Business Analytics With Goal Programming
Business Analytics With Goal Programming
Business Analytics With Goal Programming
Business Analytics
with Goal Programming
Arben Asllani
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Prescriptive Analytics in Action
GP Formulation
Example 1: Rolls bakery
Example 2: World Class Furniture
Exploring Big Data with Goal Programming
Wrap up
Chapter Objectives
Components of GP formulation:
Suggest that the company run nine lots of DRC and four lots of SRC
Rolls Bakery Revisited
Revisit the same problem with a new set of goals:
Priority 1: Company should not produce more than two lots over the
weekly demand for each product
Priority 2: Company should meet the weekly demand for both products
Priority 3: Company should utilize available machine hours
Priority 4: Company should make the maximum possible net profit
Helpful definition:
Aspiration Level: indicates the desired or acceptable level of objective
Goal deviation: the difference between aspiration level and the actual
Operational data about the inventory management for these five products
NLP Formulation
Recall the NLP formulation of the problem as follows:
Can order 133 tables and 533 chairs, with an almost 1 to 4 ratio.
Also can order 403 beds, 403 sofas, and 155 bookcases at a time.
Allow an additional space of 32074 cubic feet
Inventory operating cost of $7,000
Average inventory value budget of $1.5 million
Exploring Big Data with GP