Let’s Ponder:
Read and analyze the following quotes
Person’s Rights
1. Natural rights
2. Legal rights
Natural Rights – refer to rights which
are innate in the person such as the
rights to life.
Legal Rights – are rights that are base
on society’s customs and laws, and are
enacted by legislation and enforced by
a government.
Theological Views
- Defines freedom as freedom from sin
and living a life of righteousness.
Christians defines freedom in the
context of living in accordance with the
will of God.
What makes us free? How does
freedom shape our experience?
Human Agency – refers to the
capacity of a person to act and exert
control over his or her behavior.
Free will – which is the capacity to
choose from alternative courses of
action or decision
Free action – the freedom to perform
an action without any obstacles or
1. Influence in society
2. Socioeconomic situation
3. Culture
4. People
5. Community
Marxist Philosophy - believes
that society imposes certain
controls on people, and that a
person’s social group largely
influences how he think or acts.
How can we effectively exercise
freedom in our life?
Moral Responsibility – refers to
a person’s status of deserving
praise and reward, or blame and
punishment for an action.
Christian doctrine establishes that
all good, moral actions will result in
rewards such as blessing and
salvation, while evil deeds merit
punishment both in this world and in
the afterlife.
1. Which do you believe is more
important – individual freedom or
the general welfare of society?
2. In what situation can freedom be
“abused”? In those cases, would it
be acceptable to restrict those
3. How can we use our free will to
ensure that actions are morally