The Nature and Scope of Curriculum Development: (Philippine Context)
The Nature and Scope of Curriculum Development: (Philippine Context)
The Nature and Scope of Curriculum Development: (Philippine Context)
Definitions of Curriculum
1.Humanistic approach –
goal free
2.Scientific approach –
purpose driven
Objectives of Evaluation
1. Scope – (teaching –program-cost
2. Timing – (formative, summative,
3. Method – ( quantitative, qualitative)
4. Level – (classroom, school, national)
5. Personnel involved – (individual
teachers, committees, consultants)
Role of Evaluation in Cur. Dev
Evaluation Studies in the Philippines
1. 1925 Monroe Survey
2. 1959 Swanson Survey
3. 1969 Presidential Commission to Survey
Philippine Education (PCSPE)
4. 1976 Survey of Outcomes of Elementary
Education (SOUTELE)
5. 1982 Household and School Matching Survey
6. 1991 Congressional Commission on Education
7. 1991 National Evaluation and Impact Study of
1. Administrative organization and supervision
2. Elementary education
3. Secondary Education
4. Higher Education
5. Teacher education and training
6. Language of instruction
7. Private education
8. Finance
9. Education of the non-Christians
1. Elementary education
2. Secondary education
3. Vocational education
4. Teacher training
5. Organization and administration
6. Financing the public schools
7. The report included a deterioration of
performance in reading, language and arithmetic
due to poor instructional methods, large class
sizes, and inadequate supervision
Presidential Commission to Survey
Philippine Education (PCSPE)
1. Analyze performance of the educational system and
its relevance to national developmental goals
2. Ascertain the efficiency of the system
3. Identify areas which need more detailed investigation.
4. The report included findings on :
e. Mismatch between educational services and
manpower requirements
f. Mismatch between education priorities and the
national development priorities
g. Inequitable distribution of educational facilities and
resources across the regions
h. Lack of systematic planning and evaluation
1. Battery of achievement tests designed to measure the
outcomes of elementary education
2. General mental ability test of non-verbal type
designed to measure association
3. Student’s attitude inventory aimed to measure
affective objectives
4. Questionnaires in order to establish the profiles of
pupils, teachers, school heads, etc.
5. The study revealed deficiencies of elementary
education in terms of inputs (resources), processes
(curriculum and instruction), and outputs (students’
achievement). These are affected by socio economic,
school types, quality of teaching.
The Household and School Matching
Survey (HSMS)
1. The survey hypothesized that learning is
predicated on the antecedent academic, social,
physiological variables.