Software Design: With A Focus On OO Design Techniques
Software Design: With A Focus On OO Design Techniques
Software Design: With A Focus On OO Design Techniques
Software Engineering Process
Software specification
Software design and implementation
Software validation
Software evolution
Software design and implementation
Architectural design
Abstract specification
Interface design
Component design
Data structure design
Algorithm design
The software design process
Structured methods
Ma nager Programmer
budgetsControlled project
is-member-of Department
Concurrent objects
The object is implemented as a parallel process
(server) with entry points corresponding to object
operations. If no calls are made to it, the object
suspends itself and waits for further requests for
Active objects
Objects are implemented as parallel processes
and the internal object state may be changed by
the object itself and not simply by external calls
Active transponder object
Position currentPosition ;
Coords c1, c2 ;
Satellite sat1, sat2 ;
Navigator theNavigator ;
} //Transponder
Java threads
The area computer validates the collected data and integrates it with
the data from different sources. The integrated data is archived and,
using data from this archive and a digitised map database a set of
local weather maps is created. Maps may be printed for distribution
on a special-purpose map printer or may be displayed in a number of
different formats.
Weather station description
Weather Ma p
Balloon Ma p printer
«subsystem» «subsystem»
Da ta processing Da ta archiving
Da ta
Da ta Da ta storage
checking integration
Ma p store Da ta store
Use-cases for the weather
Re port
Ca librate
Use-case description
System Weather station
Use-case Report
Actors Weather data collection system, Weather station
Data The w eather station send s a summa ry of the weather data that has been
collected from the instruments in the collection period to the weather data
collection system. The data sent are the maximum minimum and ave rage
ground and air temperatures, the maximum, minimum and av erage air
pressures, the maximum, minimum and ave rage wind speeds, the total
rainfall and th e wind direction as sampled at 5 minute interva ls .
Stimulu s The w eather data collection system establis hes a mod em link w ith the
weather station and reque sts transmi ssion of the data.
Response The summaris ed data is sent to the weather data collection system
Comments Weather stations are usua lly asked to report onc e per hou r but this
frequency may dif fer from one station to the other and may be modified in
future .
Architectural design
Manages all
«subsystem» external
Interface c ommunications
Collec ts and
«subsystem» s ummaris es
Da ta collection w eather data
WeatherStation Status
thermometer Ra inGauge Anemometer
thermometer Barometer Wind Vane
Sequence models
calibration OK
startup () Waiting test () Testing
clock collection
done reportWeather ()
weather summary
Summarising complete
Object interface specification
} //WeatherStation
Design evolution
NO meter SmokeMeter
Key points