The Basics of Psychological First Aid (PFA)
The Basics of Psychological First Aid (PFA)
The Basics of Psychological First Aid (PFA)
Learning Outcomes
From WHO, War Trauma Foundation and World Vision International (2011),
based on Sphere (2011) & IASC MHPSS Guidelines (2007)
PFA involves…
Giving practical care and support that does not intrude
Assessing needs and concerns
Helping people access basic needs (e.g. food and water)
Comforting people and helping them to feel calm
Helping people connect to information, services and
social supports
Protecting people from further harm
PFA is not...
Something only professionals can give
Professional counselling
A clinical or psychiatric intervention (although it can be part
of good clinical care)
Psychological debriefing
Asking someone to analyse what happened to them or to
put time and events in order
Pressing people to tell you their story
Asking people details about how they feel or what happened
Common reactions of all age groups
Signs of fear that the event will take place again
What experiences do you think impact how children react?