebted. Because of their situation, his school fees are always delayed so he is not able to

take his exams on time thus he always gets an incomplete (INC) grades. Though he knows that

there is nothing to be ashamed, he will not attend classes because of this. Moreover, he will not

take his examinations although his mother has secured a temporary permit through a promissory

note for his payment. He fears that the proctor will send him out of the classrooms if he does not

have the permit.

Classroom conditions. Everything about the school’s classroom and facilities is good.

There is no problem with the respondent’s outlook on this matter.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. According to Poor Boy, some instructors are

strict but he does not complain because if they do not do that, most students will not behave

properly. It is part of the disciplining the students.

Peers. They are his classmates since he was freshman. They were good friends and

laugh together and most of them are males so they are very comfortable with each other.

Nature of class activities. There are some activities that he does not enjoy like the

graded recitation but it is not enough to cause him any misbehavior.

Subject matter. He does not like subjects related to public speaking. He hates Speech

Communication subjects because speaking before an audience is his weakness. But he passed

those subjects because he did not show any misbehavior on those classes.

School policies. He does not like the No Permit No Exam Policy because it is the reason

why he gets incomplete grades. He will be allowed to take the exam because of his temporary

permit but have to settle the final permit after 10 days otherwise his exams will be invalid. In

that case, he has to take another set of exams.

Case 9 (American Boy)

For two years of stay in school, he never enjoyed his schooling. He is not interested with

his course but his sister forced him to take his course no matter how he resisted. He wanted to

enroll Business Administration so in effect, he failed many of his subjects.

He honestly admitted that he will never make it with his current course. He wanted to

convince his sister to let him choose his own course.

Classroom conditions. There is no problem with classroom conditions. He is not

affected at all. He likes the coolness of the air conditioner

Teachers’ teaching styles and conditions. He does not like that they are reporting

delinquent students at the Guidance Office but he likes the way they discuss their lessons.

Peers. He is a natural shy person. He is used to being alone. Because he is an irregular

student, he is attending different sections. He does not have a problem with his classmates.

Nature of class activities. He does not enjoy the laboratory activities in his major

subjects such as cooking, activities in tourism, reciting and translating foreign languages.

Obviously, his reason is that he does not like the course.


Subject matter. He hates the major subjects because he is not really interested with that.

He is not attending those subjects. He only likes the minor subjects with the idea that when he

shifts his course, they will be credited.

School policies. He regards the school policies as rules to follow by the students and he

finds nothing wrong about it.

Case 10 (Cry Baby)

Cry baby admitted he is having a hard time understanding his subjects. During his first

two years, he already found it difficult for him but he survived it. In his third year he started

having problems because he cannot relate to the subject lessons. He gets bored and then feels

lazy attending his classes. He always gets low scores and grades thus the more he loses his

confidence. He admitted that he is a slow learner. He cannot solve complicated problems given

by his instructors in his computer subjects. Furthermore, he felt ashamed when he is not able

to solve the laboratory problems given by the instructors in the major subjects. He also feels

ashamed disturbing his classmates just to seek for some help. So the tendency is that he will not

attend his subjects or even escape from his classes when he is not able to solve the problems

given in the computer laboratory. But he liked his course because he belives that he will easily

get employed because of the demand of this course.

Classroom conditions. He appreciates the classroom conditions especially the hardware

and software laboratories where machines and equipment are upgraded.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. His instructors are all kind. There are some

who are spending extra time for him for consultation for his lessons. Upon learning his

problems, they are the ones who already approached him. So at this moment, he is attending his

classes regularly.

Peers. The only problem with his peers is that when they become busy with their

laboratory works, he is shy to approach them to ask for some help. They are all kind but he is

the problem one.

Nature of class activities. Problem solving in computer laboratory is one thing he hated

most. He is not able to analyze and solve the problems. He is shy that when all his classmates

are done, he is still working on his own. So to avoid embarrassment, he will leave the class and

will not return.

Subject matter. He is having a hard time with computer programming subjects because

of his inability to cope up and understand the topics. Because of that, there are times that he will

not attend his classes.

School policies. He finds no problems with the school policies.

Case 11 (Pilate)

The respondent is a transferee from another school. He transferred to ACLC with the

same course. During his first year, he is already showing some classroom misbehavior, habitual

absences and cutting classes to be specific. His reason is his broken schedule. There are days

that he will start his first subject early in the morning and will be followed late in the afternoon.

There are also days that he will attend only one subject on that particular day. Sometimes, he

will spend his long vacant time at the mall but because it is too costly, he will opt to just go

home. In some cases, he will not go to school because he thinks his dressed-up is not worth it.

There are some instances that he will be marked absent because he is not wearing his school

uniform. That makes him more unwilling to go to school.

Classroom conditions. According to him, classrooms are fine. He just finds the kitchen

an uncomfortable place. There is nothing he can do about it. He perfectly understands that

kitchen is a hot place and an air condition is not appropriate there. Nonetheless, it not one of his

reasons why he is not attending classes.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. He considers this as another factor for his

misbehavior. According to him, some instructors are depending on the number of students in the

class. If there are only few students, they will just get the attendance and then dismiss them.

There are also times when students would request for an early dismissal and they will agree to


Peers. He considers his classmates as the thing he likes most in school. There are few

times that they influence each other not to attend the next classes. They will just go to one of

their friend’s house or spend time at the mall.

Nature of class activities. He likes all the classroom activities. It is not a contributing

factor to his misbehavior.

Subject matter. Just like the class activities, he likes all his subjects.

School policies. He has no problems with regards to school policies. He is just

suggesting to include policies to improve the instructors way of handling their classes.

Case 12 (Military Man)

His father is a retired military and a Presidential Guard during the Marcos regime. His

father married his mother after his first wife died. He has three siblings from the other family.

Because they have their own family, their father was left in their care. Her mother has to work in

Manila to earn their own living because the pension of his father is not enough. His older sister

is with her mother in Manila where she is studying her college education. He is the only one left

with his father. According to him, he always follows the order of his father so not to have an

argument between them. He has to follow no matter how unreasonable his father was. He has to

endure because his father would hit him if he is not pleased. There were times that he was

embarrassed in front of many people because of this behavior. He is being both physically and

verbally abused. He sought for the help of his mother and other siblings about it but cannot do

something about it. They just gave them encouraging words. But when his father is in the light

mood, they laugh together. This will make him happy and forget about the other bad incidents.

He loves his father no matter what. There were times that he cannot concentrate on his schooling

so he would rather not attend his classes.

Classroom conditions. Classroom condition is not a factor to his misbehavior. He finds

the classrooms as conducive to learning.

Teachers’ teaching styles and conditions. According to him, all his instructors are nice

and they are qualified to their positions. Because most of them are young, they can relate to

youths like him and that makes them easy to approach.


Peers. He does not consider his peers and classmates as his problems. In fact, some of

them are his companions.

Nature of classroom activities. There is no boring classroom activities for him. All are

needed to facilitate learning.

Subject matter. There is no subject that will cause his misbehavior. He finds math

subjects as the hardest one but he is performing average in those subjects.

School policies. The respondents got no problems with school policies. According to

him, he is a low-abiding student as long as the policies are acceptable. And so far, he observes

that all policies are suitable.

Case 13 (Tattoo Man)

His mother works in the United States of America. He has not seen her personally

because his mother is staying in the USA illegally. She has no working permit so she has to hide

herself and will not be able to go home however she wants. So he was left under the care of her

mother’s sister-in-law. According to him, he is not even related to her foster mother. Although

her aunt cares a lot about him, but she has her own children to look after to so he felt envious.

His uncle does not want to scold him even if he is misbehaving for the reason that he might hurt

him and he does not like that. He wants to experience a real family. He wants her mother to

come home and find a work here in the Philippines. But his mother does not want because she is

earning quite good there that will give him a better living. What makes it worse is that he is

fathering already a two children at the age of 18. He works as a tattoo artist but it is just a part

time so the income is not enough to meet his needs and support his children. He is ashamed of

his aunt who is shouldering their problems. He just tries to be happy when outside home so he is

always misinterpreted as a delinquent student when inside the classroom. His problem is that he

has outburst emotions. He gets easily mad and cannot control his temper when being scolded but

it is not his intention to distract his classes. He is just expressing his reasons but his classmates

and instructors do not understand him. Deep inside him, it is not what they see in him.

Classroom conditions. He finds the conditions of the classrooms to be in good state. He

does not find any problem to it.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. He also finds no problems with the teaching

styles of his instructors. They just sometimes reprimand him because he talks too much in the

class. They are misinterpreting him as playful and rowdy. There are some who laughs with him

but if they find my timing as inappropriate then, they scold him but he believes his acts cannot be

considered as misbehavior. He just keep quiet then focus on the discussions.

Peers. He finds his classmates enjoyable ones. They laugh with him if he cracks jokes.

He has some quiet classmates but he does not mind them at all. They complain to their

instructors that he is noisy.

Nature of class activities. The respondent has no problem with classroom activities.

Subject matters. There is no other subject that is a problem for him. He finds it just

exact. They are not easy nor hard.

School policies. There is no school policy that will cause him any misbehavior.

Case 14 (OFW Child)

She is always reported to the guidance office as an extreme absentee. She just attends her

classes once in a while and would just appear during examinations. When asked to bring her

guardian to school, she will just have her cousin to attend because she has no father and her

mother is working abroad and she is the only child. She has her grandparents but living in

Manila. They just sent her unemployed cousin to accompany her in their house. Her mother

does not know her academic status. When asked why she does not attend her classes regularly,

she said that she lacks and wants the support of her mother but she is busy working for other

family as a domestic helper. She needs her mother’s attention. If she has this, she will excel in

her class because she might get some inspiration.

Classroom conditions. The respondent has no complains as per classroom condition.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. She does not like one of her instructors. There

is someone whom she hates because of the style for giving quizzes and examinations. Most of

her classmates are having a hard time because of the long quizzes wherein there are 100 items

and 175 items for the major examinations. She is already expecting to fail in this subject because

he seldom attends her classes.

Peers. She does not have problems with her peers. They interact with her normally.

Nature of class activities. Because she is a severe absentee, she cannot give comments

and reactions to the nature of class activities in her subjects.

Subject matters. She hates Environmental Science because this is where she has to

memorize many items for the exams and quizzes.


School policies. She does not have any problems with the policies set by the school.

Case 15 (Jelly Boy)

This student felt jealous of his older brother. His brother is an alumnus of the school and

had a good academic record. His mother, who is raising them alone, always compared him to his

brother. And in addition to that, some instructors are also stating that he is way far from his

brother. He felt insecured of this so he would make himself rebellious. He is not able to express

such matter to his mother.

Because of his situation, he would rather play dota with his friends instead of attending

This student wants his mother to stop comparing him to his older brother although his

brother is really better than him.

Classroom conditions. According to him, classroom conditions are conducive for

learning. He got no problem with this.

Teachers’ teaching styles and attitudes. His instructors are all good. They can explain

their lessons very well. There are some things he does not like about some of them. They

always report his absences to the Guidance Office and in return will report him to his mother.

When it happened, his mother will keep on nagging him that irritates him. Bus they are just

doing their jobs because they agreed to his mother that they will report him of his misbehavior.

Moreover, they always mention that his brother is better than him.

Peers. He likes his classmates. They share the same interest in playing dota. The only

difference is that they do not prioritize gaming over their classes. They are trying to influence

him but he opposes to their words.


Nature of class activities. There is no problem for him with regards to nature of class


Subject matter. None of his subjects contribute as a factor to his classroom


School policies. He does not like the limit of absences in every semester where he will

be dropped after reaching the maximum numbers. He finds his reason funny but he knows that

he is unreasonable to this.

Themes and Subthemes drawn from the Investigations

This case investigation has multiple sources of data which include cumulative records,

student’s permanent records where academic grades can be seen, reported cases in the guidance

office as submitted by instructors and the cases themselves. Figure 1 capsulates the findings in

the form of themes and subthemes, followed by some details which were lifted from or based

on the significant statements from the different cases as shown in the repertory grid. These

themes and subthemes tell readers why classroom misbehavior exists.

THEME 1. Social Discomfort

The researcher explored the respondents’ behavior towards their peers inside the

classroom. The theme Social Discomfort was gained based from their stories and experiences.

Their social interaction can be described as far from the normal contact with the people around

them. As shown in Repertory Grid 1, one participant is saying that he is not comfortable

because he is shy that he does not know any of his classmates, thus uncomfortable with

classmates is derived as subtheme. He is an irregular student who has to repeat some subjects.

Because his classmates are younger than him, the more he feels uncomfortable. The other

subtheme is experiencing an unwanted attention. This respondent does not want any attention

given to her by her male classmates. She is the opposite of a person who lacks attention. She

feels annoyed when her classmates, especially the male ones, play jokes on her.

FIGURE 1 Thematic Presentation of Themes and Subthemes



with Classmates
 Unwanted

TEACHER FACTOR  Laizzes-Faire
 Unprofessional
INTIMACY  Early Pregnancy
RELATIONSHIP  Relationship


 Comprehensive
 Broken Class
 Weak Parental
 Lack of Guardian
 Lack of parental
 Parental

These findings are supported by different literatures and research. For instance, according

to research published by Kathleen Hughes and Robert J. Coplan (2008) ,stats indicate that

shyness correlates negatively with academic achievement, teacher achievement and the student.

However, it does not correlate with standardized test scores

In an academic setting, shyness can affect students negatively outside of test scores. This

most likely varies from school to school. If a student is not able to feel comfortable with

themselves at school, it may reflect in their academic achievement.  This can also affect the

student's performance in the school setting.  Shyness can cause students to withdraw themselves

from school.

In an article published on August 26,2014, grades and academic performance often

suffers when a victim is bullied. Learning doesn’t happen automatically for children, and

being bullied or walking around school in fear makes it even harder to pay attention in class.

As a result, children often put their own safety first, and school becomes a secondary priority.

Grades drop, and then the child suffers complaints from parents wondering why.

Shyness and bullying are both contributing factors to a student’s misbehavior. Said

negative effects are shown in their classroom behavior. As observed by the researcher, one

student is just quietly sitting at the back of the classroom wherein no one is sitting beside him.

Repertory Grid 1


Theme 1  Uncomfortable Lima po ang subjects na nakaenroll ko ngayon
with kaya lang po tatlo lang yung pinapasukan ko ng
Social Discomfort classmates regular. Dun po kasi sa dalawang subject ko, hindi
ko po kilala mga classmates ko. Nahihiya po ako
kanila lalo na po mga first at second year lang sila.
Tapos po late na ako pumasok. Bumubwelo po
kasi ako. Maayos naman po mga classrooms kaya
lang po may mga rooms na hindi masyado
malamig yung aircon. Hindi po problema sa akin
mga teaches ko. May mga strict lang po at saka po
inirereport nila ako sa inyo pag nawawala ako sa
klase pero naiintindihan ko naman po na trabaho
lang nila yun. Ang pinakagusto ko po sa mga
activities ay yung nagsosolve kami ng problem sa
computer. Ang ayaw ko lang po ay yung mga
activities na igugroup kami katulad po sa PE pero
so far po napipilit ko naman yung sarili ko na
matagpos yun kasi once a week lang naman po
yun. Wala din po ako problema sa mga policy ng
 Unwanted Gusto ko po sana magshift na ng course next sem
kasi ayaw ko po nung mga classmates ko sa ACT
Attention lalo na yung mga lalake. Lagi po nila ako
tinutukso at tinatawag pa na BABE. Sabi po nila
crush nila ako pero parang niloloko lang naman po
nila ako. Feeling ko po binubully nila ako, Ang
sabi ko nga po sa kanila ATE ang tawag nila sa
akin kasi mas matanda po ako sa kanila. Naiinis
po ako pag tinutukso nila ako tapos magtatawanan
kaya tinatamad po ako pumasok dun.
Sinusumbong ko po sila sa mga teachers ko kaya
po pag andun na yung teacher at napagsabihan sila
humihinto na sila pero pag wala na po, aandar na
po sila. Sabi ko nga po sa kanila isususmbong ko
kayo sa guidance, tingnan ko lang kung ano
mangyayari sa kanila. Maganda po mga
classrooms dito sa ACLC lalo na yung computer
laboratory. Madami pong computer at saka
magaganda pa. Sa mga teachers ko po wala akong
problema kasi po pag may problema ako sa mga
classmates ko sila po ang nilalapitan at
pinagsusumbungan ko tapos po pinagsasabihan po
nila mga classmates ko. Sinasabihan na lang po

nila ako na wag sila pansinin. Kaya lang daw po

ako niloloko kasi cute daw po ako. Yung Math
lang po ang ayaw ko kasi dati na po akong mahina
sa math pero napagtyatyagaan ko naman po.
Bukod po dun ayos naman lahat. Lahat naman po
ng subjects gusto ko. Yung school policy naman
po natin eh tama lang naman po. Wala po akong
nakitang kakaiba.

THEME 2. Teacher Factor

Teacher factor was derived as theme from the above respondents. Their academic

performances were affected by the teachers’ styles and attitudes. Laizzes faire instructor has

developed the respondent’s boredom causing him to escape from his classes. The other

respondent lost her interest in the subject because she believed that no matter how she strived,

her instructor will never consider her because of personal matter.

Some related articles can support these situations such as an article published on

(October 4, 2013) states that in school, learning is generally written off as a responsibility

specific to the individual student. Generally, people believe that each student should be in charge

of their own learning experience. This assumption does tend to be valid, but there are also cases

where the student is not at fault for a poor education.

It is simply not possible to learn anything, when no valid information is presented to the

student. Despite common belief, this happens much more frequently than it should at a high

school like McLean. A wide range of students are unable to gain an adequate education because

of their incompetent teachers.

What should be a teacher, guiding students in their path of education becomes a mere

figure at the head of the classroom. The end result is an accumulation of lousy grades. These

have a lasting, domino effect, and lead to further academic problems.

Patrick Pössel, (Volume 5, Number 2, November 2013, p.6 )Abundant research

supports the notion that teacher support has clear implications for students’ emotional well-being

(hereafter called well-being). Consistent with previous research, we conceptualize wellbeing as

comprising positive and negative affect Positive affect is the extent to which a person typically

feels positive emotions (e.g., is enthusiastic, active, and alert). Negative affect encompasses

frequent negative feelings (e.g., is distressed, angry, nervous). Well-being is not only of

subjective importance for students; negative affect is associated with academic problems

including reduced homework completion, less concentration in class, fewer interactions with

peers, poorer class attendance, and lower rates of post-secondary degree attainment To the

contrary, positive affect in students towards school (e.g., school liking, a sense of belonging)

tends to be associated with higher classroom engagement and academic achievement.

Teachers’ styles and attitudes play important factors in the learning of students. Not all

poor performances of students can be blamed to themselves. In this case, the teacher was not

able to give her student the needed information to acquire learning from her. The other one did

not consider the well-being of the student thereby causing her to develop negative feelings on the


Repertory Grid 2


Theme 2  Laizzes faire Haaay naku, masaya na po sana ako kasi maganda po
instructor mga subjects ko lalo na yung mga major. Meron lang
Teacher Factor po akong isang bwisit na bwisit tapos minor lang po.
Lagi po akong naiinip dun sa klase na yun. Kasi po
pinagrereport lang nila kami tapos sya po nakaupo
lang dun sa likod tapos text lang ng text, minsan nga
po nakita ko pa na nagpe-facebook sya dun sa
cellphone nya. Yung mga nagrereport naman po
binabasa lang nila tapos yun na yun, hindi na po
susundan ng discussion ni Ma’am. Yung mga
classmates ko din po hindi na nakikinig. Wala naman
po sanang problema sa reporting kaya lang sana
naman po may follow-upMinsan po pag naiinip ako
tatabi ako sa classmates ko na pwede kong
makakwentuhan or kaya kung minsan po kunwari
pupunta ako sa CR pero magpapalipas lang po ako ng
oras dahil inip na inip nga po ako. Minsan din po
hindi na ako bumabalik kasi para naman pong hindi
nya napapansin na hindi na ako bumabalik.
Tinatanong ko po kasi sa mga friends ko kung
hinanap ako, hindi naman daw po kaya lang po nahuli
po ako minsan kaya sinita po nya ako. Wala po
akong sinabi, hindi lang po ako kumibo. Sa mga
classroom naman po, wala naman pong problema. Sa
classmates din po wala din except ayaw ko po nung
way ng pagrereport nila pero hindi din naman po
masisisi kasi nga po walang pakialam yung teacher.
Sa mga subjects po, isa lang ang ayaw koi to nga
pong NSTP pero kung iba po yung teacher
magugustuhan ko po yung subject.
 Unprofessional Tinatamad po akong pumasok dun sa subject na Intro.
Instructor To Programming. Pangalawang enroll ko na po
ngayon at hindi ko po sigurado kung makakapasa na
ako ngayon. Kasi po parang kahit anong gawin ko
hindi po ako makakapasa kasi feeling ko po
pinepersonal nya ako. Di ba po nung pinatawag nyo
yung mommy ko nung hindi ako pumapasok, nakita
nyo naman po nung nag-usap sila, maayos naman po
yung mommy ko kahit ayaw nya kausapin yung
teacher na yun. Kasi po yung mommy ko
nakarelasyon nung daddy nya nung araw. Hindi po
hindi po kami magkapatid. Babaero po kasi yung

daddy nya at isa po yung mommy ko sa nakarelasyon

nya. Dahil may issue po sila sa mana kaya po
nagkakaganyan sya pero wala naman po ako
kinalaman dun. Ang masakit pa po nung makausap
nya yung mommy ko parang lalo nya po akong
pinag-initan kaya tinatamad po ako pumasok pero
nitong huli po pumapasok na po talaga ako at pinipilit
kop o makakuha ng mataas na score. Hindi ko lang
po alam kung ipapasa nya ako. Wala po akong
objection sa classroom conditions natin. Yung mga
classmates ko po masaya silang kasama. Maingay
lang po sila pag wala pa yung teacher sa loob ng
classroom pero tumatahimik po sila pag meron na.
Madami po akong friends sa mga classmates
ko.Maayos naman po mga class activities kaya wala
po akong problema dun. Yun nga po, yung Intro. To
Programming po ang ayaw ko na subject dahil po dun
sa teacher ko na namemersonal.
Wala naman po akong nakita dun sa school policy na
magiging dahilan po ng hindi ko pag pasok. Mabait
po ako mam at masunurin kaya lang po talagang yung
teacher po na yun ang problema ko.

Theme 3 Intimacy Relationship

As shown in Repertory Grid 3, the theme intimacy relationship was obtained from these

cases. Such relationships had caused negative effects in the respondents’ academic status in

different ways. One respondent got pregnant at an early age causing her irregular attendance in

her classes. The other one became uncomfortable with the presence of her ex-boyfriend. She

cannot focus on her studies and even skip her classes many times.

Those dealings were supported by some related literatures Gama (November, 2010)

wrote that most students are academically affected by unplanned pregnancy only twenty percent

(20%) who is not affected and the eighty percent (80%) of the respondents are affected by

unplanned pregnancy. Being pregnant when you are still studying comes with many challenges

and that includes University drop-out or poor performance at the University.

Diego, Miguel; Pelaez, Martha; et. al(September 2012 )wrote that problems that might be

expected to affect perceived academic performance were studied in a sample of 283 university

students. Results: Breakup Distress Scale scores, less time since the breakup and no new

relationship contributed to 16% of the variance on perceived academic performance. Variables

that were related to academic performance in previous studies including depression, anxiety,

intrusive thoughts, controlling intrusive thoughts and sleep disturbances did not enter the

regression equation. Conclusion: These results suggest that a breakup affects students' perceived

academic performance including their concentration, homework and test scores. 

Based from the stories and experiences by the respondents, the theme intimate

relationships was obtained as a theme. The consequences of the respondents’ intimate

relationships contribute hugely to their academic performances. The subtheme unplanned

pregnancy of the respondent gave her difficulties in her studies including time for reviewing and

regular attendance in classes that resulted to low academic status. The others subtheme is the

result of one respondent’s relationship break-up which is quite evident with the way she

concentrates on her studies and missing her classes.

Repertory Grid 3


Theme 3  Early Irregular po ako ngayon. Isa po ako sa first batch
Pregnancy ng IT kaya lang po hanggang ngayon nag-aaral pa
Intimacy Relationship ako. Nun po kasing nanganak ako nahirapan na
po ako lalo kasi nga po naikwento ko na dati sa
inyo na iniwan po ako ng tatay ng anak ko nung
magbuntis ako. Kaya mag-isa lang po ako

katulong ko lang po mga magulang ko. Ang

problema ko po kasi walang nag-aalaga sa anak
ko at saka wala din po maghahatid at
magbabantay sa school kaya ang ginawa kop o
lahat ng subjects ko kinuha ko sa panghapon. Isa
pa pong problema ko nahihirapan po ako
magreview sa gabi dahil po sa anak ko kaya
lagging bagsak po mga scores ko. Nito pong June
nagshift na lang po ako ng ACT para po matapos
na kasi kung itutuloy ko pa po yung IT mas
magtatagal po ako kasi nga po tatlong subject
lang ineenroll ko. Nagpaevaluate ko kasi ako sa
registrar, ang sabi po kaya ko na daw po matapos
next sem wag lang po ako magbabagsak. Yun po,
kasalanan ko din naman po kaya nagtagal ako sa
pag-aaral. Hindi naman po ako apektado ng
classroom conditions. Isa lang po ang complain
ko, pag po exam, pinaglalayo layo po mga silya
kaya tuloy sumisikip yung space nagmumukha po
tuloy crowded tapos po pag umikot na yung
proctor na nagbabantay, nabubunggo po nya mga
upuan kaya nakakailang po minsan. Pero bukod
po dun, wala na. Mababait po mga instructors
ko. Wala po akong problema sa kanila.
Naiintindihan po nila kalagayan ko kaya minsan
po may consideration at saka po accommodating
po sila. Minsan po nakakstress yung problem
solving sa lecture naming sa programming. Mas
gusto ko po kasi sa lab ginagawa yun kasi po dun
naitetest naming kung ano yung mali at sana
naira-run po kasi dun unlike sa lecture isusulat
lang namin di namin alam kung may mali pero ok
din naman po ako dun. Minsan nga po ako pa ang
nagsosolve sa whiteboard. Minsan po mali pero
madalas naman po tumatama ako. Wala naman
po akong subject na inaayawan. Ganun din po sa
school policy, wala po akong ayaw.
 Relationship Nag-umpisa lang naman po ako mawalan ng gana
Break-Up nung magbreak kami ng boyfriend ko. Nung first
year po ako, maayos naman ako, matataas po mga
grades ko kaya lang nung July po nakakita ng iba
yung boyfriend ko eh ang sakit sakit po kasi sakin
nun dahil yung pinalit nya sa akin classmates po
namin kaya tuwing nakikita ko po sila, masakit
kaya po madalas ayaw ko pumasok. Kasi naman
po high school pa lang kami, kami na kaya sanay

ako na sya kasama ko lagi. Maganda naman po

mga classrooms at facilities. Ok din naman po
mga instructors, lahat po sila magaling
magdiscuss. Sa ilang kaklase kop o naiilang ako
lalo na dun sa mga friends ng ex ko at ng current
gf nya. Minsan po pag nag-iisap sila at
nagtatawanan sila pakiramdam ko po ako yung
pinagtatawanan pero hindi po ako sigurado. Wala
naman din po silang ginagawang masama pero
hindi ko din naman po sila kasundo. Kaya balak
ko na lang po lumipat ng section sa second sem.
Wala naman po akong nakitang boring na class
activities. Natututo naman po ako dun. Ganun
din po sa mga subjects, wala naman pong boring
except po siguro yung math subjects ko kasi
mahina po talaga ako dun pero pinagbubuti ko
naman po. Wala din po akong problema sa
school policy. Elementary pa lang po ako sanay
po ako na sumusunod lagi sa mga school policy.

Theme 4 Financial Problems

The researcher examined the respondents’ stories and experiences and the theme

financial problem was coined. Their insufficient source of income causes their helplessness to

attend classes regularly resulting to poor academic status such as getting low or incomplete


This is backed by some related literatures likr in the study by Ekpo and Ajake (2013),

they found out that the financial position of students’ parents influences their level of

delinquency. The study also revealed that students from low socio-economic parents are more

delinquent than those from high socio-economic status. The implication of this finding is that

students’ delinquency is determined mostly by financial position of student’s parents. In other

words, students exhibit delinquent acts when parents cannot meet their financial needs. When

students cannot meet their school needs, there is no hope for such needs being met by parents,

there is the tendency for students to look “elsewhere” to have their needs met.

It became a fact that financial status can really affect the students’ academic standing in

different ways. They may have enough capacity of learning but due to their situation their

performances are adversely affected because they became busy meeting their needs. The time

for their education is reduced and spent to other things instead. And another reason of their poor

academic standing is the attendance. More often, they will not attend their classes because of

lack of money.

Repertory Grid 4


Financial Problems Madalas po akong hindi nakakapasok kasi po
wala akong baon. Nakakasunod pa din naman
po ako sa mga lessons ko kasi lagi akong
nagpapaCH sa mga instructors ko. Yun nga
lang po madalas namimiss ko yung mga
quizzes, laboratory exercises kaya po
bumababa yung grades ko at kadalasan po
puro incomplete grades kasi po hindi ako
nakakakuha ng permit dahil hindi po ako
batad ng finals. Wala pong trabaho mga
magulang ko, umaasa lang po kami sa maliit
na tindahan naming kaya lang po hindi sapat
yun dahil may dalawang kapatid pa po ako na
nasa high school. Kaya ang ginagawa ko po
gumagawa ako ng yema at pastillas para po
kahit baon ko dun ko na lang kunin. Masaya
naman po ako sa mga classrooms at facilities.
Mababait po mga instructors ko.
Naiintindihan po nila ako at sinusuportahan.
Katunayan po lagi sila bumubili ng pastillas at
yema ko kahit alam ko pong hindi naman
talaga nila gusto pero bumibili po sila para
lang tulungan ako. Isa pa po hindi sila
nagsasawa na i-CH ako pag nag-aabsent ako.
Masayang masaya po ako sa mga classmates
ko dahil mabait sila sa akin. Madalas po
pinagtatawanan nila ako pag may dala na ako
tinda. Ang tawag po nila sa akin “Aling
Tindera” pero hindi naman po ako naiinis.
Alam po nila sitwasyon ko kaya tinutulungan
nila ako, Kampanteng kampante po ako sa
kanila. Lahat naman po ng activities gusto ko,
wala po akong ayaw kasi po kailangan naman
yun para matuto kami.
Wala din po akong problema sa mga subjects
ko. Kung mababa man po mga grades ko, sa
akin naman po kasi ang problema. Isa lang po
ang ayaw ko, yung hindi po pwede mag-exam
ng walang permit sa finals kaya yun po ang
madalas na reason kaya po incomplete mga
grades ko. At lalo po akong namomroblema
sa bayarin kasi po pag inayos ko yun
kailangan pa po magbayad ng 100 per subject.

Lalo pong lumalaki balance ko dahil

nadadagdag pa po yun.
Financial problem po ang major reason ko
kasi po sabay nagkasakit mama at papa ko.
Nastroke po papa ko tapos yung mama ko po
ay lupus naman. Gumaling naman po sila
kaya lang malaki po nagastos nila. Gusto ko
na po sana maghinto kaya lang ayaw naman
po ng mama ko na mahinto ako kaya po
ipinangungutang lang po nya pang-aral ko.
Dahil madalas po wala kaming pera kaya lagi
pong delay tuition fee ko kaya hindi po ako
nakakaexam on time. Pero minsan po
nagpopromisory note mama ko kaya
nakakakuha po sya ng temporary permit kaya
lang po hindi pa din ako kumukuha ng exam
kasi yung mga proctor po nagtatanong pa
kung sino ang walang permit. Baka po
palabasin ako kung wala pong permit.
Nahihiya naman po ako. Lahat naman po ng
classrooms at facilities magaganda naman.
Wala pong problema. May mga ibang
instructors lang po na mahigpit katulad nung
sa uniform pero hindi naman po ako
nagrereklamo kasi po kung hindi naman sila
maghihigpit baka po sumobra naman mga
studyante. Paraan lang po ng pagdidisiplina
samin yun. Yung mga kaklase ko po, kasama
ko na po first year pa lang ako. Lagi po
kaming magkakasama at madalas
magtawanan. Puro pa po kami lalaki kaya
mas komportable po. Graded recitation lang
po ang medyo ayaw ko pero hindi naman po
dahilan para magcutting ako o kaya mag-
absent. Ayaw ko lang po yung mga subject na
may public speaking katulad po nung Speech
Communication kasi hindi po ako sanay
magspeech sa harap ng audience. So far,
hindi naman po bumagsak kahit ganun. As
usual po incomplete lang.
Yung No Permit No exam policy po ang
ayaw ko kasi kadalasan po yun ang reason ng
incomplete grade ko. Nakakakuha nga po ako
ng temporary permit, nakakaexam po ako
pero after 10 days po kailangan makuha ko na
din yung final permit ko kung hindi po,

invalid din yung inexam ko. Ibig sabihin po

kukuha ulit ako ng another exam sayang po
yung unang exam ko. Kung minsan po
naglalapse na lang dahil tinatamad na din ako
magexam ulit dahil sa tagal nakakalimutan ko

Theme 5 Academic Concern

The respondents do not succeed in their academic status because of different factors.

They have issues and problems related to their academic and so academic concern was derived

as a theme based from their narratives. Their poor academic status can be related to disliking

course which sets as a subtheme for this and the other as having comprehensive difficulties.

Another one affecting the academic performance is the broken class schedule. Both of which

contributed to their misbehavior in the classroom.

(August 8, 2008) Here’s what I’ve observed: Students who choose a major because it

was expected or to please their parents are much more likely to burn out by their junior

year. Even if they have good study habits and a light activity load, the draining effect of extrinsic

motivation can build up a terrible resentment toward school work. Becoming an engineer

because your parents think the liberal arts are “soft” is a quick route to mild student depression

and falling grades.

Rashmi Rekha Borah (November 2, 2013) has described the following as characteristics

of slow learners : In general, slow learning students may exhibit some or all of these

characteristics, depending on their age and degree of problems acquiring knowledge at


1. First, slow learners are recurrently immature in their relations with others and do

poorly in school.

2. Secondly, they cannot do multifaceted or complex problems and work very slowly.

3. They lose track of time and cannot convey what they have learned from one task to

another well.

4. They do not easily master skills that are academic in nature, such as the times tables

or spelling rules

5. Perhaps the most exasperating trait is their inability to have long-term goals. They

live in the present, and so have considerable problems with time management perhaps

due to a short attention span and poor concentration skills.

Interest in the subjects and courses in college contribute largely to the academic

performance of students. The fact that if they are forced to take up a course due to the influence

of the family they will not appreciate what they are doing in the class so there is a higher chance

of possibility of being a delinquent. People tend to do their best when they are interested to

what they are doing and are more likely to succeed and will normally loose interest to what they

do not like.

On the other hand, if the capabilities of the students do not match the course description

and requirements, the student will suffer catching up and understanding the lessons.

Repertory Grid 5


Theme 5  Dislike Course Dalawang taon na po ako sa course
pero hindi po ako masaya. Hindi naman po
Academic Concern kasi ako interesado sa course ko, pinilit lang
ako ng ate ko na HRM ang kuhanin ko kahit po
pinagpipilitan ko na ayaw ko talaga nun. Ang
gusto ko po talaga ay Business Admin. Hindi

ko po matatapos ito dahil talagang ayoko.

Yung mga major subjects ko po kasi hindi ko
Wala naman po problema sa mga
classrooms. Gusto ko po yung lamig ng air
Magaling naman po sila magdiscuss.
Ang ayaw ko lang po yung nagrereport pa sila
ng mga absinero sa Guidance Office.
Mahiyain po ako talaga kaya sanay ako
na mag-isa palagi. Kahit po iba iba ang mga
classmates ko dahil irregular ako, wala naman
po akong naging problema sa kanila.
Hindi ko po gusto yung mga ginagawa
namin sa laboratory tulad ng pagluluto, yung
pagtalk po namin sa tourism at lalo nap o yung
itratranslate namin sa foreign language na
inirerecite pa.
Yung mga major subjects lang naman
po ang ayaw ko kasi nga po hindi ako
interesado sa course ko. Kaya hindi ko po
talaga pinapasukan yun. Mga minor lang po
pinapasukan ko para pag nagshift ako, hindi ko
na po uulitin yun.
Yung mga policy naman po eh talagang
ginawa yan para sundin ng mga studyante kaya
wala po akong nakitang mali dun.

 Comprehensive Hindi ko po maintindihan mga lessons

ko. Mas mahihirap po ngayon kess nung 1 st
Difficulties year at 2nd year ako. Nahirapan din po ako nun
pero hindi po katulad ngayon. Nakakapasa po
ako kahit papano. Ngayon po kaya madalas
ako absent kasi hindi po ako makarelate lalo na
dun sa mga laboratory exercises. Kahit po
anong gawin ko laging mababa ang grades ko
kaya po parang pinanghihinaan na ako ng loob.
Nakakahiya man po pero mabagal po ako
pumick up kaya hindi ko magawa yung mga
problems na pinapagawa sa amin kaya
nahihiya po ako pag hindi ko nagagawa.
Nahihiya din po ako magtanong sa mga
kaklase ko kasi nga po hindi ko rin naman
magawa. Kaya madalas po hindi na lang ako
papasok o kaya po tumatakas ako bago
matapos yung klase para po pag nagcheck wala

na ako dun.
Maganda naman po mga classrooms
lalo na po yung sa hardware and software lab.
Makikita po talaga na mga bago yung gamit.
Mababait po mga teachers. Yung iba
nga poi CH pa ako. Sila pa po nagpapaalala
nung CH ko sa kanila lalo na po nung nalaman
nila na hindi ko maintindihan. Kaya ito pong
huli, nahihiya po ako na hindi pumasok kaya
pinapasukan ko na po.
Kapag po busy sila sa ginagawa nila
nahihiya po ako abalahin sila para magtanong
ako. Mababait po sila, ako po talaga ang may
Ayaw ko po yung mga pinapasolve sa
amin sa laboratory. Hirap po kasi akong mag-
analyze at magsolve. Nahihiya po ako pag ako
na lang ang hindi nakakatapos kaya po iniiwan
ko na lang yung ginagawa ko.
Nahihirapan po ako sa mga computer
programming kasi nga po hindi ko masolve
kaya yun po ang hate na hate ko
Wala naman po akong problema sa
school policy.

 Broken Irregular po ako kasi transfer lang po ako dito

Unang taon ko pa lang po dito nahihirapan na
Schedules ako sa schedule ko dahil madalas po broken
schedule ako. Minsan po 8 hanggang 9:30 ang
pasok tapos 3 na ang kasunod kaya inip na inip
po ako sa haba ng vacant time ko. Pag ganun
po pumupunta na lang ako sa Walter kaya lang
kagastos naman po pag laging ganun kaya po
umuuwi na lang ako. Meron pa nga po sa
isang araw isa lang ang pasok ko kaya minsan
po tinatamad ko na pasukan yun, saying po
yung susuutin ko o kaya po inaabsent ako ng
teacher ko kasi hindi po ako nakauniform.
Maayos naman po mga classrooms, yung
kitchen lang po ang hindi ako komportable kasi
mainit po. Opo alam ko naman po na hindi
pwede lagyan ng air con yun kaya naintindihan
ko po na sadyang mainit dun. Pero hindi ko
naman po inaabsenan yun.
Naku yan pa po isa kaya tinatamad ako.
Minsan po pag kokonti ang estudyante

magchecheck na lang po ng attendance si mam

tapos papauwiin na nya kami o kaya po pag
sinabi ng mga classmates ko na “mam uwian
na” sinusunod po nya. Haaay naku.
Isa po yan sa nag-eenjoy ako kasi
kasundo ko po mga classmates ko. Minsan nga
po sila pa ang nagyaya sa akin na magcutting
kami. Pumupunta na lang po kami sa bahay ng
barkada naming o kaya maglilibot sa mall.
Gusto ko naman po lahat ng class
activities. Hindi ko po dahilan yun.
Wala din po akong ayaw sa mga
subjects ko.
Wala naman po akong problema sa
school policy pero ang suggestion ko lang po
sana po may mga policy sa mga teachers na
dapat mag-improve sila sa pagtuturo nila,

Theme 6 Weak Love and Affection

The researcher upon hearing the respondents’ stories and experiences has gained the

family relationships with them as a contributing factor to their classroom misbehavior. Thus,

weak family affection was obtained as a theme. Weak parental intimacy emerged as a

subtheme because the respondent’s learning is destructed by the kind of treatment he gets from

his father. He describes their relationship as sometimes good and sometimes bad depending on

the mood of his father. His parental situation and his relationship with his father causes him not

to concentrate on his classes. Another subtheme is the lack of parental intimacy. The absence

of his parents since birth causes him to envy her guardian’s family. He lacks family figure and

his early fatherhood trigger his emotional outbursts that cause embarrassment inside the

classroom. To cover up his feelings, he just tries to be happy including his behavior in the

classroom but his teachers and classmates do not understand him and even misinterpreted him as

delinquent. Lack of guardian is another subtheme. The respondent needs family figure,

especially a mother, that will support her, but their distance is a burden to her. Her only guardian

is her cousin who is almost the same age as her. There is no motivation to sustain her interest to

study. She lacks somebody who will guide and direct her. And lastly, parental favoritism is

another subtheme. The respondent is irritated by the way his mother compares him to his older


Meaningful articles correlate to their behavior such as the one written by Paul (Oct. 24,

2012). He stated that given all the roiling debates about how America’s children should be

taught, it may come as a surprise to learn that students spend less than 15% of their time in

school. While there’s no doubt that school is important, a clutch of recent studies reminds us that

parents are even more so. A study published earlier this month by researchers at North Carolina

State University, Brigham Young University and the University of California-Irvine, for

example, finds that parental involvement — checking homework, attending school meetings and

events, discussing school activities at home — has a more powerful influence on students’

academic performance than anything about the school the students attend.

So parents matter — a point made clear by decades of research showing that a major part

of the academic advantage held by children from affluent families comes from the “concerted

cultivation of children” as compared to the more laissez-faire style of parenting common in

working-class families. But this research also reveals something else: that parents, of all

backgrounds, don’t need to buy expensive educational toys or digital devices for their kids in

order to give them an edge. They don’t need to chauffeur their offspring to enrichment classes or

test-prep courses. What they need to do with their children is much simpler: talk.

Olson (Jun 17, 2015) discussed that parenting styles can influence what kind of person a

child grows up to be, but beyond actions, the way a parent simply thinks about their child can

make an impact. Researchers from Brigham Young University found a significant and often

overlooked flaw in the way parents express perceptions of their children. The results of

their study, published in the Journal of Family Psychology, encourage parents to stop comparing

siblings to one another before it causes a lifetime of harm.

“Parents' beliefs about their children, not just their actual parenting, may influence who

their children become,” the study’s lead author Alexander Jensen, a professor at Brigham Young

University, said in a press release.  “It's hard for parents to not notice or think about differences

between their children. It's only natural. But to help all children succeed, parents should focus on

recognizing the strengths of each of their children and be careful about vocally making

comparisons in front of them.”

By the time siblings grow up, the ones who are thought of as smarter may begin to fulfill

their perceived roll. When parents believe in their child, it takes the pressure off of them and

places it on their closest competitor — their brother or sister.

Parental guidance, time, affection and intimacy are very important in the behavior of their

children. If such aspects are lacking or even nonexistent can affect their behavior outside their

home including their schooling in negative ways.


Repertory Grid 6


Theme 6  Weak Parental Hindi lang po ako
Intimacy makaconcentrate sa klase kasi lagi ko
Weak Love and pong naaalala yung papa ko. Naaalala ko
po yung ginawa nya. Ang laki laki ko
Affection nap o kasi pero kung pagalitan nya ako
lagi akong napapahiya. Nung minsan po
nahilaw yung sinaing ko nagalit ako
pupukpukin po ako ng bato tapos hinabol
nya po ako hanggang sa kapitbahay
namig. Dati pong militar ang papa ko,
PSG po sya nung panahon ni Marcos.
Second family lang po kami.
Napangasawa po nya si mama nung

namatay yung unang asawa nya. Yung

mama kop o nasa Maynila ngayon
kasama nung ate ko. Nagtatrabaho po
sya dun, si ate naman po nag-aaral.
Bihira po silang umuwi kaya ako lang po
talaga ang kasama ni papa sa bahay.
Sinasabi ko naman po sa kanila na ganun
si papa ang sabi po nila pagpasensyahan
ko na. Minsan po sinasabi ko din sa mga
kapatid ko sa una kasi kasundo ko naman
po sila kaya lang wala naman din po sila
magawa kasi may mga trabaho din po
sila. Pero pag andyan po si mama hindi
po umiinit ulo ni papa. Pag po nasa
kondisyon sya, masaya naman po syang
kausap. Naglolokohan pa nga po kami
kaya hindi naman po ako galit sa kanya.
Iniintindi ko na lang po. Sabi nga po ng
mga kapitbahay ko, baka daw po kasi
epekto yun nung sundalo pa sya. Yun
lang po pag napagalitan niya ako parang
dala dala ko po hanggang pag pasok ko.
Ang ginagawa kop o minsan, para
makalimot kahit pano, lilibot po ako
kasama ng mga friends ko.
Wala naman po. Kasi conducive
naman po mga classrooms.
Mababait po mga teachers at lahat
po sila tingin ko qualified naman. Isa pa
pong maganda sa kanila, karamihan po
mga bata pa kaya madali po silang
makarelate sa mga estudyante.
Wala po akong problema sa mga
classmates ko. Karamihan po sa kanila
mga barkada ko na.
Wala naman pong boring sa mga
activities. Lahat naman po yun kailangan
para matuto kami.
Wala naman pong subject na
hindi ko pinapasukan, lahat po ok lang.
Pero mahirap po yung math pero hindi
naman po ako bagsak. Hindi po mababa
pero hindi din po mataas
Sa school policy po? Sa tingin ko
po wala naman mali. At saka mabuting
estudyante po ako, lagi po akong

sumusunod sa mga patakaran.

 Lack of Parental Mabait naman po ako kaya lang

hindi po nila naintindihan sitwasyon ko.
Intimacy Pag magulo po ako sa klase o kaya ay
maingay ako, hindi naman poi big sabihin
nun pasaway ako. Wala naman po akong
binabastos. Gusto ko lang po na
magmukha akong masaya. Sa totoo lang
po kasi hindi naman ako masaya. Hindi
po normal yung pamilya ko. Wala po
akong tatay tapos yung nanay ko simula
po nung ipinanganak ako hindi ko pa
nakikita ng personal. Nagtatrabaho po
sya sa America kaso hindi po sya
pwedeng umuwi kasi po TNT sya
hanggang ngayon. Nung namatay nga po
tatay ko hindi sya nakauwi. Ang nag-
alaga po sa akin yung tita ko pero hindi
naman po talagang kamag-anak yun kasi
yung asawa po nya ang kapatid ng tatay
ko. Maayos naman po trato nya sa akin
kaya lang po siempre may sarili po syang
mga anak, tatlo po yun, kaya iba po
tingin nya dun. Minsan po naiinggit ako
sa kanila. Yung tito ko naman po hindi
ako pinakikialaman nun. Minsan po
narinig ko sa usapan nila na dapat
pinapagalitan ako ng tito ko pero ang sabi
po nya pag napagalitan ako eh baka sa
kanya magalit nanay ko. Kaya wala pong
tumatayong tatay ko.
Nung minsan po kausap ko po sa
skype yung nanay ko, sabi ko umuwi na
sya at dito na lang magtrabaho. Sabi po
nya dun kumikita sya ng malaki para may
ipambuhay sa amin ng mga anak ko.
Wala pa po akong asawa pero dalawa na
po anak ko. Isa pa po yun sa ikinahihiya
ko sa tita ko. Sa kanya kami nakikititira.
Nagtatrabaho naman po ako sa tattoo
shop ng barkada ko kaya lang po di
naman malaki kita dun.
Ang mali lang po sa akin, mabilis
akong mapikon at saka kung minsan po
napapasigaw ako kaya akala nung iba

nagbabarumbado po ako. At saka pag

napapagalitan po kasi ako mahilig pa
akong mangatwiran Hindi po kasi ako
sanay nung tatahimik lang pero hindi
naman po ibig sabihin bastos na ako.
Hindi ko naman sadya na kung minsan
napagkakamalan akong bastos or kaya ay
barumbado o magulo sa klase. Yung
nakikita po nila sa akin hindi naman yun
po ang totoo sa akin. Sana po
maintindihan nila ako.
Maganda naman po ang
kondisyon ng mga classrooms. Wala
naman po problema dun.
Wala naman po problema sa style
ng mga teachers. Ang medyo ayaw ko
lang po pag sinasabihan nila ako na
manahimik at ang ingay ingay at gulo
gulo ko daw. Akala po nila pilyo ako.
Yung iba naman po natatawa sa akin pero
sabi nga po nung isang teacher ko,
lumugar daw po ako kung magpapatawa
ako. Kaya sa tingin ko hindi naman po
mali yung ginagawa ko kasi pag sinabi
naman po na tumahimik ako, tatahimik
naman po ako lalo na po kung may
discussion na.
Masaya naman po mga classmates
ko. Madami po sa kanila nakikitawa pag
nagbibiro ako. May mga tahimik po ang
drama nila. Sila po yung nagrereklamo
sa mga tachers ko na magulo ako pero
hindi po nila ako apektado.
Wala po akong problema sa mga
classroom activities
Wala po akong problema sa mga
subjects ko. Sakto lang po, walang
madali wala din pong mahirap. Favorite
ko po yung recess. Joke lang po, bakit
po ba walang recess sa college?
Wala din po akong ayaw sa
school policy.

 Lack of Guardian Wala lang po siguro akong

inspirasyon kaya po tinatamad akong
mag-atal. Hindi naman po boyfriend ang

ibig kong sabihin. Kasi nasa abroad po

yung mommy ko. Iniwan lang po niya
ako sa lola ko. Kaya lang po yung lola
ko lumipat na din sa Maynila. Ayaw ko
naman po dun kaya naiwan lang po ako
dito sa Gapan mag-isa pero pinasamahan
po nila ako dun sa pinsan ko na walang
trabaho. Sya po yung isinama ko dito sa
guidance nung ipinatawag nyo po
guardian ko kung natatandaan nyo po.
Hindi po alam nung mommy ko na
irregular ako at hindi din po nya alam na
nagshift na ako ng HRM. Wala lang po,
kasi madami po akong bagsak sa IT
kappa po nagHRM na lang ako. Siguro
po kung nandito mommy ko baka po
magbehave ako. Madali po kasing
magalit yun kaya medyo takot ako pero
mas ok po yun kasi at least, andito sya,
kasama ko. Mas gusto pa po nya yata
mag-alaga ng ibang anak dun sa Hong
Kong kesa sa sarili nyang anak. Kaya
wish ko lang po, umuwi na lang sya.
Hiwalay po sila ng father ko. Hindi ko
po alam kung nasaan na sya. Mag-isa
lang din po nila akong anak.
Wala po akong reklamo sa mga
classrooms natin.
Meron po akong isang ayaw, si
Sir ______ po kasi napakahaba po nyang
magbigay ng exam at quizzes. Yung quiz
po 1 to 100, yung exam po 1 to 175 puro
memorize po yun. Inaasahan ko nap o na
babagsak ako ditto.
Wala naman po akong problema
sa mga kaklase ko. Normal naman po
samahan naming.
Wala po akong maiko-comment
sa mga class activities kasi nga po hindi
ako pumapasok madalas. Wala po akong
alam dun.
Ayaw ko po yung
_____________ kasi dun po yung
mahabang magpaexam at kailangan
magmemorize ng madami.
Wala din po akong problema sa

mga school policies.

Guidance Plan for Students with Classroom Misbehavior

Based on the cases of the above respondents, the researcher developed guidance

plans based on the themes and subthemes which were determined as causes of classroom

misbehaviors. These are social discomfort, teacher factor, intimacy relationship, financial

problems, academic concern and weak love and affection. Several activities are

designed to help the respondents improve their academic performances. These include

monitoring, coordinating with subject teachers, counseling, forums with teachers and

parents, film viewing with analysis and others. Also included are the objectives of doing

those activities, who will be the resource persons, and the time frame to accomplish the


Social Discomfort

 Concern

Peers contribute important factor in the behavior of students in the classroom.

Some respondents’ social status is affecting them negatively. Thus, their social

discomfort caused them critically. Respondent no. 1 (Ehjay) being uncomfortable with

his classmates made him feel not motivated to attend some of his subjects wherein his

classmates are unknown to him. Respondent no. 2 (GMA Girl) do not like the attention

given to her thus a feeling of being bullied is her description to her relationship with her


 Objectives

Basically the guidance office would like the respondents to overcome their feeling

of discomfort with their classmates as much as possible, create a friendly environment

where they will feel their belongingness. Moreover, to minimize their regular absences

incurred and to deepen their commitment to studies

 Duration

It can be done bimonthly or as needed.

 Activities

Since their problems exist in the classroom, it will start with creating activities to

be facilitated by their instructors. Possibly, form a group of students where they will

have their own roles. As for a beginning, they can assign accomodating and friendly

classmates to them whom they will feel comfortable. Group activities that will elicit

conversation like sharing and discussion about themselves. Their activities will be

conducted in the classes where they are uncomfortable. Such activities can be repeated

for several times.

Ehjay (the first respondent) had requested for some help during his interview.

According to him, if there is only somebody who will be his regular companion, maybe it

would help him. In relation to this, the guidance office can look for someone who can

make him at ease.

GMA girl (the other respondent) should clearly understand the difference between

some forms of social conflict and bullying. With her case, it was only her feeling that she

was bullied but as described by her instructors, there was no case like that and as per

observation made by the researcher, her classmates are just fond of her. But nonetheless,

her perspective of bullying should change. Some sort of video clips can be shown to her

to enlighten her view of her classmates.

Furthermore, these two respondents can be asked to join the community outreach

programs of ACLC. GMA girl can be assigned as a group leader since she seems like to

be treated as an elder one. While Ehjay is not yet ready for some leadership tasks, he

should be given some tasks like acting as an assistant leader

Regular and constant monitoring through their subject teachers may help. A

constant communication with their parents and guardians is also part of the plans

A regular individual counseling is included as one of the plans. It can be done

once a week after their classes or during their free time. They are already familiar with

the guidance office, specifically in the counseling area, so it would be a better place for

them. During these sessions, they can be asked to share their experiences which can be

used to monitor their progress.

 Resource Persons

The guidance office will seek the participation of their parents and guardians,

subject instructors and some specific classmates.

 Follow-ups

Basing from the experiences during their counseling session, it can be told if they

are improving or not. But more importantly, the best resources of their evaluation are the

instructors and their classmates. If in case, after a period of time, they will not improve,

those activities in the classroom can be repeated using a different variety such as peer

counselors, special sessions with their parents and teachers on handling their situations,

role playing and analysis.


Teacher Factor

 Concern

More important influence on students’ behavior and learning process are the

teachers who do not only act as their mentors but also their second parents. If in cases

where the students are doing well in other classes but performing poorly in one

particular subject, it is better to look for other sources of their problems and

misbehavior. Laizzes faire teacher who do not interfere with the behavior of her

students triggers to decrease or even no learning at all. Also, an unprofessional teacher

who is treating her student on a more personal side rather than the performance of the

students creates more harm.

 Objectives of the Plans

To motivate the respondents in attending their subjects and to improve the quality

of teaching of their teachers that is the root cause of their misbehavior.

 Duration

Two weeks

 Activities within the Duration

The respondents’ problems lie in their instructors and not with themselves. To

help them with their situation, the guidance office will coordinate with the department

deans to look for this matter. Their performances would, anyway, reflect on the students’

opinion survey which is conducted before the semester ends. In the case of personal

matter, it would be a serious talk with the teacher and assured her of the confidentiality of

the situation. Te perfect time to do this is during the semestral break.

 Resource Persons

The department deans will help in this situation. The instructors involved are also

part of this plan.

 Follow-ups

Upon the opening of the second semester, their grades will be checked by the

guidance office. If ever they will meet those same instructors again, their attendance and

behavior will be monitored regularly.

Relationship Intimacy

 Concern

Relationship with somebody special can serve as inspirations and add energy for

any student but if it becomes too intimate and too much attachment, it may lead to

something unpleasant. Worse, if it causes an untimely pregnancy while still studying.

Another is when a relationship is broken their situations can cause troubles in their


 Objectives of the Plans

To help the respondents overcome the consequences of their intimate

relationships to help them improve their academic status and make them finish with their


 Duration

2 months may be enough to achieve the objectives of the plans.

 Activities Within the Duration

Respondent no. 5 (Pretty girl) needs a convenient class schedule that will give her

better time for her studies and child. This would not be hard because she only has 9 units

to enroll this coming second semester unless she will get failing grades in her currently

enrolled subjects. The guidance office will need to coordinate with the admission officer

who is responsible for the class scheduling of irregular students.

Respondent no. 2 (Miss heart break) requested to be transferred to another section

to avoid her ex-boyfriend. If this will help her, the guidance office will coordinate with

the admission officer to reserve a slot for her in the section she wants.

In addition to that, a regular individual counseling will be scheduled once in every

two weeks during their available hours.

 Resource Persons

The resource persons will be the admission officer who will assist them with their

needs in scheduling. Their subject instructors will serve as the resource to minotor their


 Follow-ups

The guidance office plans to frequently check their class status with their subject

instructor. If there will be no progress, a meeting with their parents can be scheduled.

The guidance office will also regularly follow-up and monitor their performances.

Financial Problems

 Concern

Financial needs are one of the serious problems of some students. They may

excel or strive too hard in their studies there are some times that they will be affected

severely just like in the case of two respondents who suffered in their class attendance

and unable to pay school fees on time. That led to low scores and incomplete grades.

 Objectives of the Plans


The guidance office aims to improve the class standing of the respondents. The root

cause of their difficulties should be improved by looking for some other sources of income.

 Duration

The entire semester will be consumed to see their progress.

 Activities within the Duration

Respondent no 8 (Poor Boy) will be recommended to his instructors to help him

catch up with his missed lessons. Because the student is shy, the instructors should try to

approach him and invite during their consultation hours. The guidance office will also

constantly check his grades through the students’ permanent records in the registrar’s

office then remind him to settle his incomplete grades to avoid the consequences of


Respondent no. 7 (Lady from Cabiao) is already responsible on catching up her

missed lessons. Her problem is her funds for daily allowance so she can attend to her

classes regularly. She has some source of income but is not enough for her.

As for their problems regarding the policy of the school that does not allow the

students to take the examinations without securing the permit first is not resolvable.

However, they can apply as student assistants that would help them ease the burden of

their financial burden. The allowances they can get can be used for their school fees.

 Resource Persons

The instructors who will assist them with their make-up lessons and the managing

director who will approve their applications as student assistant will serve as resource


 Follow-ups

Just like the usual practice of ACLC College, their class status will be checked

based on the reports of delinquent students regularly submitted by the instructors in the

guidance office. If they continue with their practices, the guidance office will invite their

parents to discuss their situations. Moreover, their applications will be confirmed in the

office of the Managing Director. If they will not make it, then probably they will be

advised to look for some part-time jobs available for students like them.

Academic Concern

 Concern

The nature of academics can relate to a students’ performance in the classroom.

Their cases should be looked upon by the people concerning them upon recognizing their

difficulties and problems. Respondent no. 9 (American Boy) does not like his course

since the beginning of his college level so in effect, his grades suffer. Respondent no. 10

(Cry Baby) likes his course but his knowledge and skills is a mismatch to his course. The

results end in getting low grades and unable to relate with the lessons. Also, involve the

classroom teachers in assisting the students in their problems and situations by orienting

them of their roles and responsibilities in their students.

 Objectives of the Plans


The guidance office intends to make respondent no. 9 (American Boy) and

respondent no. 10 (Cry Baby) match their interests, knowledge and skills with the course

they are taking up.

It will also assist respondent no. 11 (Pilate) in getting better schedules to avoid

long vacant hours between his classes but if not possible, think of some activities that will

not make him idle.

 Duration

One month

 Activities within the Duration

Meeting with the parents to discuss to them how their children are doing in

school. Explain to them the reasons why they are performing badly in their classes.

They have to understand that interests, skiils, and knowledge of their children should fit

with the course they are taking up. After some talks with them, another meeting will be

scheduled, but this time, with the presence of the two respondents to express themselves

to their parents. This will depend if they mind having their parents in their counseling


As with the case of Cry Baby, it should be explained to him that he is not actually

a slow-learner as what he has confessed before. He should be encouraged by explaining

to him the reasons of his difficulties; that he may do well in other courses where his

skills, talent, and knowledge will fit. That though he may like his current course but

might give him some more difficulties in the end like finding a better career. To assess

where he fits, an aptitude test could be given to him. In addition to this, an intensive

individual counseling will be set to boost his self-confidence.


In the case of Pilate, as much as possible he needs a better schedule without long

vacant hours. But if not possible, because it will depend on the availability of the subject

offerings, find an option that will make him productive during his vacant time. He could

be recommended to work as a student assistant at ACLC College. Students like him are

given considerations by the management of the school. Probably, he can work in the

library or at the computer laboratory.

As for the teachers who will play vital roles in guiding the students, the guidance

office will propose a forum for teachers entitled “Classroom Misbehavior Intervention


 Resource Persons

The parents or guardians can be partners of the guidance office to improve their

children’s academic status.

The managing director who will approve the recommendation of the guidance

office on who will work as student assistants in different areas.

 Follow-ups

This coming second semester, respondent no. 9 and 10 will be checked if they

will shift their courses. If not, the guidance office will continue monitoring their class

performances and coordinate with their parents and guardians. While on the other hand,

respondent no. 11’s schedule will be checked and see if he can work as a student


Weak Love and Affection

 Concern

Parents have the greatest influence on their children. Aside from the financial support,

they can provide genuine love and concern, inspirations and moral support. The cases of the

respondents, for example, are greatly affected by their longingness for their parents’ attention.

Respondent no. 12 (Military man) is greatly disturbed by the bad moods of his father which he

carries in his classroom. Respondent no. 13 (Tattoo Man) tries to cover his feelings by being

jolly inside the classroom. But he is distructing class discussions most of the times. Respondent

no. 14 (OFW child) is living far away from his mother and other close relatives. Respondent no.

15 (Jelly Boy) is suffering from the comparison of his mother to his elder brother which irritated


 Objectives of the Plans

The guidance office plans to address the academic and personal problems of the

respondents. One of which is to assist parents in the issues with their children. Perhaps,

recommend them to have better communications with each other.

 Duration

One semester or even longer depending on their progress.

 Activities within the Duration

An individual intense counseling with the respondents will be scheduled once a

week after their class hours. Sharing of stories and experiences are part of it. Meeting

with the parents as part of the counseling and inform them of their children’s problems.

In the case of the ones working abroad, the use of technology can help. Just like in the

case of OFW Child whose facebook account was given in the guidance office by the

respondent herself. Tatto Man can be represented by his aunt and uncle who are acting as

his parents and guardians. The uncle should understand that his nephew is looking for a

father image which he can provide. The mother of Jelly Boy is working at a school near

ACLC so scheduling with her is not a problem. The mother of Cry Baby who is working

in Manila can be invited to come. In fact, she is already aware of the status of his son and

is regularly checking him through phone calls and text messages. They can also be

advised to get the academic information directly from their children.

The guidance office will continue its regular parent-teacher conferences to discuss

problems of their students. This is regularly held every end of the semester.

Respondents can join the sessions with their parents and guardians if they want.

In case they are not willing, their responses will be coordinated to them.

 Resource Persons

The parents and guardians of the respondents will play vital tasks to accomplish the


 Follow-ups

The respondents themselves can serve as ways to check their progress. The

guidance office can also ask the instructors as well as their class advisers of their status in

the class. If there will be no progress, set another joint consultation meetings with the

teachers and parents and possibly with the respondents.

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