Human Speech Producing Organs: 2.4 Kbps
Human Speech Producing Organs: 2.4 Kbps
Human Speech Producing Organs: 2.4 Kbps
The coder is a hardware circuit (chip) or software program that converts the
spoken word into digital code and vice versa.
Two types of speech coding techniques are
(a) PCM/ADPCM (16-64 kbps) and (b) Parametric coding (vocoders)…
Vocoders may be used in musical instruments, television and films, robots, or talking
Types of Vocoders (As per approach)
The two basic speech coding methods for data rates between 4.8
kbps and 16 kbps are analysis and synthesis (AaS) and analysis by
synthesis (AbS).
Voiced speech
(a) Sample (b) PSD
Unvoiced speech
(a) Sample (b) PSD
• Voiced & unvoiced sgs
• Voice sgs air pressure from the lungs forces the normally closed vocal cords to open & vibrate. Vibrational
frequencies vary from 50-400 hz and form resonance at odd hormonics. These resonance peaks are called
• Unvoiced no vibration. They appear more noiselike periodicity.
• Formant vocoders transmit formant info i.e, position of the peaks of spectral envelope instead of sending
samples of entire power spectrum signal.
• Since speech sg info contained mainly in formants, vocoder that can predict position and BW of formant can
achieve very high quality at a low rate.
• Operate at 1kbps
• Typically formant vocoder must be able to indentify at least 3 formants for representing a speech sound.
• Drawbacks:
1) lower info rate
2) greater distortion
Cepstrum Vocoder
• Its also parametric vocoder.
• Separates the excitatation and vocal tract parameters.
• Cepstrum coefficients are obtained from the inverse Fourier Transform of the log magnitude
value of soectrum produced.
• Low frequency coefficients form the vocal tract envelope
• High frequency coefficients form the excitation parameters that foem a periodic pulse train.
• Linear filtering is done to separate the coefficients.
• At receiver coefficients are fourier transformed and vocal tract impulse response is formed.
• Convolving the impulse response with synthetic excitation signal(random noise or pulse
train) , original speech is reconstructed.
• This is a form of sub band coding.
• Hybrid combination of PCM transmission for low frequency band and
channel vocoding of high frequency band.
• Designed for operation at 7.2-9.6kbps.
• Algorithm
1) Speech sample is considered as linear combination of previous samples.
2) Speech is sampled, stored and analysed. Coefficients are calculated from samples.
3) Due to long term correlation from samples voiced and unvoiced signals are accurately catogerized.
• In this vocoder articulation tract is represented as recursive digital filter whose resonance (frequency
response) gives a set of filter coefficients.
• Computation of these coefficients based on mathematical optimization procedure results in LPC model.
• Widely used in speech telephony
• Advantages:
1) Manipulation facilities
2) Narrow analogy
3) Pitch & articulation tract parameters obtained by LPC coefficients that are directly accessible, audible
voice characteristics are highly influenced.
Regular Pulse Excited LPC
Transmitter Process
Receiver Process
Processing gain
Spectral density of binary PN sequence
• Antijam characteristics
TH (a) Concept (b) Waveforms showing THSS signal formation on bit-by-bit basis (c) TH with
variable time slots (bit by bit)
• For FHSS
• For THSS
Comparison of SSM Methods
• For FHSS
• For THSS
Comparison of SSM Methods
• The use of hybrid techniques attempt to capitalize upon the advantages of
a particular method while avoiding the disadvantages.
• DS, suffers heavily from the near–far effect, which makes this technique
hard to apply to systems without the ability of power control, but its
implementation is inexpensive.
• The PN code generators are easy to implement and the spreading
operation itself can be simply performed by XOR ports.
• FH effectively suppresses the near–far effect and reduces the need for
power control. However, implementation of the (fast) hopping frequency
synthesizer required for a reasonable spreading gain is more problematic
in terms of higher silicon cost and increased power consumption.
• Selection of SFH/FFH also has its own pros and cones.
• Solutions are
• Basic Principles of Orthogonality
Two periodic signals are orthogonal when the integral of their
product over one period is equal to zero and they have an
integral number of cycles in the fundamental period; For N =
period of k samples
Subcarrier Setting—Conceptual Representation
Frequency-to-time domain
conversion (a) Orthogonal
subcarriers setting in the
frequency domain with 32 point
IFFT bin (b) Corresponding time
domain interpretations for
interval N = 32 samples (c) Plot of
four subcarriers on the same
time axis for the addition of
subcarriers in the time domain to
get the OFDM baseband
Example of Four Subcarriers with Three Symbols per
at OFDM Modulator Stage
(a) Spectrum saving
due to multicarrier
• The terms Nyquist filter and Nyquist pulse are often used to describe the
general class of filtering and pulse shaping that satisfies zero ISI at the
sampling points. Transversal Filter, raised cosine, square root raised cosine,
Gaussian, Chebyshev etc are the filters for pulse shaping to reduce ISI.
Filtering (Pulse Shaping)
• There are various filters throughout the system—in the
transmitter, channel, and receiver. Taking all these filtering
effects into one overall equivalent system transfer
• where Ht(f) characterizes the transmitting filter shaping
the pulse, Hc(f) is the filtering within the channel, and Hr(f)
is the receiving or equalizing filter. System shown in the
figure below.
Raised Cosine Filter
• Time domain response of raised cosine filter
Time Response
Chebyshev Equiripple Finite
Impulse Response Filter
A Chebyshev equiripple finite
impulse response (FIR) filter is
used for baseband filtering in
IS-95 code division multiple
access (CDMA).
Reduction of leakage to
adjacent radio frequency (RF)
channels is accomplished by
using a filter with a very
sharp shape factor using an α
value of only 0.113.
Two types of Chebyshev low-pass filters, both are based on Chebyshev polynomials.
(a) The type I filter has an all-pole transfer function, and it has an equiripple passband and a
monotonically decreasing stopband.
(b) A type II low-pass filter has both poles and zeros. Its passband is monotonically decreasing
and it has an equiripple stopband.
Window Techniques
• Windowing suppresses discontinuities and avoids the
broadening of the frequency spectrum caused by
Window Techniques
Windowing can narrow the spectrum, but it is important to remember that windowing
is really a distortion of the original signal. It adds BER in the performance but improves
spectral efficiencies at the same time. Using the windowing function in a system is a
In a SIMO channel, the concept of MRC is offered as a way to exploit the receive
diversity. The error probability achieved by MRC is to be much smaller than that
corresponding to a SISO channel.
To perform MRC, the receiver has to know the fading, or, in other words, the
receiver has to have access to the CSI. This is usually done by sending some
known signal through the channel.
Comparison of Channel
Capacities of Various Multi-
antenna Systems
• According to Shannon, the limit on the channel capacity
is given by (for SISO system)
The Rician factor is the ratio between the power of the LOS
component and the mean power of the NLOS component.
In outdoor environment LOS dominates while in indoor
environment NLOS. H is the complex channel matrix.
8.7 Channel Estimation
• In the detection part, we have two options to inverse the distortion due to channel.
We can do channel estimation followed by channel inversion or two separate tasks—
or we can do channel equalization directly based on certain criterion such as
minimum mean square error (MMSE).
• An autoregressive model specifies that the output variable depends linearly on its
own previous values or some known values.
• Channel estimation is the estimation of the channel Impulse Response (CIR) at the