Transportation Engineering (CT-402) : Engr. Muhammad Faisal
Transportation Engineering (CT-402) : Engr. Muhammad Faisal
Transportation Engineering (CT-402) : Engr. Muhammad Faisal
Geometric Design
i. Horizontal Alignment (Route)
ii. Vertical Alignment (Profile)
Combined, they provide a three-dimensional
layout for a roadway.
Geometric Design
Geometric Design Criteria
Parameter is a limit or
boundary which defines
the scope of a particular
process or activity.
Alignment Of Highways
The profile is the vertical aspect of the road, including crest and sag curves, and
the straight grade lines connecting them.
Alignment Of Highways
Profile grade line (PGL) - This is a single line, straight or curved, along
the length of the highway, sometimes but not always on the center of the
Alignment Of Highways
The alignment of a highway is composed of horizontal and
vertical elements
The horizontal alignment:
includes the straight (tangent) sections of the roadway
circular curves that connect their change in direction
The vertical alignment:
includes straight (tangent) highway grades
parabolic curves that connect these grades
Alignment Of Highways
Highway alignment is in reality a three-dimensional
Design & construction is difficult in 3-D so highway design
is typically treated as two 2-D problems: Horizontal
alignment, vertical alignment
Alignment Of Highways
Horizontal Alignment
Corresponds to “X” and “Z”
Plan view – Roughly
Equivalent to perspective Horizontal Alignment
view of an aerial photograph
of highway.
Vertical Alignment
Corresponds to highway
length and “Y” coordinate.
Presented in a profile view.
Alignment Of Highways
The horizontal alignment consists of tangents and curves
The curves are usually segments of circles, which have radii
that will provide for a smooth flow of traffic
The critical design feature of horizontal alignment:
horizontal curve that transitions the roadway between
two straight (tangent) sections
focus on the design of directional transition of the
roadway in a horizontal plan
A key concern in the directional transition is the ability of
the vehicle to negotiate the horizontal curve
Alignment Of Highways
Alignment Of Highways
Horizontal alignment to accommodate the cornering capability
of a variety of vehicles (cars to combination trucks)
The design of the horizontal alignment entails the
determination of:
the minimum radius of the curve
determination of the length of the curve
Side friction factor
Adequate stopping sight distance
Horizontal Curves
Horizontal Curves - Types of Curves
o Horizontal Curves: curves used in horizontal planes to connect two
straight tangent sections
o Simple Curve: circular arc connecting two tangents
Spiral curve
Horizontal Curves - Types of Curves
(4) Reverse Curve
o Reverse Curve: Two circular arcs tangent to each other, with their
centers on opposite sides of the alignment
o Two consecutive curves that turn in opposite direction
o Not recommended- drivers may find it difficult to stay in their lane
as a result of sudden change in alignment
Horizontal Curves - Types of Curves
R = 5730 / D
o D = Degree of curvature - degrees
o R = Radius of curvature - feet
Horizontal Curves
o Length of Curve:
The length of the curve derives directly from the
arc definition of degree of curvature
o A central angle equal to the degree of curvature
subtends an arc of 100 ft, while the actual central
angle (Δ) subtends the length of the curve (L).
o By simple ratio
L = 100 Δ / D
Useful Formulas…
o Tangent: T = R tan(Δ/2)
(Triangle 143)
o Chord: L.C = 2R sin(Δ/2)
(Triangle 364)
o Mid Ordinate: M = R – R cos(Δ/2)
D = 4º , = 55º25’ = 55.417º
R 1432.3 ft.
Horizontal Curves – Example1
D = 4º
= 55.417º
R = 1,432.4 ft
L = 2R = 2(1,432.4 ft)(55.417º) = 1385.42ft
360 360
Horizontal Curves – Example1
D = 4º
= 55.417º
R = 1,432.4 ft
L = 1385.42 ft
T = R tan = 1,432.4 ft tan (55.417) = 752.29 ft
2 2
Horizontal Curves
Curves – Example
– Example1
A horizontal curve is designed with a 2000-ft radius. The curve has a
tangent length of 400 ft. and the PI is at station 103 + 00. Determine
the stationing of PT
o Tangent: T = R tan(Δ/2)
(Triangle 143)
o Chord: L.C = 2R sin(Δ/2)
(Triangle 364)
o Mid Ordinate: M = R – R cos(Δ/2)
Concept of Super-elevation
o The presence of horizontal curve imparts centrifugal force which is a
reactive force acting outward on a vehicle negotiating it
o Centrifugal force depends on speed and radius of the horizontal
curve and is counteracted to a certain extent by transverse friction
between the tyre and pavement surface
o On a curved road, this force tends to cause the vehicle to overrun or
to slide outward from the center of road curvature
o For proper design of the curve, an understanding of the forces
acting on a vehicle taking a horizontal curve is necessary.
o From the basic laws of physics ….centrifugal force is as:
• The exact expression for superelevation
0.01e f
e = rate of roadway superelevation, percent (number of vertical feet of rise per 100 feet
of horizontal distance)
f = side friction factor
g = gravitational constant
V = vehicle speed
R = radius of curve measured to a vehicle’s center of gravity
• AASHTO expression for superelevation after
Superelevation Example -1
A roadway is being designed for a speed of 70 mi/h. At one
horizontal curve, it is known that the superelevation is 8.0% and
the coefficient of side friction is 0.10. Determine the minimum
radius of curve (measured to the traveled path) that will provide
for safe vehicle operation
Super elevation Examples
Superelevation Example -2
Determine the proper superelevation rate for an urban highway with a
design speed of 50 mph and degree of curvature of 8 degrees
Super elevation Examples
A 1.0-km long racetrack is to be designed with turns 250 m in length
at each end. Determine the superelevation rate you would
recommend for a design Example
Superelevation speed of 130-3km/h.
Maximum Super-elevation
o The maximum rates of superelevation:
o Climate conditions: (i.e., frequency and amount of snow and ice)
o Terrain conditions (i.e., flat, rolling, or mountainous)
o Type of area (i.e., rural or urban)
o Frequency of very slow-moving vehicles whose operation might
be affected by high superelevation rates
o No single maximum superelevation rate is universally applicable
o Design consistency: Using only one maximum superelevation rate
within a region of similar climate and land use is desirable
Maximum Super-elevation
o AASHTO recommendation:
o 4% and 12%
o Increments of 2%
o Maximum rates adopted vary from region to region
– 12% - maximum superelevation rate. Drivers feel uncomfortable
on sections with higher rates, and driver effort to maintain lateral
position is high when speeds are reduced on such curves
– Snow and Ice Conditions:
• 8% is generally used
• Ice on the road can reduce friction force and vehicle travelling
at less than the design speed on the excessively
superelevated curve slide inward off the curve due to
gravitational forces
– Urban areas: 4%-6%
– Low-speed urban streets or at intersections: may be eliminated
Minimum Super-elevation
o It should be noted that on open highway sections, there is generally
a minimum superelevation maintained, even on straight sections
o This is to provide for cross drainage of water to the appropriate
roadside(s) where sewers or drainage ditches are present for
longitudinal drainage
o This minimum rate is usually in the range of 1.5% for high-type
surfaces and 2.0% for low-type surfaces.
Maximum Super-elevation
Side-Friction Factor
Side-Friction Factor
o With the wide variation in vehicle speeds on curves, there usually is
an unbalanced force whether the curve is superelevated or not.
o This force results in tire side thrust, which is counterbalanced by
friction between the tires and the pavement surface
o This frictional counterforce is developed by distortion of the contact
area of the tire
o The upper limit of the side friction factor is the point at which the
tire would begin to skid; this is known as the point of impending
o Because highway curves are designed so vehicles can avoid skidding
with a margin of safety, the “f” values used in design should be
substantially less than the coefficient of friction at impending skid
Side-Friction Factor
o Important factors affecting side friction factor at impending skid:
o speed of the vehicle (f decreases as speed increases (less
tire/pavement contact))
o the type and condition of the roadway surface
o type and condition of the vehicle tires
o Design values represent wet pavements and tires in reasonable but
not top condition
o Values also represent frictional forces that can be comfortably
achieved; they do not represent, for example, the maximum side
friction that is achieved the instant before skidding
o Design values for the coefficient of side friction (f) vary with speed
from 0.38 at 10 mph to 0.08 at 80 mph
Side-Friction Factor
Curve Widening
On horizontal curves , especially when they are not of very
large radius, it is a common practice to widen the pavement
slightly more than the normal width, the object of providing Extra
Widening of pavements on horizontal curves are due to the
following reasons....
(a) An automobile such as car, bus or truck has a rigid wheel base
and only the front wheels can be turned. When the vehicle
takes a turn to negotiate a horizontal curve, the rear wheels do
not follow the same path as that of the front wheels. This
phenomenon is called ‘off tracking’. The off tracking depends
(1) the length of the wheel base of the vehicle
(2) the turning angle or the radius of the horizontal curves.
Curve Widening
Curve Widening
n =number of traffic lanes
l = length of wheel base of longest vehicle in m
R= radius of horizontal curves in m
Curve Widening
(ii) Psychological widening :-
At horizontal curves driveres have a tendency to maintain a
greater clearance between the vehicles than on straight stretches of
road. Therefore an extra width of pavement is provided for
psychological reasons for greater manoeuvrability of steering at
higher speeds and to allow for the extra space requirements for the
overhangs of vehicles. Psychological widening is therefore
important in pavements with more than one lane. An empirical
formula has been recommended byt IRC for deciding the additional
psychological widening ‘Wps’ which is dependent on the design
speed, V of the vehicle and the radius. R of the curve. The
psychological widening is given by the formula:
Curve Widening
Hence the total widening We required on a horizontal curve is
given by:
n =number of traffic lanes
l = length of wheel base of longest vehicle in m
R= radius of horizontal curves in m
V= design speed Kmph
Sight Distances
Sight Distances
Sight Distances
Sight Distances
Criteria For Sight Distances
Height of Driver’s Eye
For all sight distances calculations the height of the driver’s eye is
considered to be 1.08 m [3.50 ft.] above the road surface. This value is based on a
study (17) that found average vehicle heights have decreased to 1.30 m [4.25 ft.]
with a comparable decrease in average eye heights to 1.08 m [3.50 ft.].
For large trucks, the driver eye height ranges from 1.80 to 2.40 m [3.50
to 7.90 ft]. The recommended value of truck driver eye height for design is 2.33 m
[7.60ft] above the road surface.
Green Book (AASHTO,2011)
Height of Object
For stopping sight distance and decision sight distance calculations,
the height of object is considered to be 0.60 m [2.00 ft] above the
road surface. For passing sight distance calculations, the height of
object is considered to be 1.08 m [3.50 ft] above the road surface.
Green Book (AASHTO,2011)
Sight Distances
Sight Distances
Perception-Reaction Process
Reaction (volition)
Used for Signal Design and Braking Distance
Sight Distances
Sees or hears situation (sees deer)
Identify situation (realizes deer is in road)
Decides on course of action (stop, change lanes, etc)
Reaction (volition)
Acts (time to start events in motion but not actually do
Foot begins to hit brake, not actual deceleration
Sight Distances
Sight Distances
Environment (Urban vs. Rural, Night vs. Day, Wet vs. Dry)
Driver Age
Physical Condition
Medical Conditions (Visual Acuity)
Complexity Of Situation
Expected v/s Unexpected
Sight Distances
Perception-Reaction Process –Reaction Distance
Sight Distances
Sight Distances
Effect Of Gravity On BD
Sight Distances
Effect Of Gravity On BD
Use basic assumptions to determine SSD at 60 mph on
and a=11.2 ft/s 2
a) 0% grade, b) 3% grade
(a) G 0% b) 3% grade
Sight Distances
Passing Sight Distance (PSD)
The passing sight distance is the minimum sight
distance required on a two-lane, two way
highway that will permit a driver to complete a
passing maneuver without colliding with an
opposing vehicle and without cutting off the
passed vehicle
Sight Distances
Two Lane Highway
Sight Distances
Passing Sight Distance (PSD)
d(1) = distance traversed during perception and reaction time and during the
initial acceleration to the point of encroachment on the right lane
d(2) = distance traveled while the passing vehicle occupies the right lane
Sight Distances
Passing Sight Distance (PSD)
d(3) = distance between the passing vehicle at the end of its maneuver and the
opposing vehicle
d(4) = distance traversed by the opposing vehicle for two-thirds of the time the
passing vehicle occupies the right lane 72
Sight Distances
Passing Sight Distance for Design of Two-Lane Highways
Sight Distances
Decision Sight Distance
Sight Distances
Where to Provide…….?
Sight Distances
Decision Sight Distance
U.S. Metric 76
Sight Distances
Decision Sight Distance