Mental Health and Well Being
Mental Health and Well Being
Mental Health and Well Being
and Well-being in
the Middle
and Late
A state of well-
◦ Mental health includes our
emotional, psychological, and social
well-being. It affects how we think,
feel, and act as we cope with life.
“◦ It also helps determine how we
handle stress, relate to others, and
make choices.
-US National Institute of Health
◦ State of well-being in which every
individual realizes his or her own
potential, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work
“ productively and fruitfully, and is
able to make contribution to his or
her community
-World Health Organization(WHO)
Concepts of Mental Health and Well-being
(according to WHO)
1. Subjective well-being
2. Perceived self-efficacy
3. Autonomy
4. Competence
5. Intergenerational independence
6. Self-actualization of one’s intellectual
and emotional potential
1. Subjective Well-Being