Activities & Games
Activities & Games
Activities & Games
• For this fun game you will need two chairs and buckets, a large bag
of cotton balls, a large serving spoon, a cloth or bandana to use as
a blindfold, and a stop watch or timer. Put the two buckets on the
chairs, one filled with cotton balls, about five feet apart, facing each
other. Blindfold a player, hand them the large spoon, and instruct
them to move the cotton balls from one bucket to the other. Make
sure you twirl the player around a few times before they begin. Set
the timer for a set amount of time, five minutes maximum. The
player that gets the most cotton balls in the bucket before the
timer goes off wins. If a player loses their direction, they cannot
use their hands to find the bucket. Also, if they peek or use their
hands, they are disqualified. Sometimes the player will lose
direction and begin scooping from the wrong bucket, eliciting great