MATHS Project
MATHS Project
MATHS Project
An angular unit of measure usually
is defined as an angle with a vertex
at the center of a circle and with
sides that subtend, or cut off, a
certain part of the circumference
(Fig. 2).
O r
If the subtended arc s (AB) is equal to one
fourth of the total circumference C, that is, s =
C, so that OA is perpendicular to OB, the angular
unit is a right angle. If s = yC, so that the points A,
O, and B are on a straight line, the angular unit is a
straight angle. If s = 1/360C, the angular unit is
one degree. If s = C, so that the subtended arc is
equal to the radius of the circle, the angular unit is
a radian. By equating the various values of C, it
follows that
1 straight angle = 2 right angles = 180 degrees = p
Each degree is subdivided into 60 equal parts called
minutes, and each minute is subdivided into 60
equal parts called seconds. For finer measurements,
decimal parts of a second may be used. Radian
measurements smaller than a radian are expressed
in decimals. The symbol for degree is °; for
minutes, ¶; and for seconds, '. For radian measures
either the abbreviation rad or no symbol at all may
be used. Thus
6128·42.14·· = 1.073 rad = 1.073
The angular unit radian is understood in the last
entry. (The notation 42'.14 may be used instead of
42.14' to indicate decimal parts of seconds.)
By convention, a trigonometric
angle is labeled with the Greek
letter theta (DŽ). If the angle DŽ
is given in radians, then the
formula s = rDŽ may be used to
find the length of the arc s; if
DŽ is given in degrees, then
S=r Õ
The six commonly used trigonometric functions
are defined as follows:
sin Õ = Y
Cos Õ = x
Tan Õ = y
Cot Õ = x
Sec Õ = r
Cosec Õ = r
Since x and y do not change if 2p radians are
added to the angle³that is, 360° are added³it
is clear that sin (DŽ + 2p) = sin DŽ. Similar
statements hold for the five other functions. By
definition, three of these functions are
reciprocals of the three others, that is,
c a
The numerical values of the
trigonometric functions of any angle
can be determined approximately by
drawing the angle in standard position
with a ruler, compass, and protractor;
by measuring x, y, and r; and then by
calculating the appropriate ratios.
Actually, it is necessary to calculate
the values of sin DŽ and cos DŽ only for
a few selected angles, because the
values for other angles and for the
other functions may be found by
using one or more of the
trigonometric identities that are
listed below.
Figure 5: Periodic Functions
The values of periodic trigonometric functions repeat at regular intervals. This graph
shows that tangent and cotangent functions have periods of 360° or 2p radians, while
all other trigonometric functions have periods of 180° or p radians.
The values of periodic trigonometric
functions repeat at regular intervals. This
graph shows that tangent and cotangent
functions have periods of 360° or 2p
radians, while all other trigonometric
functions have periods of 180° or p
By repeated use of one or more of the
formulas in group V, which are known as
reduction formulas, sin DŽ and cos DŽ can be
expressed for any value of DŽ, in terms of the
sine and cosine of angles between 0° and 90°.
By use of the formulas in groups I and II, the
values of tan DŽ, cot DŽ, sec DŽ, and csc DŽ may be
found from the values of sin DŽ and cos DŽ. It is
therefore sufficient to tabulate the values of
sin DŽ and cos DŽ for values of DŽ between 0° and
90°; in practice, to avoid tedious calculations,
the values of the other four functions also
have been made available in tabulations for
the same range of DŽ.
The variation of the values of the
trigonometric functions for different
angles may be represented by graphs,
as in Fig. 5. It is readily ascertained
from these curves that each of the
trigonometric functions is periodic,
that is, the value of each is repeated
at regular intervals called periods.
The period of all the functions,
except the tangent and the
cotangent, is 360°, or 2 p radians.
Tangent and cotangent have a period
of 180°, or p radians.
Many other trigonometric
identities can be derived
from the fundamental
identities. All are needed
for the applications and
further study of
The statement y is the sine of DŽ, or y = sin DŽ is
equivalent to the statement DŽ is an angle, the
sine of which is equal to y, written symbolically
as DŽ = arc sin y = sin-1y. The arc form is
preferred. The inverse functions, arc cos y, arc
tan y, arc cot y, arc sec y, arc csc y, are similarly
defined. In the statement y = sin DŽ, or DŽ = arc sin
y, a given value of y will determine infinitely
many values of DŽ. Thus, sin 30° = sin 150° = sin
(30° + 360°) = sin (150° + 360°). . .= 1/2;
therefore, if DŽ = arc sin 1/2, then DŽ = 30° +
n360° or DŽ = 150° + n360°, in which n is any
integer, positive, negative, or zero.
The value 30° is designated the basic or principal
value of arc sin 1/2. When used in this sense, the
term arc generally is written with a capital A.
Although custom is not uniform, the principal
value of Arc sin y, Arc cos y, Arc tan y, Arc cot
y, Arc sec y, or Arc cosec y commonly is defined
to be the angle between 0° and 90° if y is
positive; and, if y is negative, by the inequalities
-90 arc sin y,arc tan y 0
90 arc cos y,arc cot y 180
-180 arc sec y,arc cosec y -90
Practical applications of
trigonometry often involve
determining distances that cannot be
measured directly. Such a problem
may be solved by making the
required distance one side of a
triangle, measuring other sides or
angles of the triangle, and then
applying the formulas below.
If A, B, C are the three angles of a
triangle, and a, b, c the respective
opposite sides, it may be proved that
a/sin A=b/sin b=c/sin C (law of sines)
a² = b² + c²- 2bc cos A(law of cosines)
a-b = tan1/2(A-B) (law of tangent)
a+b tan1/2(A+B)
The cosine and tangent laws can each
be given two other forms by rotating
the letters a, b, c and A, B, C.
These three relationships can be used
to solve any triangle, that is, the
unknown sides or angles can be found
when one side and two angles, two
sides and the included angle, two
sides and an angle opposite one of
them (usually there are two triangles
in this case), or when three sides are
The history of trigonometry goes back to the
earliest recorded mathematics in Egypt and
Babylon. The Babylonians established the
measurement of angles in degrees, minutes, and
seconds. Not until the time of the Greeks,
however, did any considerable amount of
trigonometry exist. In the 2nd century BC the
astronomer Hipparchus compiled a trigonometric
table for solving triangles. Starting with 7y° and
going up to 180° by steps of 7y°, the table gave
for each angle the length of the chord
subtending that angle in a circle of a fixed
radius r. Such a table is equivalent to a sine
table. The value that Hipparchus used for r is
not certain, but 300 years later the astronomer
Ptolemy used r = 60 because the Hellenistic
Greeks had adopted the Babylonian base-60
(sexagesimal) numeration system (see
In his great astronomical handbook, The
Almagest, Ptolemy provided a table of chords for
steps of y°, from 0° to 180°, that is accurate to
1/3600 of a unit. He also explained his method
for constructing his table of chords, and in the
course of the book he gave many examples of
how to use the table to find unknown parts of
triangles from known parts. Ptolemy provided
what is now known as Menelaus's theorem for
solving spherical triangles, as well, and for
several centuries his trigonometry was the
primary introduction to the subject for any
astronomer. At perhaps the same time as
Ptolemy, however, Indian astronomers had
developed a trigonometric system based on the
sine function rather than the chord function of
the Greeks. This sine function, unlike the modern
one, was not a ratio but simply the length of the
side opposite the angle in a right triangle of
fixed hypotenuse. The Indians used various
values for the hypotenuse.
Muslim scientists also produced
tables of great precision. For
example, their tables of the sine and
tangent, constructed for steps of
1/60 of a degree, were accurate for
better than one part in 700 million.
Finally, the great astronomer Nasir
al-Din al-Tusi wrote the Book of the
Transversal Figure, which was the
first treatment of plane and spherical
trigonometry as independent
mathematical sciences.