Business Finance 320 FALL, 2002: Required
Business Finance 320 FALL, 2002: Required
Business Finance 320 FALL, 2002: Required
FALL, 2002
Your final exam must be taken at the time scheduled for your
TEXT: Required:
Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Third
Edition, Eugene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston, The
Dryden Press
Blueprints: A Problem Notebook
Eugene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston
Students must print lecture overheads from Text CD prior to lectures.
Strongly Recommended:
Study Guide: Fundamentals of Financial Management (B&H)
Fall, 2002
Page 2
OBJECTIVE: Contribute to the Haworth College of Business objective of delivering the
best business program in Michigan and the surrounding states by:
1. presenting students with an overview of the main facets and tools of
business finance:
2. developing an understanding of how the financial theory concepts
and techniques are applied to business decisions; and,
3. instilling the reality that a full understanding of business finance is
essential to survival in the business world.
4. reinforcing professional life skills.
ATTENDANCE: On-time attendance is required. Students missing class will forfeit any quiz
or participation points.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned at the end of each class period. In order to be
graded, homework must be handed-in at the beginning of the class period. I
strongly recommend that students make copies of their homework
submissions to use during class discussion. Your homework may be
submitted by another student in your section; please indicate on the top of
the page the student submitting your work.
All reading assignments should be completed prior to the first class period
in the week. (Except Week 1)
Winter, 2001
Page 3
ASSIGNMENTS: There will be two major computer spreadsheet assignments:
1) A simple loan amortization spreadsheet as part of Chapter 6 homework;
2) A cash flow/net present value spreadsheet with Chapter 11
In addition, there may be homework problems which will require EXCEL
worksheet solutions.
These assignments will use the EXCEL skills students you learned in
MATH 216. If you are not familiar or comfortable with the basics of
typing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing using a package such
as EXCEL or LOTUS 1-2-3, the computer lab has a self-paced Microsoft
OFFICE tutorial that teaches the necessary EXCEL skills. You must use
EXCEL on WINDOWS 95 or 97 software. Files must be EXCEL 97 or
EXCEL 2000 compatible.
EXAM POLICY: All students are expected to take the quizzes and exams on the scheduled
dates and times. I will retain all exams.
SCALE: The scale shown above will be applied to the student’s weighted average test
score. If the cumulative average score falls below 72%, the scores will be
adjusted so that the average cumulative score is in the C range.
Winter, 2001
Page 4
The following course outline is tentative and subject to change:
Week 1 (Sept 3.) Introduction, Overview of Financial Management (Chapter 1), and
Financial Statements, Cash Flow, & Taxes (Chapter 2)
Week 2 (Sept. 10) Financial Statements, Cash Flow, & Taxes (Chapter 2)
Analyzing Financial Statements (Chapter 3)
Please review the Incomplete Policy shown on page 28 of the 2001-2003
Undergraduate Student Catalog.
One of the key purposes of the Hayworth College of Business undergraduate
program is to prepare students to participate ethically and responsibly in the
world of commerce. A pattern of legal and ethical lapses including Enron,
Arthur Anderson, WorldCom, and even the sainted Martha Stewart suggest
that legal standards, let alone ethics, have not been sufficiently emphasized
in the preparation of individuals for business careers. I want to be clear that
ANY breach of the Academic Honesty Policy (shown on pages 268-270 of
the 2001-2003 Undergraduate Student Catalog) will not be tolerated.
Hopefully aggressive enforcement of academic honesty policies will
establish patterns of student behavior that will carry-over into professional
roles following graduation.