Understanding Stress & Strain
Understanding Stress & Strain
Understanding Stress & Strain
Please revise common types of loading and deformation induced by them first (click here)
Why Stress? Consider the experiment below in which 3 rods of the same material are
Why Strain? extended by a force ‘P’.
Note that increasing the length (L2 > L1) increases the elongation (2 > 1), while increasing
the area (A2 > A1) decreases the elongation (3 > 1). The load-elongation (P-) curve for
each of these bodies will be different. Clearly load is not a good parameter to characterize
‘what the material experiences’. This load is borne by a larger cross-sectional area in case-3 which decreases the elongation.
If we define stress (s or ) as load/area (P/A)*, then larger the load bearing area, lower will
be the stress in the material. Stress in case-1 & 2 are the same. Stress in case-3 is lower and
hence the elongation is smaller (as compared to case-1). [ In this 1D example- i.e. elongation is along 1D].
In case-2 the elongation is more (2 > 1). As there is more material along the force.
This implies that elongation is not a good measure of ‘how the elongation feels to the
If we define strain (e or )* as change in length by original length
[(Lfinal Linitial)/Linitial] = L/L0 ,
then we will observe that strain in case-1 and case-2 is the same (i.e. 1/L1 = 2/L2).
If we plot the load-elongation (P-) curves for the samples (cases), we will have 3 plots (for
linear elastic materials these will be straight lines) .
The slope of these curves is a structure/geometry dependent property called stiffness.
If on the other hand we plot stress-strain (s-e or -) curves, we will get one master curve
and the slope of this curve will be an inherent material property the Young’s (or elastic)
Stress is the internal response of a material to externally applied loads.
• Both stress and strain are
defined at each point in the
material. In the stated
example, they are average
stress and strain.
• In general stress and strain
are second order tensors
Replot as - curve (with 9 components in 3D).
* Actually this is the definition of Engineering strain (e). But, if the strain is small e ~ (i.e. is approximately equal numerically to the true strain).
Stress and Strain
In normal life we are accustomed to loads/forces and displacements.
These are most appropriate variables when one talks about ‘point
masses’, ‘rigid bodies’ or is sitting outside a body.
Inside a body (typically a deformable body with mass and extent), one can locate other
(appropriate) ‘field variables’ to describe the state of the system. E.g. inside a
gas kept in a cylinder, instead of tracking the velocities of the molecules, A’
we come up with a field variable called pressure, which describes the
momentum transferred by these molecules per unit area per unit time
(pressure is a ‘time averaged’ macroscopic quantity).
To understand the above point let us consider the ‘pulling’ of a body in
tension (figure to right). Assume there is a weak plane (AA’), the two
sides of which can slip past one another. We note as in the graphic that
the inclined plane ‘shears’ even though we applied tensile forces. That is
the plane feels shear stresses ().
Hence, when we apply only tensile forces to the body (in the simple example
considered), ‘certain field’ develops within the body, which depending on the
orientation of the plane in the body (or a unit volume being considered) can*
undergo shear and/or dilatation.
This field is the stress field and is a second order tensor with 9
components in general in 3D (4 in 2D). * It may so happen that some planes do not feel any shear stresses
(like the horizontal and vertical planes in in figures)
Stress in 1D is defined as: Stress = Force/Area. This implies that in 1D stress is a scalar.
Clearly, this is valid in 1D only, where a even a tensor looks like a scalar!!
Similar to the stress field (which we noted to be the ‘force dependent’ term within the body), we can define a
strain field, which is a ‘displacement dependent’ term. Strain is also a 2nd order tensor with
9 components in general in 3D. Strain in 1D is: Strain = change in length/original length
(usually for small strains). Some ‘general’
In summary:
External forces and constraints give rise to a stress field within a body.
Depending on the orientation of a unit element (cube in the figure), the
cube may stretch along one or two directions and/or may shear.
Unit cube
e ss
d eve
lop We do not
We ins apply
app ide stresses
ly t he Some ‘general’
f orc bod loading
es y
Force Stress
Variables in rigid Variables in
Related variables inside the
Body Mechanics material
solid mechanics
Displacement Strain
Funda Check What can happen to a unit volume inside a body on the application of external
It is important to note that in most cases it is strain which is measured experimentally and
converted to stress via stress-strain relations involving material properties.
Some of the origins of stress and strain we have already seen in the previous slide. We consider here a
few more.
Basically, stress and strain can arise because of: (i) external loads/constraints/effects, (ii) internal
loads/constrains/effects & (iii) other stimuli (via ‘cross-coupling coefficients’).
Among external factors, heating (leading to an increased ‘T’) is an important one. Phase transformation,
which in itself can be caused by ‘T’, ‘P’, etc., is an important internal ‘effect’.
Other stimuli can also lead to stress/strain. Paramagnetic to ferromagnetic ordering (say on cooling),
can lead to strain in materials with a strong spin-lattice coupling. The strain induced by magnetization is
called magnetostriction and arises due to ‘cross-coupling’ between magnetic and strain parameters.
In inverse piezo-electric effect, application of an electric fields leads to strain/stress.
External loads/constrains/effects
* Note: only one number needed at each point. If there is a to point to point variation of temperature a set of T have to be specified for each
(x,y,z) which gives rise to the temperature field.
Funda Check What is the order of a tensor? How can we understand force and stress from this
The order of a tensor basically tells us the number of directions involved in describing the
Two types of tensors may be distinguished:
field tensors (like stress) and property tensors (like electrical conductivity).
The direction may be visualized as a vector. The direction itself may be prescribed under Cartesian, polar or other coordinate systems. The
number of basis vectors required to specify the direction will depend on the dimension the direction ‘lives’ in. In 2D we need two basis
vectors and in 3D three basis vectors.
A scalar (zeroth order tensor) has no directions involved. E.g. density ().
A vector (first order tensor) requires one direction to be specified. E.g. electric field vector
(E), magnetic field vector (H).
A second order tensor requires 2 directions to be specified. E.g. stress (ij), strain (ij),
thermal expansion coefficient (ij) .
Taking this forward, a nth order tensor requires ‘n’ directions for its specification. Examples
of higher order tensors include: piezoelectric coefficient (d ijk) and elastic constant (Eijkl).
Order of the Tensor Field Tensor Property Tensor
0 Energy (E) Density () -
Traction vector is the internal force$ vector on a cross-section divided by the cross-
section’s area. Traction has units of stress (e.g. MPa) but is a vector and not the stress
tensor. In a continuous body the tractions on the opposite internal surface cancel each
Traction and stress may vary with position, orientation and time; i.e., are field quantities
with spatial and temporal variations (next slide).
Polar vectors reflect in a mirror, axial vectors do not reflect.
* With the exception of surface stress
which acts only on the surface.
External force is also called surface
The scalar component of the normal stress is given by: T.n tractions.
Funda Check What is the difference between Traction and Stress?
Sometimes Traction is also called as the stress vector (thus adding to the confusion!).
Traction is a vector (1st order tensor), while stress is a tensor (2nd order tensor).
Traction is a measure of the ‘intensity of the force’ and is defined as the force per unit area*
(on a cut plane inside a body). Traction can act in any direction, i.e. need not be parallel to the normal.
On opposite surfaces created by the cut plane (at a point), the traction vector is equal in
magnitude (but opposite in direction). I.e. at P and P’ (in the Fig.1) the traction vectors are T & T.
The components of the Traction vector when divided by the unit area gives us the
components of the stress tensor (In Fig.2 a special case is considered for simplicity, wherein
the area normal is along ‘z’ and A is the unit area (shaded yellow)).
When the cutting procedure is carried out along the 3 orthogonal planes and we compute
the stresses acting, we get the 9 components of the stress tensor.
Note the traction
vector has been
moved to the corner
of the area (actually it
should be at P)
Fig.1 Ty
Infinitesimal area (i.e. in the limit A0) Fig.2 A
Stress is a second order tensor and best understood in terms of its effect on a unit body
(cube in 3D and square in 2D), in terms of its components.
Stresses can be Compressive, Tensile or Shear (in terms of specific components).
We may apply forces/constraints and stresses will develop within the material (including
the surface) we apply forces (or constraints) and not stresses.
The source of stress could be an external agent (forces etc.) or could be internal
(dislocations, coherent precipitates etc.) i.e. stresses can exist in a body in the absence of
external agents (residual stress).
The effect of stress at a particular point in the material is not dependent on how the stress
came about (i.e. could be external or internal factors) just the components of stress
matter in determining the response of the material.
We can have stress without strain and strain without stress (ideal circumstances)
Strain without stress heat a unconstrained body (it will expand and no
stresses will develop)
Stress without Strain heat a body constrained between rigid walls (it will
not be able to expand but stresses will develop).
In 3D if two of the three principal stresses* are equal it is called cylindrical state of stress
(1 = 2 3) and if all the principal stresses are equal, it is referred to hydrostatic state of
stress (1 = 2 = 3).
The cause behind the strains can be: stress electric field temperature change, etc.
* Will learn about this soon.
Note: We can apply forces and not stresses- stresses develop within the body
Only shear tends to change
the shape of a body without
changing its volume
In anisotropic crystals it
may do more (may even
shear the crystal)!
Anisotropic crystals
Note: we apply shear force and shear stresses
develop in the interior of the material
Funda Check How do I understand the sign of stress (if compressive or tensile)?
Let us get a physical feel for TENSILE STRESS
Pull a body of length L0 to new
length L1 and hold it at this length
Introduce a cut (crack)
in the body
That is when the constraint is removed points in the body move towards each
I.e. under tensile stress the points in a body tend to move towards one another
(while the crack faces move apart)
Page-3 This is because we have increased the interatomic distance over the equilibrium value. !***!
Alternately if the external constraint is removed points in the
body move towards each other
I.e. under tensile stress the points in the body tend to move
towards one another
Funda Check How can tensile and shear stresses arise inside a material?
Stresses of a particular type can arise inside a material by: (Case-1) Shear or tensile loading,
(Case-2) geometry of loading, (Case-3) orientation of planes within the material.
(Case-1) Shear loading leading to shear stresses (note: focus on the sponge- else it will look like case-2)
* The order of a tensor basically tells us the number of directions involved in describing the quantity. A scalar (zeroth order tensor) has no
directions involved. A vector (first order tensor) requires one direction to be specified. A second order tensor like stress, requires 2 directions
to be specified. Taking this forward, a nthth order tensor requires ‘n’ directions for its specification.
Understanding stress in terms of its components
Stress is a Second Order Tensor. (It is a symmetric tensor: ij = ji in usual materials).
It is easier to understand stress in terms of its components and the effect of the
components in causing deformations to a unit body within the material.
These components can be treated as vectors. xx xy xx xy xz
Components of a stress:
yx yy
yx yy yz
2D (plane stress) 4 components [2 (tensile) and 2 (shear)] zx zy zz
3D 9 components [3 (tensile) and 6 (shear)]
written with subscripts not equal implies (shear stress). E.g. xy xy.
First index refers to the plane and the second to the direction.
Close to 2D state of stress (plane stress) can occur in very thin bodies and 2D state of
strain (plane strain) very thick bodies. In plane stress components of stress with ‘z’
coordinates are zero.
Shear stresses are responsible for plastic deformation in metallic materials (by slip).
xx 11 x-plane, x-direction
Also written as x
xy xy 12 x-plane, y-direction
xx xy xx xy 11 12
yx yy
yx yy 21 22
x y x y
x' Cos 2 xy Sin 2
2 2
x y x y
y' Cos 2 xy Sin 2
2 2
x y
x' y' Sin 2 xy Cos 2
Points to be noted (some of these will be illustrated via figures in coming slides):
Planes of maximum/minimum normal stress () correspond to zero shear stress (xy = 0)
→ known as the principal planes. The corresponding stresses are the principal stresses
(labeled 1 and 2).
There exist planes where shear stress is zero. These planes also correspond to extremum
in normal stresses. Planes of extremum shear stress are 45 from planes of zero shear
stress (which correspond to the principal planes).
The period of the functions is 180 (as above equations are functions of Sine and Cosine
of 2) the maxima of the functions is separated from the minima by 90. This is
expected: e.g. the stress in +x (xx) is expected to be same as stress in –x (xx).
Extremum in shear stress occurs midway in angle between extrema in normal stress.
Shear stress is symmetric, i.e. xy = yx. Minimum value of shear stress = – (Maximum
value of shear stress).
max 1 x y x y
2 xy
xy Tan2 Principal plane Tan2n
min 2 2 2 x y
x y
x y 2 2
shear stress max xy Tan2 Max shear stress plane Tan2 s
2 2 xy
Tan 2 n
Tan2 s
Now we will consider special cases of importance
The simplest case can be loading in uniaxial tension.
For x and y as in the figure below only the vertical and horizontal planes feel no shear stress (every
other plane feels shear stress). This is in spite of the fact that we applied only a tensile force.
Shear stress is maximum at 45. For xx = 100MPa, |max| = 50 MPa.
Rotation of 90 implies that x goes to y and y goes to –x (which is same as x).
The principal stress is the resultant of what we applied → P x (i.e. 1 = 100 MPa).
=100 MPa 90
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
-20 q→ sX
-30 sy
-60 Note that every inclined plane feels
shear stress
If we push along one direction (say y) and pull along another direction (say x), with equal magnitude.
(Biaxial ‘push-pull’).
For x and y as in the figure below the vertical and horizontal planes feel no shear stress. The are the
principal planes and the principal stress are (trivially): 1 = 100MPa, 2 = –100MPa
Shear stress is maximum at 45 (at this angle both normal stresses are zero).
For xx = 100MPa & yy = –100MPa, |max| = 100 MPa → the shear stress equals the normal stresses in
magnitude (even though we did not apply shear forces)
This implies this ‘push-pull’ configuration gives rise to a higher value of shear stress. This aspect can be
physically visualized as well.
All stress functions ( & ) are identical and only phase shifted from each other.
= –100 MPa Load applied Body 100
=100 MPa 50
The above stress state can be 0
-10 0
thought of arising from a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
loading as in the figure to right -30
This loading is equivalent of
-60 sX
applying shear stress at planes
-70 sy
inclined at 45. sY
-90 tXY
= –50 MPa
=100 MPa
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
-70 tXY
-80 tsx+sy
-90 q→
Equi-biaxial tension (2D hydrostatic state of stress).
All planes feel equal normal stress.
There is no shear stress on any plane.
Usual materials (metallic) will not plastically deform (by slip) under this state of stress (in plane i.e.
the planes inclined in the third dimension may experience shear stress, which can lead to plastic
deformation by slip).
= 100 MPa
All planes feel equal normal stress
=100 MPa
Stress→ 50
30 sx
20 All planes feel zero shear stress
q→ ts x+s y
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Pure shear*: Only shear forces applied. (Can be considered a case for pure shear).
This leads to a stress state identical to case-2, but with phase shift of 45.
Though we applied only shear forces, normal stresses develop in all planes except the planes where
shear stresses are maximum.
Load applied
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
=100 MPa -40
-60 sX
-70 sy
Note that (xx + yy) = 0 for all -90
-100 tsx+sy
How is
is pure
pure shear
shear different
different from
from simple
simple shear
shear (click here to know more)
Hydrostatic and Deviatoric Components of Stress
(In metallic materials) Hydrostatic components of stress can cause elastic volume changes
and not plastic deformation.
Yield stress (of metals) is not dependent on the hydrostatic stress. However, fracture stress
(f) is strongly affected by hydrostatic stress.
xx xy
We understand the concept of hydrostatic and deviatoric stress in 2D first. ij
yx yy
Hydrostatic stress is the average of the two normal stresses.
( xx yy ) xx yy xx yy
m xy 0
hydrostatic 0 m yy 2 2
2 ij m
m xy m xx yy
xx yy
yx xx
Hydorstatic Part Deviatoric part 2 2
Hydrostatic part Deviatoric part
xx yy
= + xx yy
For only normal loads applied on a rectangular body (equal/zero), what is the
Funda Check increasing order in which there is a propensity to cause plastic deformation?
(Considering only in-plane stresses and plasticity by slip).
pure shear
same as
• Note if we add +ve yy to uniaxial tension
• This is 2D hydrostatic state of
stress. this is bad for plastic deformation.
• Note: slip can still take place on • Similarly in 3D triaxial (tensile) state of
the planes inclined in the 3rd stress is bad for plastic deformation.
dimension • Hence, triaxial state of stress ‘suppresses’
plastic deformation and ‘promotes’
=100 MPa
This reiterates the important point that we already know that, hydrostatic states of stress tend to
cause volume changes, while shear stress tend to cause shape changes.
Mohr’s circle representation of stress
A nice geometrical way of understanding stress is the Mohr’s circle representation of stress.
In plane stress condition (2D) the stresses can be written as:
y x y y x y y
x' x Cos 2 xy Sin 2 y' x Cos 2 xy Sin 2 x' y' x Sin 2 xy Cos 2
2 2 2 2 2
This can be rearranged as:
y x y x
x' x cos 2 xy sin 2 x' y' y sin 2 xy cos 2
2 2 2
Radius max x xy
Features of the Mohr’s circle of stress
The axes (Coordinates) are: ( x ' , x ' y ' ) . The centre of the circle is always on the x-axis.
Angle ‘’ in physical element is represented by ‘2’ on Mohr's circle. So 45 on the physical element is 90 in Mohr’s
Shear stress causing clockwise rotation in the physical element is plotted as a positive number
(above the horizontal axis).
Any point on the Mohr's circle gives the magnitude and direction of normal and shear stresses
on any plane in the physical element. The inside of the Mohr’s circle has no physical meaning (only the circumference).
Traversing along the x-axis gives the two priciple stresses: 1 & 2.
Points G, H in Fig.1 correspond to planes G and H in the physical element (Fig.2).
Mohr’s circle for various specific cases
Considering specific cases can help us understand the utility of the Mohr’s circle.
Case-1 Uniaxial tension Planes A & B are principal planes.
2 = 0.
r = (1/2)
P 0
Pij xx
0 0
P 0
Pij xx
0 0
Case-3 Equi-biaxial tension The circle collapses to a point.
(rMohr’s cicle = 0). P 0
Pij 1
2 = 2. 0 P 1
P 0
Pij 1
0 P 1
Case-5 Pure Shear The principal planes are at 45 to
the C & D planes. C & D are the
principal shear planes.
0 T1
1T 0
Generalized Plane Stress
3D state of stress
In general, a point in a body may exist in a 3D state of stress, wherein the 3 principal
stresses (1, 2, 3) are not equal. The list of possibilities in this context are:
3 unequal principal stresses (1, 2, 3) → Triaxial state of stress
2 our of the 3 principal stresses are equal (say 1, 2 = 3) → Cylindrical state of stress
All 3 principal stresses are equal (say 1 = 2 = 3) → Hydrostatic/spherical state of stress
One of the 3 principal stresses is zero (say 1, 2, 3 = 0) → Biaxial/2D state of stress
One of the 3 principal stresses is zero & the remaining two are equal to each other (say 1 = 2, 3 = 0) → 2D hydrostatic state of stress
Two of the 3 principal stresses is zero (say 1, 2 = 3 = 0) → Uniaxial state of stress.
We can start with the state of stress on an unit cube and observe the state of stress as the
orientation of the cube is changed (by rotation in 3D) or we can look at an inclined plane
with direction cosines l (=Cos), m (=Cos), n (=Cos). This is akin to the square we used in 2D and rotate it about the
Planes which experience maximum shear stress/no shear stress
Plastic deformation by slip is caused by shear stress (at the atomic level). Hence, we would
like to identify planes of maximum shear stress.
For uniaxial tension, biaxial hydrostatic tension, triaxial hydrostatic tension, etc., we try to
identify planes experiencing maximum shear stress.
= 100 MPa
Biaxial hydrostatic tension
=100 MPa Same in magnitude
=1 But yielding can =100 MPa
Uniaxial tension take place due to
planes inclined in
These planes
1 2 the third dimension
1 0 2 which fell shear
feel no stresses
shear stress These planes
(0kl) type feel maximum
shear stress
2 1 2 1
2 2
These planes
feel maximum =1
shear stress
1 2
These planes feel 2
3 0
3 1 no shear stress
2 (hk0) type 3 1 2
2 1 3
2 2
Triaxial hydrostatic tension ‘Push-pull’ normal stresses
= 1 = 3
No plane feels
any shear stress 1 1
= 1 = 2
1 2 3 0 These planes
feel shear stress
2 1
( 1 ) 2 1
3 1
2 2
Surface Stress
Surface Stress
Surface is associated with surface energy (see topic on Surface Energy and Surface
Hence a body wants to minimizes its surface area. In the process surface atoms want to
move towards each other.
The surface of a body (say a liquid) is under tensile stress (usual surfaces are under tensile stress, under
some circumstances (e.g. polar surfaces) can be under surface compression).
As the molecules of water want to come towards one another (to minimize surface area) the
stress has to be tensile.
This can also be understood by releasing a constraint as in coming slides (as before).
Consider a soap film held between fixed sliders
Micro-scale Micro-strain
Phases + Defects + Stress • Vacancies
• Dislocations
• Vacancies Defects • Voids
• Dislocations • Cracks
• Twins
• Stacking Faults Phase Transformation & reactions
• Grain Boundaries
• Voids
• Cracks Thermal origin • Mismatch in coefficient of thermal
• Thermal
Physical properties • Magnetic
• Ferroelectric
Origins/Related to
Geometrical entities
Residual stresses due to an edge
dislocation in a cylindrical crystal
+ 0.67
+ 0.33
− 0.33
Due to a dislocation Stress state (plot of y) due to a coherent -Fe precipitate
(a crystallographic defect) in a Cu–2 wt.%Fe alloy aged at 700 C for (a) 30 min. − 0.67
y − 1.00
Simulated σy contours
− 1.16
z x
Often one gets a feeling that residual stress is only harmful for a material, as it can cause
warpage of the component- this is far from true.
Residual stress can both be beneficial and deleterious to a material, depending on the
Stress corrosion cracking leading to an accelerated corrosion in the presence of internal
stresses in the component, is an example of the negative effect of residual stresses.
But, there are good numbers of examples as well to illustrate the beneficial effect of
residual stress; such as in transformation toughened zirconia (TTZ). In this system the crack
tip stresses (which are amplified over and above the far field mean applied stress) lead to
the transformation of cubic zirconia to tetragonal zirconia. The increase in volume
associated with this transformation imposes a compressive stress on the crack which retards
its propagation. This dynamic effect leads to an increased toughness in the material.
Another example would be the surface compressive stress introduced in glass to toughen it
(Surface of molten glass solidified by cold air, followed by solidification of the bulk → the
contraction of the bulk while solidification, introduces residual compressive stresses on the
surface → fracture strength can be increased 2-3 times).
Funda Check What is the difference between simple and pure shear?
Usually we apply ‘simple shear’ forces on a body. Though this is called simple shear it is clear that with
just two forces the body will not be in equilibrium (moment balance is not satisfied). This implies that
there has to be additional ‘hidden’ forces (as shown in Fig.1b). These forces ensure moment balance. To
understand this let us consider a block on a table being sheared by force ‘T’. Friction provides the
opposite force on bottom surface (T).
At the material level, pure shear can be considered as simple shear + rotation of /2 (for small shear).
Note the bottom
Simple Shear The way the diagram is drawn the body is not in equilibrium!