Class X Science 1: Annisa Rizki Nayla Ahla Sakirah Retno Ayu Hutami Zebrinne Marthamevia
Class X Science 1: Annisa Rizki Nayla Ahla Sakirah Retno Ayu Hutami Zebrinne Marthamevia
Class X Science 1: Annisa Rizki Nayla Ahla Sakirah Retno Ayu Hutami Zebrinne Marthamevia
- Annisa Rizki
- Nayla Ahla Sakirah
- Retno Ayu Hutami
- Zebrinne Marthamevia
Questions words are terms specifically used to gather information about a topic,
person, or situation. Given their nature, these are the first words children use to
acquire facts about their worlds. This type of questions gets their name from the
fact that most of them start with wh- or h.
A wh-question is used for seeking content information relating to persons, things,
facts, time, place, reason, manner, etc. Wh-questions differ depending on the kind
of content information sought. Content information associated with persons, things,
and facts is generally sought with one set of wh-words, and content information
associated with time, place, reason, and manner is sought with another set of wh-
"Which" is the question word to use when asking about choices and used to obtain
information in order to make a comparison between two or more similar things or people.
- Which fruit you pick for the appetizer?
Relative pronoun : which
Subject : fruit
Verb : pick
Which wallet do you prefer? The red one or the blue one?
Which one do you like: the blue car or the green car?
Which one of these dresses is yours?
Which of these pens is the best?
Which author do you enjoy?
Which river is longer, the Nile or the Amazon?
Which street leads downtown?