Latitude and Longitude
Latitude and Longitude
Latitude and Longitude
Latitude and
Mrs. Miles’Social
Latitude and Longitude: Your Global Address
Every location on earth has a global address. Because the address is in
numbers, people can communicate about location no matter what language
they might speak. A global address is given as two numbers called
coordinates. The two numbers are a location's latitude number and its
longitude number ("Lat/Long").
• Latitudes and Longitudes are imaginary
lines used to determine the location of a
plce on earth.
• The shape of the earth is “Geoid”.
• The location of a place on the earth can
be mentioned in terms of latitudes and
• Example : The location of NEW DELHI
is 28°N , 77°E
Latitude and
Latitude and longitude are two grid
points by which you can locate any
point of earth.
Grid Mapping
Using Lat/Long is different from using a street address. Instead of having a
specific street address, Lat/Long works with a numbered grid system, like
what you see when you look at graph paper. It has horizontal lines and
vertical lines that intersect. A location can be mapped or found on a grid
system simply by giving two numbers which are the location's horizontal and
vertical coordinates; or, to say it another way, the "intersection" where the
place is located).
A) 30 degrees N, 60 degrees W
B) 45 degrees S, 90 degrees E