Tool Evaluation
Tool Evaluation is divided into three phases:
Requirements Gathering
Tool Selection
Compatibility issues
Tool audience
Management goals
Testing requirements
Compatibility Issues
Testing tool will need to be comatible with:
• Operating system
• Development environments
• Third party software with which product integrates
• The tool should also be version control friendly so that scripts created
can be
brought under source.
Tool Audience
The skills of people involved in test automation and that of the people who use
the automation scripts is another important criterion for the test tool evaluation
process. The benefits obtained through automation boils down to how
effectively the tool is being put to use.
Management Goals
This will be based on the product roadmap and the goal for automation from
the management perspective. Based on the product roadmap, the
management might consider reviewing the time for which the tool has been in
the market. They may also consider whether the tool will be upgraded
periodically to support newer technologies. Any management will have a
budget and will fit efforts within a given budget. So it is also important for the
management to consider the licensing and maintenance cost of a tool and the
additional hardware required for running the scripts.
• Mandatory features
• Desirable features
• Irrelevant features
Rate these features and assess as many tools as possible to prepare a short list of
a few tools. Contact the relevant vendors and possibly ask for an evaluation
version to run proof of concept (POC).