B.Tech Physics Theory of Relativity
B.Tech Physics Theory of Relativity
B.Tech Physics Theory of Relativity
Tech Physics
Chapter 1
Theory of Relativity
Lecture 1.4
Length Contraction or Lorentz Fitzgerald Contraction:
Observer in S measure the length (see figure)
Thus the length of the rod moving with velocity v relative to the
observer is contracted by a factor v2 in direction of motion.
After time interval t0 another event takes place at later time say t2’
(at same position),
The time t2’ observed from frame S will appear t2
So the time interval t observed from frame S is (using Eq. (1) and (3)),
This means moving clocks ticks more slowly as compared to the clock
at rest.
These cosmic ray muons travel with speed 0.998c towards earth.
so if we take above life time t0 = 2.2μs then the distance which muon
will travel before decay is
But muons are actually created at altitude 6km above earth surface.