Fisheries Final Final
Fisheries Final Final
Fisheries Final Final
Code of 1998
Use of Philippine Waters (Sec. 5)
The use and exploitation of the fishery and aquatic
resources in Philippine waters shall be reserved exclusively
to Filipinos; Provided however that research and survey
activities may be allowed under strict regulations, for purely
research, scientific, technological and educational purposes
that would also benefit Filipino citizens
Municipal Fisheries
• Reportorial Requirements (Sec. 38) – Each commercial fishing vessel shall keep
a daily record of fish catch and spoilage, landing points, and quantity and value
of fish caught, and off-loaded for transshipment, sale and/or other disposal
- Fishery operations involving all forms of raising and culturing fish and
other fishery species in fresh, brackish and marine water areas
Lease of Fishponds (Sec. 46)
a. Areas leased for fishpond purposes shall be no more than 50 hectares
for individuals and 250 hectares for corporations or fisherfolk
b. The lease shall be for a period of 25 years and renewable for another
25; provided that in the case of death of the lessee, his spouse
and/or children, as his heirs, shall have preemptive rights to the
unexpired term of the Fishpond Lease Agreement subject to the same
terms and conditions herein provided
e. The fishpond shall not be subleased, in whole or in part, and failure to comply
with this provision shall mean cancellation of FLA;
f. The transfer or assignment of rights to FLA shall be allowed only upon prior
written approval of the department;
g. The lessee shall undertake reforestation for river banks, bays, streams, and
seashore fronting the dike of his fishpond subject to the rules and regulations to
be promulgated thereon;
h. The lessee shall provide facilities that will minimize environmental pollution,
i. e. settling ponds, reservoirs, etc. provided, that failure to comply with this
provision shall mean cancellation of FLA.
(d) monitor and review joint fishing agreements between Filipino citizens and
foreigners who conduct fishing activities in international waters, and ensure
that such agreements are not contrary to Philippine commitment under
international treaties and convention on fishing in the high seas;
(e) formulate and implement a Comprehensive Fishery Research and Development
Program, such as, but not limited to, sea farming, sea ranching,
tropical/ornamental fish and seaweed culture, aimed at increasing resource
productivity, improving resource use efficiency, and ensuring the long-term
sustainability of the country's fishery and aquatic resources;
(j) advise and coordinate with LGUs on the maintenance of proper sanitation and
hygienic practices in fish markets and fish landing areas;
(k) establish a corps of specialists in collaboration with the Department of National
Defense, Department of the Interior and Local Government, Department of Foreign
Affairs for the efficient monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing activities
within Philippine territorial waters and provide the necessary facilities, equipment
and training therefor;
(l) implement an inspection system for import and export of fishery/aquatic products
and fish processing establishments, consistent with international standards to
ensure product quality and safety;
(m) coordinate with LGUs and other concerned agencies for the establishment of
productivity enhancing and market development programs in fishing communities
to enable women to engage in other fisheries/economic activities and contribute
significantly to development efforts;
(n) enforce all laws, formulate and enforce all rules and regulations governing the
conservation and management of fishery resources, except in municipal waters,
and to settle conflicts of resource use and allocation in consultation with the
NFARMC, LGUs and local FARMCs;
(q) assist the LGUs in developing their technical capability in the development,
management, regulation, conservation, and protection of the fishery resources;
(r) formulate rules and regulations for the conservation and management of straddling
fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; and
(s) perform such other related functions which shall promote the development,
conservation, management, protection and utilization of fisheries and aquatic
Composition of BFAR
(c) assist in the enforcement of fishery laws, rules and regulations in concerned
municipal waters;
(d) assist in the enforcement of fishery laws, rules and regulations in concerned
municipal waters;
(e) perform such other functions which may be assigned by the concerned sangguniang
Fishing Areas Reserves for Exclusive
Use of Government (Sec. 80)
The Department may designate area or areas in Philippine waters beyond fifteen (15)
kilometers from shoreline as fishery reservation for the exclusive use of the
government or any of its political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, for
propagation, educational, research and scientific purposes: Provided, That in
municipalities or cities, the concerned LGUs in consultation with the FARMCs may
recommend to the Department that portion of the municipal waters be declared as
fishery reserves for special or limited use, for educational, research, and/or special
management purposes
Fish Refuge and Sanctuaries (Sec. 81)
The Department may establish fish refuge and sanctuaries at least twenty-five
percent (25%) but not more than forty percent (40%) of bays, foreshore lands,
continental shelf or any fishing ground shall be set aside for the cultivation of
mangroves to strengthen the habitat and the spawning grounds of fish.
- It’s overall governance shall be vested in the Governing Board which shall
formulate policy guidelines for its operation.
- The NFRDI shall have a separate budget specific to its manpower requirements
and operations to ensure independent and objective implementation of its
research activities.
Research and Development Objectives (Sec. 84)
(a) To raise the income of the fisherfolk and to elevate the Philippines among the
top five (5) in the world ranking in the fish productions;
(b) to make the country's fishing industry in the high seas competitive;
(d) To coordinate with the fisheries schools, LGUs and private sectors regarding the
maximum utilization of available technology, including the transfer of such
technology to the industry particularly the fisherfolk;
Functions of the NFRDI (Sec. 85)
(a) establish a national infrastructure unit complete with technologically-advanced
features and modern scientific equipment, which shall facilitate, monitor, and
implement various research needs and activities of the fisheries sector;
(b) provide a venue for intensive training and development of human resources in the
field of fisheries, a repository of all fisheries researches and scientific information;
(c) provide intensive training and development of human resources in the field of
fisheries for the maximum utilization of available technology;
(d) hasten the realization of the economic potential of the fisheries sector by
maximizing developmental research efforts in accordance with the requirements
of the national fisheries conservations and development programs, also possibly
through collaborative effort with international institutions; and
Unauthorized Fishing or Engaging in Other
Unauthorized Fisheries Activities(Sec. 86)
- Exploiting, Occupying, Producing, Breeding, Culturing, Capturing or Gathering fish, fry or
fingerlings of any fishery species or fishery products, or engage in any fishery activity
in Philippine waters without a license, lease or permit.
- Discovery of any person in an area where he has no permit or registration papers for a
fishing vessel shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the person and/or
vessel is engaged in unauthorized fishing: Provided, That fishing for daily food
sustenance or for leisure which is not for commercial, occupation or livelihood
purposes may be allowed.
- Who?
- Any commercial fishing boat captain or the three (3) highest officers of the
- What:
- The entry of any foreign fishing vessel in Philippine waters shall constitute a
prima facie evidence that the vessel is engaged in fishing in Philippine waters.
- a fine of One Hundred Thousand US DOLLARS ($100,000.00), in addition
to the confiscation of its catch, fishing equipment and fishing vessel:
- Provided, that the Department is empowered to impose an
administrative fine of not less than Fifty thousand US DOLLARS
($50,000.00) but not more than Two Hundred Thousand US DOLLARS
($200,000.00) or its equivalent in Philippine Currency
Fishing Through Explosives, Noxious or Poisonous
Substance, and/or Electricity (Sec.88)
a. Mere possession of explosive, noxious or poisonous substances or
electrofishing devices for illegal fishing shall be punishable by
imprisonment ranging from six (6) months to two (2) years
* the prohibition on the use of fine mesh net shall not apply to the gathering of
fry, glass eels, elvers, tabios, and alamang and such species which by their
nature are small but already mature to be identified in the implementing
rules and regulations by the Department.
- a fine from Two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) to Twenty thousand pesos
(P20,000.00) or imprisonment from six (6) months to two (2) years or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court:
b. The owner/operator of the vessel shall be fined from Two thousand pesos
(P2,000.00) to Twenty thousand pesos (20,000.00) upon the discretion of the
- imprisonment from six (6) months to two (2) years and a fine from Two
thousand pesos (P2,000.00) to Twenty thousand pesos (20,000.00), or
both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court, and
forfeiture of the subject corals, including the vessel and its proper
• It shall likewise be unlawful for any person or corporation to gather, sell or export
white sand, silica, pebbles and any other substances which make up any marine
• -penalty of two (2) years to ten (10) years imprisonment and a fine of not less than
One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) or both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. The
substance taken from its marine habitat shall be confiscated.
Illegal Use of Superlights (Sec. 93)
SUPERLIGHTS - also called magic light, is a type of light using halogen or metal halide
bulb which may be located above the sea surface or submerged in the water. It consists
of a ballast, regulator, electric cable and socket. The source of energy comes from a
generator, battery or dynamo coupled with the main engine.
- imprisonment from six (6) months to two (2) years or a fine of Five thousand
pesos (P5,000.00) per superlight, or both such fine and imprisonment at the
discretion of the courts. The superlight, fishing gears and vessel shall be
Fishing in Overfished Area and During Closed
Season (Sec. 95)
CLOSED SEASON – the period during which the taking of specified fishery
species by a specified fishing gear is prohibited in a specified area or areas in
Philippine waters.
- imprisonment of six (6) months and one (1) day to six (6) years and/or fine of Six
thousand pesos (P6,000.00) and by forfeiture of the catch and cancellation of fishing
permit or license.
Fishing or Taking of Rare, Threatened or Endangered
Species (Sec. 97)
- imprisonment of twelve (12) years to twenty (20) years and/or a fine of One
hundred and twenty thousand pesos (P120,000.00) and forfeiture of the catch,
and the cancellation of fishing permit.
Capture of Sabalo and Other Breeders/Spawners
(Sec. 98)
- It shall be unlawful for any person to catch, gather, capture or possess mature
milkfish or “sabalo” and such other breeders or spawners of other fishery species as
may be determined by the Department:
- Provided, That catching of “sabalo” and other breeders/spawners for local breeding
purposes or scientific or research purposes may be allowed subject to guidelines to
be promulgated by the Department.
imprisonment of six (6) months and one (1) day to eight (8) years and/or a fine
of Eighty thousand pesos (P80,000.00) and forfeiture of the catch, and fishing
equipment used and revocation of license.
Exportation of Breeders, Spawners, Eggs or Fry
(Sec. 99)
- imprisonment of six (6) months and one (1) day to six (6) years and/or a
fine of Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) and forfeiture of the catch, and
fishing equipment used and revocation of license.
Aquatic Pollution (Sec. 102)
AQUATIC POLLUTION - the introduction by human or machine, directly or indirectly, of
substances or energy to the aquatic environment which result or is likely to result in
such deleterious effects as to harm living and non-living aquatic resources, pose
potential and/or real hazard to human health, hindrance to aquatic activities such as
fishing and navigation, including dumping/disposal of waste and other marine litters,
discharge of petroleum or residual products of petroleum or carbonaceous
materials/substances, and other, radioactive, noxious or harmful liquid, gaseous or solid
substances, from any water, land or air transport or other human-made structure.
Deforestation, unsound agricultural practices such as the use of banned chemicals and
excessive use of chemicals, intensive use of artificial fish feed, and wetland conversion,
which cause similar hazards and deleterious effects shall also constitute aquatic
imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years and/or a
fine of Eighty thousand pesos (P80,000.00) plus an additional fine of Eight
thousand pesos (P8,000.00) per day until such violation ceases and the fines
Obstruction to Fishery Law Enforcement Officer
The boat owner, master or operator or any person acting on his behalf of any
fishing vessel who evades, obstructs or hinders any fishery law enforcement
officer of the Department to perform his duty, shall be fined Ten thousand
pesos (P10,000.00). In addition, the registration, permit and/or license of the
vessel including the license of the master fisherman shall be canceled.
Fisherfolk Settlement Areas (Sec. 108)
For this purpose, the Department may seek financial assistance from any
source and may receive any donation therefore.
Fishery Loan and Guarantee Fund
there is hereby created a Fishery Loan and Guarantee Fund with an initial of
One hundred million pesos (P100,000,000.00), which shall be
administered by the Land Bank of the Philippines. The fund shall be made
available for lending to qualified borrowers to finance the development of
the fishery industry under a program to be prescribed by the Department.
Fishing Vessels Development Fund
Formulation of Implementing Rules and Regulations
(Sec. 129)
An Inter-agency Committee is hereby created to formulate rules and
regulations for the full implementation of this Code within ninety (90) days
of its effectivity: Provided, however, That the formulated rules and
regulations shall be submitted to both Houses of Congress for information
and guidance. Such rules and regulations shall take effect upon publication
in a newspaper of general circulation.
Appropriation (Sec. 130)
The sum necessary to effectively carry out the provisions of this Act during
the first year of implementation shall be sourced from the budget of the
DA/BFAR and other agencies performing fisheries-related functions:
Provided, however, That such amount as may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of Sections 79, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 are hereby
appropriated out of the unappropriated funds of the National Treasury. The
Congress of the Philippines shall provide for the appropriations of the
Department, the NFRDI and the Fisheries Scholarship Program for the
succeeding years to be included in the annual GAA.