Types of Communicative Strategy
Types of Communicative Strategy
Types of Communicative Strategy
• Decide on the “Most Exciting Tourist Spot”
in the country. Assign a speaker who will
share your decision and reasons for this with
the class. You have 10 minutes.
• As soon as all the groups have presented
their decisions, you will vote for the “Most
Exciting Tourist Spot in the Philippines.”
Since engaging in conversation is also
bound by implicit rules, Cohen (1990)
states that strategies must be used to
start and maintain a conversation.
Knowing and applying grammar
appropriately is one of the most basic
strategies to maintain a conversation.
The following are some
strategies that people use
when communicating.
• A speaker carries out nomination to
collaboratively and productively establish
a topic. Basically, when you employ this
strategy, you try to open a topic with the
people you are talking to.
•The topic is introduced in a clear and
truthful manner, stating only what is
relevant to keep the interaction
• Oral Communication in Context by Ramona S. Flores, page 56
Example of Nomination
• Have you noticed the weird weather
lately? Is this because of global warming?
• I was late for class again! the MRT
stopped midway. What is wrong with the
• Restriction in communication refers to any limitation
you may have as a speaker. When communicating in the
classroom, in a meeting, or while hanging out with your
friends, you are typically given specific instructions that
you must follow. These instructions confine you as a
speaker and limit what you can say.
• Constraining the response/
reaction within a set of
categories made by the speaker.
Example of Restriction
• For example, in your class, you might be asked by your
teacher to brainstorm on peer pressure or deliver a speech on
digital natives. In these cases, you cannot decide to talk about
something else. On the other hand, conversing with your
friends during ordinary days can be far more casual than these
examples. Just the same, remember to always be on point and
avoid sideswiping from the topic during the conversation to
avoid communication breakdown.
Example of Restriction
• That arrest move was a
disaster waiting to happen.
Do you agree.
•Recognizing when and
how to speak because it is
one’s turn.
• Turn-taking pertains to the process by which
people decide who takes the conversational
floor. There is a code of behavior behind
establishing and sustaining a productive
conversation, but the primary idea is to give all
communicators a chance to speak.
• To acknowledge others, you may employ visual
signals like a nod, a look, or a step back, and
you could accompany these signals with spoken
cues such as “What do you think?” or “You
wanted to say something?”
Example of Turn-Taking
• May I have the floor, sir? The topic under
discussion is the state of the Philippine
economy today. We want better lives for all
Filipinos whether they are working here or
Example of Turn-Taking
•I agree with the point just made.
But, may I add that OFWs would
rather be home and work here so
they could be with their families.
•Covers how procedural
formality or informality affects
the development of topic in
Example of Topic Control
• For example, in meetings, you may only have a
turn to speak after the chairperson directs you
to do so. Contrast this with a casual
conversation with friends over lunch or coffee
where you may take the conversational floor
Example of Topic Control
•Your car may break down, too, Luna,
right? So you have to find another
means of getting to school. Well all
do not want to be late for class, yes?
•Topic shifting, as the name suggests,
involves moving from one topic to
another. In other words, it is where one
part of a conversation ends and where
another begins.
• Introducing a new topic
followed by the
continuation of that topic
• When shifting from one topic to another, you have to
be very intuitive. Make sure that the previous topic
was nurtured enough to generate adequate views.
You may also use effective conversational transitions
to indicate a shift like “By the way,” “In addition to
what you said,” “Which reminds me of,” and the like.
Example of Topic Shifting
•If we cannot use the earth’s
resources, our economies will die.
We need to choose: the economy
or the environment.
• Repair refers to how speakers
address the problems in speaking,
listening, and comprehending that
they may encounter in a conversation.
•For example, if everybody in the
conversation seems to talk at the same
time, give way and appreciate other’s
initiative to set the conversation back
to its topic.
• Repeating is a good way of
correcting oneself and gives the
speaker time to do just that
• Recasting means changing the
form of a message that could
not be understood.
Example of Repair
• When we look at the World Wide Web, more
popularly known as wwww … excuse me,
www, we find that this Information Highway or
rather Superhighway is the means toward
becoming part of a globally economy, a global
• Termination refers to the conversation
participants’ close-initiating expressions that
end a topic in a conversation. Most of the
time, the topic initiator takes responsibility
to signal the end of the discussion as well.
• Although not all topics may have clear ends, try to
signal the end of the topic through concluding cues.
You can do this by sharing what you learned from
the conversation. Aside from this, soliciting
agreement from the other participants usually
completes the discussion of the topic meaningfully.
•Other communicative strategies
that second language learners
use can be classified as
avoidance and achievement
strategies (Dobao and Martinez,
Examples of
avoidance strategies
are the following :
•The speaker communicates
something different from what
he/she originally intends. Example:
“The eye was wounded” (black eye)
•The message is expressed, but it is
less accurate than the original idea.
Example: “The woman was wearing a
sort of long dress” (to describe a
woman wearing a gown)
• The message is totally
discontinued. Example: “She was
walking in that... I don’t know.”
Examples of
achievement strategies
are the following:
• The speaker makes a new word
to express his/her idea.
Example: “Houseshoes” for
• The speaker describes the object or the
action instead of using the actual word.
Example: “I want to buy... the thing that
you wear when your hands feel cold” (to
refer to gloves)
• The speaker uses a word from
his/her native language to express
his/her message. Example: “I saw
a... bruha in the forest.”
• The speaker turns to a native speaker
of the target language to learn the
word. Example: (speaker points to his
ankles) “What do you call this?”